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揽瓜阁训练营 第175天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-7-19 07:58:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
前大家对揽瓜阁精读的反馈很好,就想着自己的时间开始把一些精读的文章根据JJ出题目~ 然后focus上线,IR需求 大家也大。就想着 把揽瓜阁的阅读 逻辑 IR 都放在这贴里打卡


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A telecommunications company recently upgraded their equipment and noticed that more employees are wearing glasses, despite the fact that the average age of the employees has decreased. The company concluded that the new equipment is causing a decline in the employees' eyesight. Which of the following, if true, would NOT support the company's conclusion?
(A) Older employees are more likely to wear glasses than younger employees.
(B) Employees at other companies using similar equipment have a lower proportion of non-glasses wearers.
(C) Prolonged use of the new equipment requires employees to spend more time looking at screens.
(D) Watching programs on the new equipment leads to an increased likelihood of wearing glasses.
(E) Wearing glasses has become more fashionable among younger people compared to previous generations.

Red blood cells can be stored for only a few days after collection, but freezing them can extend their shelf life. Blood collection agencies have decided to send these red blood cells to a location with refrigerators and freezers that can store them for longer periods. However, due to economic reasons, the areas in need of blood have both refrigerators and freezers for storing blood, but the blood transported from local sources is primarily in refrigerated form. The blood collection agencies believe they can process these blood cells in a certain way. Which of the following options would help these agencies make a decision?
(A) Freezing red blood cells is very expensive and is only used for rare blood types.
(B) The addition of a specific substance to red blood cells can extend their storage time.
(C) The local population is eager to donate fresh blood to help those affected by the natural disaster.
(D) Refrigerated blood can typically be stored for up to one week before it expires.
(E) The natural disaster has caused a prolonged demand for blood transfusions in the affected area.


Bats are active at nights. Most of them hunt for insects by sending high pitched sounds (Sound is made by vibrating things. The faster things vibrate, the higher the pitch. The rate at which vibrations are produced is, pitch).

Bats produce sounds by their mouth or nose. When the sound waves hit an object an echo comes back. The bat’s ears have a complex set of folds that help determine the position of the object. Based on the intensity of echo, a bat can know how big an object is. A smaller object will reflect less sound waves and the echo will be small. If the object is an insect, the bat can know in which direction the insect is moving. A lower pitch echo will mean that the insect is moving away and a higher pitch will mean the opposite. This mechanism is known as echolocation. Bats navigate themselves and hunt insects by echo locating objects and prey. A wide variety of insects are eaten by bats, except Tiger moths.

Tiger moths belong to the family Arctidae. They are world wide in distributio0n. Most of them are night fliers. They derive their name from their bold contrasting coloration of gold and black, resembling the stripes of a tiger. The wings are thin and elegant, having fine scales and a span of ¾ to 3 inches. The larvae of Tiger moths, the woolly bears feed on a variety of plants and accumulate toxins in their skin. Adult moths acquire these toxins. They are therefore bad tasting insects.

The Tiger moth has survived bat predation over millions of years. The moth has a special organ called Tymbal organ on its meta thorax. This organ has thin membranes which are vibrated to produce ultrasonic sounds (high pitch sounds similar to bats that humans cannot hear).The moth has also a Tympanal organ on the thorax which functions as a hearing organ.

With this apparatus, the Tiger moth is capable of hearing bat’s sounds. It evades the bat, by a series of evasive maneuvers of loops, spirals and dives. It produces high frequency click sounds or squeaks. These sound waves perceived by the bat as multiple echoes, leave the bat confused and unable to locate or target the moth.

It was earlier believed that the Tiger moth jams the sonar system of bats by its ultrasounds. But experiments have revealed that the Tiger moth is more intent on making its presence felt by its sounds and warn the predator of its toxins and bad taste. It is more a chemical message to bats to seek their dinner somewhere else.

The aerial battles of Tiger moths and bats continue to baffle scientists.

1. The passage suggests that the primary reason for the Tiger moth's survival despite bat predation is:
(A) Its ability to produce high-frequency sounds that confuse bats
(B) The toxins accumulated in its body during the larval stage
(C) Its superior evasive maneuvers compared to other moth species
(D) The ultrasonic sounds it produces to jam the bat's sonar system
(E) A combination of evasive maneuvers, high-frequency sounds, and unpalatability

2. Which of the following can be inferred about the relationship between the Tiger moth's Tymbal and Tympanal organs?
(A) The Tymbal organ is responsible for detecting bat sounds, while the Tympanal organ produces ultrasonic sounds.
(B) The Tympanal organ is used for hearing, while the Tymbal organ produces high-frequency sounds.
(C) Both organs are used exclusively for navigating during night flights.
(D) The Tymbal organ stores toxins, and the Tympanal organ releases them when threatened.
(E) The Tympanal organ is located on the meta thorax, and the Tymbal organ is found on the thorax.

