To fanfan: 1、先谢谢你的关心,昨晚没怎么睡好,嗓子痛得厉害。今天一定要多喝水了! 2、我已经开始看数学机经了,因为我数学太差,不敢放在最后看,就每天看个十道八道的,基本上是跟随着新JJ的汇总。但是做到现在的80多道题里面,遗留了一些不太明白的。我先不提问,等着后面有人补充更详细的JJ先。呵呵! 3、关于GWD,你就认真做前面的吧,等你感觉很有把握了,再选后面的。反正我查起讨论来是费时的很,查到也不精了,所以后面这些就当是用来培养pace吧。 4、有点害怕写作,之前看过范文,现在都忘了。搞了模板觉得不好用,每天争取套一篇,可是IA的理由都想不出来!再等等频率表吧,我的情况得先看看题目,心里才有底。还要再改善模板。 5、PREP模考没数,计划是模4次,主要是为了熟悉界面,再就是做点那里面的数学题。 6、语法不要怕花时间,定下心来看,不要着急。我觉得语法和阅读都是慢攻细活,代价?反正都是学,不要在乎代价啦,都在进步嘛。 7、上面这道争议题,在丽香考试前我们曾经好一个讨论(估计翻贴子比较费劲),我把自己的小结贴给你,供你参考哈。 GWD-24-28. (争议D or E) Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay until the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package even if they find a new job before they are terminated. A. the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package. B. the last day they are scheduled to collect, workers are eligible for the automobile company’s severance package C. their last scheduled day to collect, the automobile company offers its severance package to workers. D. their last scheduled day in order to collect, the automobile company’s severance package is available to workers. E. the last day that they are scheduled to collect, the automobile company’s severance package is available to workers. 我选的E,看过讨论贴后的小结(个人倾向于选E): 1、原句所要表达的意思:A. the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package 我认为这个scheduled是分词作last day的后置定语,就是公司给员工安排的最后一个工作日,意思是“终止日期”,packages要在这一天collect. D选项中. their last scheduled day in order to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers 这里last scheduled day的意思是和原句一样的,只不过把scheduled当作形容词放在了day的前面。所以没有改变原意。有反对D的人说这里collect的发出者变成了packages,但我觉得这里发出者很明显是workers,因为:完整看这句话——require workers to stay (until their last scheduled day)( in order) to collect括号里面是可以先省掉的修饰语。 E选项中the last day that they are scheduled to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers 这里跟了一个that定语从句定这个last day,那么意思就成了他们“被安排(schedule)来collect”的最后一天了。我感觉意思不同了。 2、schedule的用法:常用被动,sth. be scheduled to…,E选项中are scheduled to collect的主语只能是packages,但they是指代workers,这样就出现了指代错误。 3、从common sense 来看,公司要求员工呆到合同的最后一天last scheduled day,然后才能领packages,这样很合情理。相反,公司要求员工呆到可以领packages的最后一天,这是怎么回事?讲不通吧?我觉得D和A的意思相通,是对的。 4、severance pay/package:money or other things that you get when you have to leave a company because your employer no longer has a job for you |