以下是引用hr_lijian在2006-12-31 16:28:00的发言:这个帖子好久没更新了。 其实讨论这么一个优秀的PT MBA 还是非常有意义的。 最近对这个项目做了一些了解,有一些问题请教: 1.交换生问题 从报道来看,04/05级每年正好都有2位学生参加交流项目,在意大利/德国/荷兰/奥地利各1. 这个帖子里另外提到和哥大/LBS的交换计划. 请问:HIMBA的是和FUDAN其他MBA项目一起竞争获得交换机会的么(根据各方面的信息来看,是的)? 如果是的话,是否可以理解为如果HiMBA 愿意,且优秀的话,参加交换的人可以更多? 06级有人申请哥大/LBS的交换计划的么?现在进展如何? 2.与校友交流问题 这个班以前分General和Finance(07年开始分General和Executive),不知这两个班之间的交流多么? 而且这个项目和工商银行还有一些合作,不是很明白,怎么有点像EDP?那些从银行的同学和其他班的同学有什么交流么? 先谢谢了解这些信息的同学的分享。 I am sorry to answer the ex-change question so late. I am in grade 05 and as far as I know now, one of my classmates has been qualified for the Columbia(07) and some others have been qualified for the LBS(08, and they need to delay their graduation time). What I need to say is that you must be outstanding to be qualified. But untill now, the IMBA student can win the scholarship for the exchange and we need pay for the tuition gap between the full-time and part-time(MBA). For the grade 06 students, I think that they will get the confirm unitll grade two. In selecting students to join the HKU-London Business School and HKU-Columbia Business School programs, the first thing Dr. Chris Chan (program director) will look at is the quality of applicants (including the use of English, GMAT, previous working experiences, and course performance). There is no quota on the number of IMBA students who can join the programs. The most important criterion is the quality of students, which should be as good as the average full-time MBA students at HKU.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-21 14:19:55编辑过] |