3. The passage implies that the Tiger moth's ultrasonic sounds serve as a warning to bats primarily because:
(A) The high-frequency sounds are painful to the bats' sensitive hearing.
(B) The sounds mimic the echolocation of other bat species, causing confusion.
(C) The moth's toxicity and unpalatability make it an undesirable prey for bats.
(D) The sounds disrupt the bats' ability to navigate, causing them to retreat.
(E) The sounds attract other Tiger moths, creating a confusing array of echoes for the bats.

4. Based on the information provided in the passage, which of the following statements about the echolocation mechanism in bats is most accurate?
(A) Echolocation is used exclusively for hunting insects and not for navigation.
(B) The pitch of the echo determines the size and distance of the object.
(C) Bats can only detect the presence of an object, not its specific location.
(D) Echolocation allows bats to distinguish between toxic and non-toxic insects.
(E) The intensity of the echo provides information about the object's size and the insect's movement direction.

5. The passage suggests that the recent scientific findings regarding the Tiger moth's defense mechanism against bats:
(A) Confirm the earlier belief that the moth jams the bat's sonar system
(B) Contradict the idea that the moth's ultrasonic sounds serve as a warning
(C) Provide a new understanding of the moth's use of chemical signals to deter bats
(D) Suggest that the moth's evasive maneuvers are more effective than its ultrasonic sounds
(E) Indicate that the moth's toxicity is the sole reason for its survival against bat predation

6. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the relationship between the Tiger moth's larval and adult stages?
(A) The larvae feed on a single plant species, while the adults feed on a variety of plants.
(B) The larvae are toxic due to their diet, and the adults inherit these toxins.
(C) The larvae have bold contrasting colors, while the adults have thin, elegant wings.
(D) The larvae are active during the day, while the adults are primarily night fliers.
(E) The larvae produce ultrasonic sounds, while the adults use these sounds to navigate.

7. The author's primary purpose in mentioning the Tiger moth's worldwide distribution and physical appearance is to:
(A) Emphasize the moth's adaptability to various habitats and its unique coloration
(B) Suggest that the moth's appearance is a key factor in its defense against bats
(C) Provide context for the moth's name and distinguish it from other moth species
(D) Imply that the moth's distribution is a result of its successful defense mechanisms
(E) Highlight the moth's evolutionary relationship with bats across different regions

8. The passage suggests that the Tiger moth's Tymbal organ is most similar to which of the following in bats?
(A) The mouth or nose, which produces sound waves
(B) The ears, which have a complex set of folds
(C) The wings, which have fine scales and a specific span
(D) The larval stage, which accumulates toxins
(E) The echolocation mechanism, which generates high-pitched sounds

9. Based on the information provided in the passage, which of the following can be inferred about the evolution of the Tiger moth's defense mechanisms against bats?
(A) The moth's physical appearance evolved first, followed by its ultrasonic sound production.
(B) The moth's toxicity and unpalatability evolved independently of its evasive maneuvers and sound production.
(C) The moth's evasive maneuvers and sound production evolved as a response to bat predation over millions of years.
(D) The moth's defense mechanisms evolved simultaneously with the bat's echolocation abilities.
(E) The moth's defense mechanisms have remained unchanged since the beginning of its evolutionary history.

10. The passage implies that the study of the interaction between Tiger moths and bats is significant because it:
(A) Provides insight into the complex predator-prey relationships in the natural world
(B) Confirms the long-held belief that moths are the primary prey of bats
(C) Demonstrates the superiority of chemical defenses over physical adaptations
(D) Suggests that all moth species use similar defense mechanisms against bats
(E) Highlights the importance of echolocation in the evolution of nocturnal insects


The Peking Opera, a cultural titan that has stood as a paragon of Chinese artistic excellence for over two centuries, now finds itself teetering on the brink of an existential abyss. Born in the crucible of the Qing Dynasty's waning years and forged in the fires of political upheaval and social transformation, this venerable institution has long served as a touchstone for generations of Chinese, a living embodiment of the nation's rich history, vibrant culture, and indomitable spirit. With its intricate tapestry of music, dance, and acrobatics, the Peking Opera has enthralled audiences with tales of heroism, romance, and intrigue, drawing upon the vast well of Chinese folklore and mythology to create a theatrical experience that is at once timeless and quintessentially Chinese.

