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揽瓜阁训练营 第172天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-7-16 08:27:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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In a certain country, the supply of dairy products consistently exceeds the demand. To support farmers, the government purchases all excess dairy products. Recently, a study recommended that people should consume fewer high-fat dairy products for better health. As a result, the demand for skim milk has increased, while the demand for butter, which is high in fat, has decreased.
Which of the following can be inferred from the information given above?
(A) The government will purchase more butter than before to support farmers.
(B) The overall demand for dairy products will decrease due to health concerns.
(C) Farmers will start producing more skim milk to meet the changing demand.
(D) The price of butter will increase as a result of decreased demand.
(E) The government's support for farmers will lead to an oversupply of skim milk.

With advancements in technology, most industries have seen an increase in production efficiency, leading to reduced costs for products and services. However, in the field of higher education, tuition fees have been growing at a rate far exceeding inflation. Some experts explain that increased efficiency in the education industry would lead to lower wages for teachers, thus affecting the quality of education. To maintain the quality of education, schools have no choice but to raise tuition fees to sustain teachers' salary levels.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the experts' explanation above?
(A) Despite the continuous rise in tuition fees, the salary growth rate of most university teachers remains lower than the inflation rate.
(B) A survey of university teachers shows that the vast majority believe their teaching efficiency and quality have not improved due to the increase in tuition fees.
(C) Compared to tuition fees, other costs of higher education, such as textbook fees and accommodation fees, are growing at a faster rate.
(D) Most economists believe that even in a deflationary environment, tuition fees for higher education will not decrease.
(E) To cope with rising tuition fees, more and more students are choosing to complete their first two years of courses at community colleges before transferring to four-year universities.


Scarcity appeals in advertising enhance value perception, which in turn impacts purchase intentions. This study suggests that the impact of perceived value on purchase intention is mediated by consumers' perceptions of personal susceptibility and the susceptibility of others. Results of an experimental study support a mediating effect where enhanced value perception leads to increases in perceived influence on self relative to others, and therefore enhances purchase intention. The results confirm the impact of perceptual biases as suggested by the "third-person effect," thus providing some interesting theoretical contributions for advertising research as well as for managerial implications.

Products that have limited availability can induce consumers to evaluate those products more favorably. As valuable products (such as tickets for concerts of famous artists) are often scarce, consumers infer that those products are valuable (Jung and Kellaris 2004). Scarcity effects on value perception have revealed broad empirical support (Lynn 1991). Marketers make frequent use of this effect and base promotional claims on the principle of scarcity, using phrases like "limit one per customer," "limited release," "only while supplies last," or "limited time only." Over the past few years, it has also become a popular practice in home-shopping television to count down the number of products to indicate that "supplies are dwindling fast." In this study, it is assumed that scarcity appeals in mass media advertising lead to a direct effect on perceived value and purchase intention, as well as an additional effect that is based on perceptions of susceptibility. Those perceptions result from the so-called third-person effect. The perceptions mediate the impact of value perception for scarcity appeals and can contribute to increased purchase intention. This study suggests that people take into consideration the perceived influence on self and the perceived influence on others; the impact of value perception increases with higher perceived influence on self relative to others.

The question arises as to what happens when items that are less desirable (due to wide availability) are advertised. Value perceptions should be lower and lead to perception of lower personal susceptibility, but to increased susceptibility of others. This, in turn, can strengthen the belief that the offer does not provide a unique value, which means that purchase intentions may decrease. There may be moderating variables that can lead to other conclusions, however. One main issue may be the cause for scarcity. Although this study was investigating the case of scarcity dependent on limited supply, scarcity can also result from high demand. In such a case, the perceived value may be lower since it would not contribute to satisfying one's need for uniqueness. This result may also depend on cultural differences, however, as the need for uniqueness can differ for individualistic and collectivistic cultures. While individualistic cultures may have a high need for uniqueness, scarcity may serve as a means to distinguish oneself from others and foster higher perceived value in cases where scarcity is based on limited supply. For collectivists, however, the perceived value may increase when scarcity is based on high demand, as it indicates high popularity, and the possession of such items would contribute to the feeling of being part of a group. In turn, the perceived influence on others may also have different impacts. High perceived influence on others relative to self for items that are scarce because of high demand would strengthen the need to be part of a group, but it would weaken the possible contribution to uniqueness. On the other hand, if items are scarce because of limited supply, they enhance uniqueness, particularly for individualistic cultures. Future research should focus on such variables that mediate or moderate the described scarcity effects that possibly play a role for the investigated perceptions of susceptibility. Besides the cause of scarcity and the impact of culture on need for uniqueness, further variables can be considered as moderators or mediators, such as individual variables (e.g., self-esteem or the confidence in one's ability to resist influence attempts, age, and education of recipients) or the way hypothetical others are defined in terms of social distance.

