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揽瓜阁训练营 第180天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-7-26 00:53:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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In the United States, the pet dog population has been steadily declining, leading to a shrinking market for dog food. Typically, a shrinking market would result in companies lowering their prices to compete and drive out rivals. However, in the case of the pet food market, dog food manufacturers have not only refrained from lowering prices but have instead raised them, touting the improved quality of their new products.
Which of the following, if true, best explains the dog food manufacturers' behavior in the shrinking market?
A. The recent trend among dog owners is to take pride in providing their pets with high-quality food, regardless of the cost.
B. The increased prices of dog food have created higher barriers to entry for potential competitors in the market.
C. Dog owners have begun to view their pets as status symbols, reflecting their own wealth and social standing.
D. The prices of cat food have also been fluctuating in response to changes in the pet food market.
E. Dog food manufacturers have reached a consensus that the decline in the dog population is a temporary phenomenon that will not persist.

The government is planning to introduce a new savings account scheme to encourage citizens to save more money. Under this scheme, account holders who do not withdraw their money before reaching retirement age will enjoy high interest rates. However, if they withdraw funds before retirement, the interest rates will be lower. Despite the government's efforts, an expert expresses skepticism about the success of this plan, stating that people do not trust the government's announcements because whenever there is an economic downturn, the government is likely to reduce interest rates immediately.
Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support the government's plan to encourage savings through the new account scheme?
A. A recent survey indicates that a vast majority of people have expressed their willingness to support the government's plan.
B. The government has consistently demonstrated its ability to stimulate economic growth following every economic downturn.
C. The government has been making substantial investments in foreign markets to diversify its economic portfolio.
D. Most people are unable to save enough money for retirement before reaching the age of retirement.
E. Even those who trust the government's plan are unlikely to deposit significant amounts of money into the new accounts.

The Wyndham Hotel Group, a global leader in the hospitality industry, has embarked on an audacious endeavor to solidify its position in the luxury hotel market through a multifaceted strategy encompassing strategic acquisitions, partnerships, and organic growth. With an illustrious history spanning over a century, Wyndham has cultivated a diverse portfolio of more than 9,000 properties across 80 countries, establishing itself as a preeminent force in the global hospitality landscape.

In a bid to capitalize on the burgeoning demand for luxury accommodations, Wyndham has identified several key markets with untapped potential for growth, including metropolises in Europe, Asia, and North America. Meticulous market research conducted by the company's analytics team has revealed that the luxury hotel sector in these regions is poised to experience a robust compound annual growth rate over the next decade. This growth is propelled by an amalgamation of factors, including the proliferation of affluence, evolving consumer preferences, and the ascendancy of experiential travel.

To seize this opportunity and fortify its foothold in the luxury segment, Wyndham has earmarked a significant portion of its investment budget for the acquisition and development of high-end properties in strategically significant locations. The company's acquisition strategy is predicated on identifying and procuring iconic, well-established hotels that boast strong brand recognition and a loyal customer base. By leveraging its extensive resources and expertise in hotel management, Wyndham intends to elevate the performance and profitability of these properties while preserving their unique character and rich heritage.

In parallel to its acquisition efforts, Wyndham is actively pursuing strategic partnerships with esteemed luxury hotel brands and independent properties to expand its portfolio and penetrate new markets. These collaborations will enable the company to tap into the expertise of established operators, foster synergies through the sharing of resources and best practices, and gain access to a broader customer base. A prime example of Wyndham's partnership approach is its recent alliance with a prestigious European luxury hotel chain, resulting in the co-branding of numerous properties across iconic destinations in multiple countries.

To further enhance its value proposition in the luxury segment, Wyndham is investing heavily in the refurbishment and modernization of its existing high-end properties. The company has allocated a substantial sum for capital improvements, with a laser focus on elevating the guest experience through the seamless integration of state-of-the-art technology, sustainable practices, and bespoke amenities and services. These investments are expected to bolster the competitiveness and allure of Wyndham's luxury hotels, enticing discerning travelers who seek unrivaled comfort, style, and sophistication.

