倾向于C,因为B的结构不清楚,会有歧义,而C中的have ...and have比较清楚. 不过找到个大牛的分析,说这个题不会出现在考试中------很高兴,不用讨论了. 以下引自800Bob的帖子http://www.urch.com/forums/gmat-sentence-correction/47379-wild-animals-pls-provide-explanations-3.html "That" is not only unnecessary, but wrong.
When a comparison includes "than that of" the word "that" refers to a specific noun. For example, in the following sentence:
The population of California is greater than that of New York.
..."that" stands in for "the population." The sentence can also be written:
The population of California is greater than the population of New York.
In choice C of the item under discussion:
wild animals have less total fat than that of livestock fed on grain
...what does "that" stand in for?
The problem with this item is that there is no good answer choice. What is the source? I'm sure it's not a real GMAT question.
The sentence should be something like this:
According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat from wild animals and that of meat from domesticated animals, wild animals have less total fat than do livestock fed on grain and more fat of a kind thought to be good for cardiac health. |