412.A company get a 50000 dollar contact of a project, the project only cost labor and material, 问profit is larger than 15000/ 1).Labor cost is twice the cost of material 2) Profit is larger than Labor cost----she choose E,too. 我统一选E。 讨论: C 为什么是C???我觉得应该是E啊.....感觉有点莫名其妙的5.A company get a 50000 dollar contact of a project, the project only cost labor and material, 问profit is larger than 15000/ 1).Labor cost is twice the cost of material 2) Profit is larger than Labor cost----she choose E,too. 我统一选E。
50000-L-M=P ==> 50000-L-L/2=P because P>L ==>50000-L-L/2>L ==> 20000>L From 2) P>L and 20000>L We can not conclude that P>20000 But from L<20000 ==> 3/2*L<30000 (where 3/2*L= L+M) ==> - 3/2*L> -30000 ==>50000-3/2*L>50000-30000 ==> >20000 5.A company get a 50000 dollar contact of a project, the project only cost labor and material, 问profit is larger than 15000/ 1).Labor cost is twice the cost of material 2) Profit is larger than Labor cost----she choose E,too. 我统一选E。
50000-L-M=P ==> 50000-L-L/2=P because P>L ==>50000-L-L/2>L ==> 20000>L From 2) P>L and 20000>L We can not conclude that P>20000 But from L<20000 ==> 3/2*L<30000 (where 3/2*L= L+M) ==> - 3/2*L> -30000 ==>50000-3/2*L>50000-30000 ==> >20000 413. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000? 讨论: add to 2 这个思路是怎样的??不懂哦.......-----把1加到数字2,变成453*37*16,这样出来的结果会 increase less than 1000 420直线L和直线K的斜率分别是x和y,问两条直线是否平行?1)xy=1/4 2)x+y=-1 我选的是C 讨论: A 这题应该还是选C吧~~单凭A不能分别确定X.Y的值啊~----垂直的两条直线斜率相乘为-1, 这是定律来的,希望MM明白 413. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000? 这题应该还是选C吧~~单凭A不能分别确定X.Y的值啊~----垂直的两条直线斜率相乘为-1, 这是定律来的,希望MM明白 413. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000? 为什么是C???我觉得应该是E啊.....感觉有点莫名其妙的5.A company get a 50000 dollar contact of a project, the project only cost labor and material, 问profit is larger than 15000/ 1).Labor cost is twice the cost of material 2) Profit is larger than Labor cost----she choose E,too. 我统一选E。
50000-L-M=P ==> 50000-L-L/2=P because P>L ==>50000-L-L/2>L ==> 20000>L From 2) P>L and 20000>L We can not conclude that P>20000 But from L<20000 ==> 3/2*L<30000 (where 3/2*L= L+M) ==> - 3/2*L> -30000 ==>50000-3/2*L>50000-30000 ==> >20000 5.A company get a 50000 dollar contact of a project, the project only cost labor and material, 问profit is larger than 15000/ 1).Labor cost is twice the cost of material 2) Profit is larger than Labor cost----she choose E,too. 我统一选E。
50000-L-M=P ==> 50000-L-L/2=P because P>L ==>50000-L-L/2>L ==> 20000>L From 2) P>L and 20000>L We can not conclude that P>20000 But from L<20000 ==> 3/2*L<30000 (where 3/2*L= L+M) ==> - 3/2*L> -30000 ==>50000-3/2*L>50000-30000 ==> >20000 413. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000? 讨论: add to 2 这个思路是怎样的??不懂哦.......-----把1加到数字2,变成453*37*16,这样出来的结果会 increase less than 1000 420直线L和直线K的斜率分别是x和y,问两条直线是否平行?1)xy=1/4 2)x+y=-1 我选的是C 讨论: A 这题应该还是选C吧~~单凭A不能分别确定X.Y的值啊~----垂直的两条直线斜率相乘为-1, 这是定律来的,希望MM明白 413. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000? 这题应该还是选C吧~~单凭A不能分别确定X.Y的值啊~----垂直的两条直线斜率相乘为-1, 这是定律来的,希望MM明白 413. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000? 413. Given 452*37*16, add 1 to which one of the 7 integers will increase the value of the product by less than 1000? |