Recognizing the paramount importance of customer loyalty in the luxury hotel market, Wyndham is also revamping its loyalty program, Wyndham Rewards, to offer an array of exclusive benefits and experiences for its elite members. These perks encompass complimentary room upgrades, personalized concierge services, and access to curated culinary, cultural, and wellness experiences. By cultivating a strong sense of loyalty and engagement among its high-value customers, Wyndham aims to create a sustainable competitive advantage in an increasingly saturated luxury hotel market.

However, Wyndham's ambitious foray into the luxury segment is not without its challenges. The company must contend with formidable competition from well-established luxury hotel brands that possess significant brand equity and global reach. Moreover, the substantial costs associated with acquiring, developing, and operating luxury properties may exert pressure on Wyndham's profitability in the near term. Nevertheless, the company remains undaunted, confident in its ability to surmount these obstacles by leveraging its robust financial position, seasoned management team, and proven track record of successful integrations and partnerships.

As Wyndham navigates this transformative journey to expand its presence in the luxury hotel market, it remains steadfast in its commitment to its core values of exceptional service, innovation, and responsible stewardship. By harmonizing its extensive industry expertise with an unwavering dedication to crafting unforgettable guest experiences, Wyndham is poised to emerge as a trailblazer in the global luxury hospitality arena, redefining the standards of excellence and setting new benchmarks for luxury travel in the years to come.

1. According to the passage, which of the following factors is NOT mentioned as a driver of the expected growth in demand for luxury accommodations?
A. Increasing wealth
B. Changing consumer preferences
C. Rise of experiential travel
D. Expansion of airline routes

2. What is the primary focus of Wyndham's acquisition strategy in the luxury hotel market?
A. Acquiring budget-friendly properties in emerging markets
B. Identifying and procuring iconic, well-established hotels with strong brand recognition
C. Focusing on acquiring properties in rural areas to expand its geographic reach
D. Purchasing struggling luxury hotels to renovate and rebrand them

3. According to the passage, which of the following benefits does Wyndham expect to gain from its strategic partnerships with luxury hotel brands and independent properties?
A. Access to new markets and a broader customer base
B. Opportunities to downsize its workforce and reduce operating costs
C. Ability to raise prices and increase profit margins without investing in improvements
D. Exclusive rights to use the partner brands' intellectual property and trademarks

4. How is Wyndham aiming to enhance the guest experience in its luxury hotels?
A. By reducing the number of amenities and services to streamline operations
B. Through the integration of state-of-the-art technology, sustainable practices, and bespoke amenities and services
C. By offering discounted rates and promotional packages to attract budget-conscious travelers
D. Through the elimination of loyalty programs to focus on attracting new customers

5. What is the primary objective of Wyndham's revamped loyalty program, Wyndham Rewards, in the context of its luxury hotel expansion?
A. To phase out the loyalty program and reduce the associated costs
B. To cultivate a strong sense of loyalty and engagement among its high-value customers
C. To attract more budget-conscious travelers by offering discounted room rates
D. To limit the number of elite members and reduce the cost of providing exclusive benefits

6. According to the passage, what is one of the main challenges Wyndham faces in its luxury hotel expansion?
A. Lack of experience in the hospitality industry and a limited understanding of the luxury market
B. Difficulty in attracting talented employees to work in its luxury properties
C. Competition from well-established luxury hotel brands with significant brand equity and global reach
D. Resistance from local communities and governments to the development of new luxury hotels

7. Which of the following best describes Wyndham's approach to preserving the unique character and heritage of the luxury properties it acquires?
A. Wyndham aims to completely rebrand and modernize the properties to align with its corporate identity
B. The company intends to elevate the performance and profitability of the properties while preserving their unique character and rich heritage
C. Wyndham plans to demolish the existing structures and rebuild them according to its standardized design guidelines
D. The company will focus on maximizing short-term profits by cutting costs and reducing staff at the acquired properties

8. What does the passage suggest about Wyndham's financial position and its ability to overcome the challenges associated with its luxury hotel expansion?
A. Wyndham has a weak financial position and may struggle to fund its expansion plans
B. The company's robust financial position and seasoned management team give it confidence in its ability to overcome obstacles
C. Wyndham's financial position is not discussed in the passage
D. The company's reliance on partnerships and acquisitions suggests it lacks the financial resources to expand on its own