However, as the tides of change have swept across the Middle Kingdom, the Peking Opera has found itself increasingly adrift in a sea of modernity, its once-unassailable position as the preeminent form of Chinese entertainment now besieged by a host of challenges and threats. The rise of new media technologies, the shifting tastes of younger generations, and the relentless march of globalization have all conspired to erode the Peking Opera's traditional base of support, leaving it struggling to maintain its relevance in a rapidly evolving cultural landscape.

At the heart of this crisis lies a profound disconnect between the Peking Opera and the realities of contemporary Chinese society. For many younger Chinese, the elaborate costumes, stylized movements, and arcane language of the Peking Opera seem like relics of a distant past, bearing little relation to their own experiences and aspirations. Raised in an era of smartphones, social media, and instant gratification, these digital natives often find the slow-moving, highly ritualized world of the Peking Opera to be utterly alien and incomprehensible. As a result, attendance at traditional performances has plummeted in recent years, with many theaters playing to half-empty houses and struggling to stay afloat financially.

Faced with this dire situation, some within the Peking Opera community have called for a radical re-imagining of the art form, arguing that only by embracing change and innovation can it hope to survive and thrive in the 21st century. These reformers, many of them young directors and performers with a keen understanding of the zeitgeist, have been experimenting with bold new styles and techniques, incorporating elements of modern dance, multimedia projection, and even virtual reality into their productions. They point to the success of recent shows that have pushed the boundaries of the Peking Opera, attracting new audiences and generating buzz on social media, as evidence that there is still a hunger for this ancient art form among China's youth.

However, these efforts have been met with fierce resistance from traditionalists who see any attempt to modernize the Peking Opera as a betrayal of its core values and a threat to its very identity. These purists argue that the essence of the Peking Opera lies in its strict adherence to time-honored forms and conventions, and that any deviation from these norms risks diluting its artistic integrity and cultural significance. They point to the example of other traditional art forms that have been lost or corrupted in the rush to adapt to changing times, and warn that the Peking Opera could suffer a similar fate if it strays too far from its roots.

At the heart of this debate lies a fundamental question about the role of tradition in a rapidly changing world. Can the Peking Opera find a way to evolve and remain relevant without losing its soul, or is it destined to become a museum piece, cherished by a dwindling few but increasingly marginalized in the larger culture? The stakes could not be higher, for the survival of one of China's most precious cultural treasures hangs in the balance.

The challenges facing the Peking Opera are starkly illustrated by recent data from the National Peking Opera Association. According to a survey conducted in 2020, only 3% of Chinese adults under the age of 30 reported having attended a Peking Opera performance in the previous year, compared to 28% of those over the age of 60. Even more alarming, the average age of Peking Opera performers has risen to 47, with many troupes struggling to attract and retain young talent. Financial data paints an equally bleak picture, with ticket sales and government subsidies both declining steadily over the past decade. In 2019, the total revenue generated by the Peking Opera industry was estimated at 1.2 billion yuan, a 20% drop from the peak of 1.5 billion yuan in 2010.

These stark figures underscore the urgency of the crisis facing the Peking Opera and the need for bold action to ensure its survival. Some have proposed a massive infusion of government funding to support traditional troupes and theaters, while others have called for a more market-driven approach that would incentivize innovation and experimentation. Still others have suggested a hybrid model that would preserve the core elements of the Peking Opera while allowing for a degree of modernization and adaptation.

Ultimately, the future of the Peking Opera will depend on its ability to navigate the treacherous waters of change while remaining true to its essential identity. It will require a delicate balance of tradition and innovation, of respect for the past and openness to the future. It will demand courage, creativity, and a willingness to take risks in the face of an uncertain and rapidly shifting landscape. But if the Peking Opera can rise to this challenge, it has the potential to not only survive but to thrive, to once again capture the hearts and minds of the Chinese people and to take its rightful place as one of the world's great cultural treasures.

As the curtain rises on this new era of the Peking Opera, one thing is clear: the stakes have never been higher, and the outcome has never been more uncertain. But for those who believe in the power of art to transcend time and space, to bridge cultures and generations, and to speak to the deepest yearnings of the human spirit, there is reason to hope that the Peking Opera will endure, and that its greatest performances are yet to come.

