偶今天晚上因为看电视了,所以今天这套题还没分析完。。。(顺便汇报一下:CD17,超时3分,错12:SC-4,CR-3,RC-5) 这套的争议题也太多点了吧,第三篇阅读的每个选项都有争,逻辑第一个就争;语法也有一个争得厉害的,来请教一下大家的看法。 偶本来选的D,虽然也觉得for doing不好,但是实在是没看出C的那个语序来,下面关于C的解释对吗? 17. GWD-26-Q17(争议题C or D) Responding to the public’s fascination with-and sometimes undue alarm over-possible threats from asteroids, a scale developed by astronomers rates the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet may collide with Earth. A. a scale developed by astronomers rates the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet may B. a scale that astronomers have developed rates how likely it is for a particular asteroid or comet to C. astronomers have developed a scale to rate how likely a particular asteroid or comet will be to D. astronomers have developed a scale for rating the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet will E. astronomers have developed a scale that rates the likelihood of a particular asteroid or comet that may. 有争议选项C,解释为: 正常语序为a particular asteroid or comet will be likely to ... 把likely调到句前让这句子显得有点怪,其实还是见得少. 原文from New York Times: To help deal with public fascination -- and sometimes undue alarm -- about possible threats from asteroids, astronomers have adopted a scale that rates the likelihood that a particular asteroid or comet will collide with Earth.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-12 1:04:45编辑过] |