9. According to the passage, how does Wyndham plan to redefine the standards of excellence in the luxury hotel market?
A. By focusing exclusively on cutting costs and maximizing short-term profits
B. Through its commitment to exceptional service, innovation, and responsible stewardship
C. By offering the lowest prices and most basic accommodations among luxury hotel brands
D. Through aggressive marketing campaigns and influencer partnerships to attract younger travelers

10. Which of the following best summarizes Wyndham's overall vision for its luxury hotel expansion, as described in the passage?
A. To become the largest budget-friendly hotel chain in the world by acquiring struggling luxury properties
B. To emerge as a trailblazer in the global luxury hospitality arena, redefining the standards of excellence and setting new benchmarks for luxury travel
C. To focus solely on maximizing short-term profits and shareholder value, regardless of the impact on guest experience or brand reputation
D. To abandon its luxury hotel expansion plans and focus on its core business of budget-friendly accommodations
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. B


THE honey sold in those squeezable, bear-shaped bottles is always the same golden-brown color. But the raw honey gathered by beekeepers can be as white as snow or as dark as a Budweiser bottle, and it must be blended in order to produce the consistent versions familiar to shoppers. Bees, it seems, don't concern themselves too much with the aesthetic preferences of human consumers.
But for beekeepers, honey hues are a primary concern. Paler honeys can be sold to producers at a premium, on the theory that their flavors are subtler and their tints more appealing to gourmet shoppers -- that is, those who buy their honey in glass jars rather than plastic, ursine bottles.
A classic industry tiff, then, has found the beekeeper who contends that his honey is virtually white arguing with the middleman who sniffs that it's merely a light amber.
Hanna Instruments invented the C 221 Honey Color Analyzer to end such quarrels. This laptop-sized gadget automatically grades a honey sample's color and settles once and for all whether a beekeeper's haul merits an extra few cents a pound.
Honey color assessment has typically been done with the help of a tool called a Pfund grader, a black box with a thin, see-through opening and a color chart that runs from white to brown. The sample is placed in front of the opening, and an observer matches the honey's color to a spot on the chart. The Pfund grade is determined by how many millimeters that spot deviates from the far left of the chart: zero to eight millimeters is known as "water white," 8 to 17 millimeters is "extra white," and so on. The darkest, at more than 114 millimeters to the right, is dark amber.
Any system that relies on eyeball judgments, of course, is doomed to create bickering.
"What I see and what you see might be two different things," said Michael Bogolawski, an applications engineer for Hanna, based in Woonsocket, R.I. "I might say it's this grade, and you might say, 'No, it's closer to this grade.' With this meter, we've eliminated the subjectivity."
The Hanna analyzer is similar to several of the company's other testing devices, which are used widely in the wine industry to measure pH levels and in the water industry to check for chlorine.
The honey grading machine is basically a photometer, which measures the amount of light absorbed by a substance. A tungsten lamp floods the sample with light, and a sensor measures precisely how much is reflected. The darker the honey, the fewer the rebounding photons.

The analyzer's software correlates the amount of returned light with the Pfund scale and gives a readout on a digital screen. Hanna says the analyzer's Pfund grades are accurate within two millimeters.
Though there are about 2.5 million commercial bee colonies in the nation, according to the Agriculture Department, Hanna understands that the market for its Honey Color Analyzer is somewhat narrow. Since the device made its debut in January 2004, the company's sales team has focused on attending trade shows, like the American Beekeeping Federation's annual convention, and traveling rural highways in search of professional beekeepers. Lou Niewiecki, a Hanna salesman, estimated that the company has sold "a few hundred" of the analyzers, at $500 apiece.
The Hanna machine, unfortunately, can't solve a more pressing problem in the industry: the invasion of the Varroa mite, a parasitic Asian insect that feasts on bee larvae. According to the National Honey Board, this ravenous mite has already destroyed up to 50 percent of the hives in California, the nation's largest honey producer.
If the situation persists, beekeepers may soon feel nostalgic for the days when their biggest headache was arguing over Pfund grades.