1. The passage suggests that the primary reason for the decline in the Peking Opera's popularity among younger generations is:
   (A) The lack of government funding for traditional troupes and theaters
   (B) The perception that the Peking Opera is outdated and disconnected from contemporary Chinese society
   (C) The high cost of attending Peking Opera performances
   (D) The increasing competition from other forms of entertainment, such as film and television
   (E) The difficulty of mastering the complex skills required to perform in the Peking Opera

2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to the Peking Opera's current existential crisis?
   (A) The rise of new media technologies
   (B) Shifting tastes among younger generations of Chinese
   (C) The impact of globalization on Chinese culture
   (D) The increasing popularity of regional opera styles from other parts of China
   (E) The financial pressures facing traditional troupes and theaters

3. The author's attitude towards the efforts of young directors and performers to modernize the Peking Opera can best be described as:
   (A) Unequivocally supportive
   (B) Cautiously optimistic
   (C) Neutral and balanced
   (D) Mildly skeptical
   (E) Openly hostile

4. The passage implies that the traditionalists who oppose modernizing the Peking Opera believe that:
   (A) The Peking Opera is no longer relevant to contemporary Chinese society
   (B) The Peking Opera must adapt to changing times in order to survive
   (C) The essence of the Peking Opera lies in its strict adherence to traditional forms and conventions
   (D) The Peking Opera should embrace new media technologies and marketing strategies
   (E) The Peking Opera should focus on attracting younger audiences at the expense of its older, more conservative fan base

5. According to the National Peking Opera Association survey, what percentage of Chinese adults under the age of 30 reported having attended a Peking Opera performance in the previous year?
   (A) 1%
   (B) 3%
   (C) 5%
   (D) 10%
   (E) 15%

6. The passage suggests that the total revenue generated by the Peking Opera industry in 2019 was:
   (A) 0.8 billion yuan
   (B) 1.0 billion yuan
   (C) 1.2 billion yuan
   (D) 1.5 billion yuan
   (E) 2.0 billion yuan

7. The author's primary purpose in writing this passage is to:
   (A) Argue for the preservation of traditional Peking Opera practices at all costs
   (B) Advocate for a complete modernization and reinvention of the Peking Opera
   (C) Examine the complex challenges facing the Peking Opera and explore potential strategies for its survival
   (D) Celebrate the Peking Opera's rich history and cultural significance
   (E) Critique the efforts of young directors and performers to modernize the Peking Opera

8. The passage suggests that the reformers who advocate for modernizing the Peking Opera believe that:
   (A) The Peking Opera is no longer relevant to contemporary Chinese society and should be allowed to die out
   (B) The Peking Opera must be completely reinvented, even if it means abandoning all traditional forms and conventions
   (C) The Peking Opera can attract new audiences and remain relevant by incorporating modern elements and techniques
   (D) The Peking Opera should focus exclusively on adapting to the tastes and preferences of younger generations
   (E) The Peking Opera must prioritize financial success over artistic integrity and cultural significance

9. Which of the following best describes the overall tone of the passage?
   (A) Hopeful and optimistic
   (B) Angry and polemical
   (C) Neutral and objective
   (D) Nostalgic and wistful
   (E) Urgent and concerned

10. Based on the information provided in the passage, which of the following statements about the future of the Peking Opera is most accurate?
    (A) The Peking Opera is likely to continue its decline and eventually disappear altogether
    (B) The Peking Opera will thrive in the coming years, thanks to the efforts of young reformers and innovators
    (C) The Peking Opera will maintain its traditional forms and conventions, but will become increasingly marginalized in Chinese society
    (D) The Peking Opera will undergo a complete reinvention, abandoning all traditional elements in favor of a wholly modern approach
    (E) The future of the Peking Opera is uncertain and will depend on its ability to balance tradition and innovation in a rapidly changing world


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发表于 2024-7-19 10:48:02 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-19 11:12:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-19 13:16:11 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-19 17:40:58 | 只看该作者
Day 175
1. E

2. A --- 正确答案B错题思考
A B 纠结
A:文中提到economic reasons,于是把经济上储存血贵不贵当作首要因素了。然而,整段话的重点是在血可以储存多久!!!所以选B

1. A --- E 读全读全!!!
2. B
3. C
4. B --- E 第二段,读准确!
5. C
6. B
7. D --- C 没读出来这个implication… 蹲一波解析
8. E --- A 第二段第一句:Bats produce sounds by their mouth or nose. 应该有做题的直觉,E一看就不对,echolocation - generates high pitched sounds - 文中没有单独提过high/low pitch,不会单独出现。
9. C
10. A

发表于 2024-7-20 02:35:18 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-21 21:38:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-22 00:02:12 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-22 00:11:43 | 只看该作者
1. P:电信公司近期给员工换了新设备,并且发现他们的员工戴眼镜的人数更多了,尽管都很年轻

2. P:红细胞采血之后只能保存几天,但冷冻可以保存更久。采血机构决定把这些红细胞送到有冰柜的地方保存更长时间。然而因为需要用血的地方都有冰柜,但是从当地运输的血液主要是冷藏形式的。
发表于 2024-7-22 00:15:48 | 只看该作者
E)按理说年轻人更容易带眼镜,但是公司老年人变多,所以理论上应该更少人带眼镜,现实是more employees are wearing glasses,补gap 读错题目

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