先请教prep上的一道语法和逻辑,help!! SOS!! Greatly influenced by the Protestant missionary Samuel Kirkland, the Oneida was the only one of the five-nation Iroquois League who sided with colonists during the American Revolution. A ......... B. was alone of the five-nation Iroquois League when they sided C. alone among the five nations of the Iroquois League sided D. were the only ones out of the five nations of the Iroquois League in siding E. only of the five-nation Iroquois League had sided 这道题压根看不懂在说什么?为啥选C不选A?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some airlines allegedly reduce fares on certain routes to a level at which they lose money, in order to drive competitors off those routes. However, this method of eliminating competition cannot be profitable in the long run. Once an airline successfully implements this method, any attempt to recoup the earlier losses by charging high fares on that route for an extended period would only provide competitors with better opportunity to undercut the airline's fares. Which one weakens the argument?
B Airline executives generally believe that a company once underpriced its fares to drive away competitors is very likely to do so again if new competitors emerge. D. On deciding to stop serving particular routes, most airlines shift resources to other routes rather than reduce the size of their operation. E. When airlines dramatically reduce their fares on a particular route, the total number of air passengers on that route increases greatly.
为什么答案是B? D和E 哪错了?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-12 23:34:19编辑过] |