391 two people woring on a equation x^2+bx+c=0, the first people get two results x1= and x2=,but the numbers are not correct, they are the result for x^2+bx+d=0; the other people get two results x1= and x2=,but the numbers are not correct, they are the result for x^2+ex+c=0又能输中文了真奇怪,把两组解分别带入,求出b,c,问题问这个方程式真的解是什么
391 two people woring on a equation x^2+bx+c=0, the first people get two results x1= and x2=,but the numbers are not correct, they are the result for x^2+bx+d=0; the other people get two results x1= and x2=,but the numbers are not correct, they are the result for x^2+ex+c=0又能输中文了真奇怪,把两组解分别带入,求出b,c,问题问这个方程式真的解是什么