GWD-5-30 Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage. However, it also lowers the nutritional value of many foods. For example, irradiation destroys a significant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may contain. Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since _______.
A. many of the proponents of irradiation are food distributors who gain from food’s having a longer shelf life
B. it is clear that killing bacteria that may be present on food is not the only effect that irradiation has
C. cooking is usually the final step in preparing food for consumption, whereas irradiation serves to ensure a longer shelf life for perishable foods
D. certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B1 than carefully controlled irradiation is
E. for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process individually is compounded
1。为何说beside the point: 因为对于 irradiated food that is eaten raw。不涉及到cooking的问题,所以拿rradiation 和cooking比较是无关的
2。为何说misleading:对于不是eaten raw的食物,支持者的话让人误解为irradiation是好的,比cooking好。但因为cooking对 irradiated food that is NOT eaten raw是必须的,而irradiation只是保鲜,不是必需的,可有可无。这在情况下,本来可以不用irradiation去保鲜,但proponents提的事实却让人误解为要irradiation,因为它不必cooking差。
Irradiation支持者的论点是:Irradiation对食品营养无extra的破坏作用。文章作者是要反驳这个论点。而Irradiation支持者的论据是以下FACT:irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. 这里this respect是指destroy VB1这件事情。文章的结尾,"However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since _______.",是为了指出Irradiation支持者企图用那个FACT支持他们论点的逻辑缺陷。
排列组合一下文章提到食品处理的四种可能,然后比较各种情形下destroy VB1的程度:
1。No Irradiation + No Cooking (=eaten raw) => beside the point
2。Irradiation + Cooking
3。Irradiation only
4。Cooking only
作者承认3和4在destroy VB1上没多少差别(FACT),所以剩下1和2两项,用二分法(either...or else)逐条驳斥:
(I)说1这种情形下,the FACT is beside the point,因为如果食品生吃,the FACT与irradiation支持者的论点无关,也就是说此情形下Cooking和Irradiation破坏VB1相同的事实并不能支持他们的论点;
(II)而2这种情形下,the FACT is misleading,因为Irradiation 和 Cooking 的破坏VB1的作用是幂数增加的(即(1-x%)^n,类似于利息),而FACT则仅是Cooking only和Irradiation only的比较。Irradiation支持者举出FACT来支持他们的论点时,忽略选项E这个事实,所以misleading。
不同意C,因为it's off the topic of “this repect”: destroy VB1。
附: Longman,关于or else的解释:
or else:
b) used to say what another possibility might be