1. The passage implies that the primary reason for blending raw honey is to:
(A) Enhance the honey's flavor profile to cater to gourmet shoppers' preferences
(B) Create a consistent color that appeals to the aesthetic preferences of consumers
(C) Increase the honey's shelf life by homogenizing its composition
(D) Reduce the production costs associated with bottling and packaging
(E) Mask any potential impurities or contaminants present in the raw honey

2. Which of the following can be inferred about the relationship between honey color and flavor based on the information provided in the passage?
(A) Darker honeys have a more robust flavor profile than lighter honeys
(B) The flavor of honey is not directly related to its color
(C) Gourmet shoppers prefer the flavor of lighter-colored honeys
(D) The Pfund grader is used to assess both the color and flavor of honey
(E) The Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer can determine the flavor profile of honey based on its color

3. The author's use of the phrase "ursine bottles" in the first paragraph serves to:
(A) Highlight the inconsistency in honey color among different packaging types
(B) Suggest that the bear-shaped bottles are an outdated packaging choice
(C) Imply that the honey sold in bear-shaped bottles is of inferior quality
(D) Emphasize the whimsical nature of the packaging used for mass-market honey
(E) Contrast the packaging preferences of gourmet shoppers with those of average consumers

4. The passage suggests that the development of the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer was primarily motivated by the need to:
(A) Standardize honey color grading across the beekeeping industry
(B) Reduce the subjectivity inherent in the Pfund grader system
(C) Increase the efficiency of honey production and bottling processes
(D) Enhance the flavor profile of honey through precise color analysis
(E) Detect the presence of contaminants or impurities in raw honey

5. Based on the information provided in the passage, which of the following statements about the Pfund grader is most accurate?
(A) It is a digital device that measures the amount of light absorbed by a honey sample
(B) It requires a subjective assessment of honey color based on a standardized chart
(C) It is more accurate than the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer in determining honey color grades
(D) It is used in conjunction with the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer to assess honey quality
(E) It has been rendered obsolete by the development of the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer

6. The passage implies that the limited sales of the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer can be attributed to:
(A) The high cost of the device compared to the Pfund grader
(B) The resistance of beekeepers to adopt new technology in their industry
(C) The relatively small size of the commercial beekeeping industry
(D) The device's inability to accurately determine honey color grades
(E) The lack of awareness about the device among professional beekeepers

7. The author's mention of the Varroa mite in the final paragraph serves to:
(A) Provide an example of how technology can help address challenges in the beekeeping industry
(B) Highlight the limitations of the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer in solving industry problems
(C) Suggest that color grading disputes are a minor concern compared to the threat posed by the mite
(D) Emphasize the need for further research and development in the beekeeping industry
(E) Illustrate the potential consequences of globalization on the domestic honey industry

8. Which of the following can be inferred about the impact of the Varroa mite on the honey industry based on the information provided in the passage?
(A) The mite has led to a significant increase in the price of honey due to reduced supply
(B) The destruction of bee colonies by the mite has prompted beekeepers to prioritize honey color over other factors
(C) The mite has forced beekeepers to adopt new technologies like the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer to remain competitive
(D) The impact of the mite on the honey industry may overshadow concerns about honey color grading in the near future
(E) The mite's effects on the honey industry have been largely mitigated by the use of advanced technologies like the Hanna C 221 Honey Color Analyzer

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. D

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发表于 2024-7-26 03:25:12 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-26 04:01:44 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2024-7-26 06:57:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-26 10:26:12 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-26 10:49:14 | 只看该作者
1. 真正的原生蜂蜜是白色或黑色的 为迎合市场商家还要调色
2. 白一点的蜂蜜可以当高级货,但是原厂经常会和中间商因为蜂蜜色度的关系吵架
3. H发明了C221来解决问题
5. C221的原理是通过光的吸收来判断色调
发表于 2024-7-26 11:12:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-26 11:42:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-26 15:40:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-26 17:27:13 | 只看该作者
1honeymust be blended in order to produce the consistent versions familiar to shopper
2honey hues are a primary concern
3Hanna Instruments invented the C 221 Honey Color Analyzer
4Pfund grade的原理
5The analyzer's software correlates the amount of returned light with the Pfund scale and gives a readout on a digital screen.
6the invasion of the Varroa mite
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