以下是引用melodyxu在2007-1-13 5:32:00的发言:请问Leoozop 是从哪里看出来通过biography 来写总统夫人的carrer 呢? 原文mentioned 过两个人的书: Lois的ER (这个是问题问的) 一个是Lash 的, 他的书原文才肯定说是biography 的描述啊 Even (20) Joseph Lash’s two volumes of Sympathetic biography, Eleanor and Franklin (1971) and Eleanor: The Years Alone (1972), reflected this assumption. (25) Lash’s biography revealed a Complicated woman who sought Through political activity both to flee inner misery and to promote causes in which she passionately (30) believed. (20) Joseph Lash’s two volumes of Sympathetic biography, Eleanor and Franklin (1971) and Eleanor: The Years Alone (1972), reflected this assumption. (25) Lash’s biography revealed a Complicated woman who sought Through political activity both to flee inner misery and to promote causes in which she passionately (30) believed. (20) Joseph Lash’s two volumes of Sympathetic biography, Eleanor and Franklin (1971) and Eleanor: The Years Alone (1972), reflected this assumption. (25) Lash’s biography revealed a Complicated woman who sought Through political activity both to flee inner misery and to promote causes in which she passionately (30) believed. (45) more richly detailed context. Lois Scharf’s Eleanor Roosevelt, written In 1987, depicts a generation of Privileged women Thanks to Scharf and others, Roosevelt’s activities—for exam- ple, her support both for labor laws (65) protecting women and for appoint- ments of women to high public office—have become intelligible in terms of this social context rather than as the idiosyncratic career of a famous man’s wife.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-13 16:29:43编辑过] |