1. The passage suggests that the relationship between scarcity appeals and purchase intentions is:
(A) Simple and direct, with no mediating factors
(B) Mediated by perceived value and perceptions of susceptibility
(C) Moderated by the cause of scarcity, but not mediated by any factors
(D) Mediated by cultural differences, but not moderated by any factors
(E) Neither mediated nor moderated by any of the factors mentioned in the passage

2. According to the passage, which of the following is a potential moderator of the scarcity effect on value perception?
(A) The impact of perceived value on purchase intentions
(B) The use of phrases like "limit one per customer" in advertising
(C) The practice of counting down products in home-shopping television
(D) The need for uniqueness, which may differ between individualistic and collectivistic cultures
(E) The mediating effect of perceptions of susceptibility on purchase intentions

3. The passage implies that for individualistic cultures, the impact of scarcity on perceived value may be:
(A) Lower when scarcity is based on high demand
(B) Higher when scarcity is based on limited supply
(C) Unaffected by the cause of scarcity
(D) Mediated by the third-person effect
(E) Moderated by the way hypothetical others are defined in terms of social distance

4. Based on the information in the passage, which of the following can be inferred about the impact of scarcity on value perception for less desirable items?
(A) Scarcity increases value perception for less desirable items, but to a lesser extent than for highly desirable items.
(B) Scarcity has no impact on value perception for less desirable items.
(C) Scarcity may decrease value perception for less desirable items, but this effect can be moderated by other variables.
(D) The impact of scarcity on value perception for less desirable items depends solely on the cause of scarcity.
(E) The passage does not provide enough information to make an inference about the impact of scarcity on value perception for less desirable items.

5. According to the passage, high perceived influence on others relative to self for items that are scarce because of high demand would:
(A) Strengthen the need to be part of a group
(B) Weaken the possible contribution to uniqueness
(C) Have no impact on purchase intentions
(D) Both A and B
(E) Neither A nor B

6. The author suggests that future research should investigate all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) The cause of scarcity as a moderator of the scarcity effect
(B) The impact of culture on need for uniqueness as a mediator of the scarcity effect
(C) Individual variables such as self-esteem and confidence in one's ability to resist influence attempts as moderators or mediators
(D) The way hypothetical others are defined in terms of social distance as a moderator or mediator
(E) The effectiveness of scarcity appeals compared to other advertising strategies

7. The passage suggests that the third-person effect:
(A) Leads to increased susceptibility to scarcity appeals for others, but not for oneself
(B) Leads to increased susceptibility to scarcity appeals for oneself, but not for others
(C) Has no impact on susceptibility to scarcity appeals
(D) Is a direct result of the impact of scarcity on value perception
(E) Is a mediator of the impact of value perception on purchase intentions

8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the use of scarcity appeals in advertising?
(A) Scarcity appeals are more effective than appeals based on product quality.
(B) Scarcity appeals are rarely used by marketers.
(C) Scarcity appeals are only effective for highly desirable products.
(D) Scarcity appeals can enhance value perception and purchase intentions, but their effectiveness may be moderated by various factors.
(E) Scarcity appeals have a direct impact on purchase intentions, with no mediating factors.


The inexorable march of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics has permeated myriad industries, and the gastronomic realm is no exception. The advent of AI-powered culinary technology portends a seismic shift in the way we prepare, consume, and manage our sustenance. A recent study conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) revealed that a staggering 62% of consumers evince a keen interest in harnessing the power of AI-assisted kitchen appliances to facilitate healthier dietary choices.

One of the most propitious applications of AI in the culinary domain is the development of smart refrigerators. These sophisticated appliances employ an amalgamation of computer vision and machine learning algorithms to identify and monitor the contents of the refrigerator, proffering recipe suggestions based on the available ingredients and alerting users when items are nearing their expiration date. A 2020 report by Mordor Intelligence prognosticated that the global smart refrigerator market will burgeon to $8.1 billion by 2025, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2% during the forecast period.

Another area where AI is making significant strides is in the realm of personalized nutrition. By analyzing an individual's genetic data, health markers, and dietary predilections, AI algorithms can generate bespoke meal plans and recipes tailored to their idiosyncratic needs. This approach has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach nutrition, particularly for those with specific health conditions or dietary restrictions. A 2021 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association found that AI-generated personalized nutrition plans led to a 22% improvement in adherence to dietary recommendations compared to traditional one-size-fits-all approaches.

However, the integration of AI in the culinary sphere is not without its challenges. One of the primary concerns is the issue of data privacy and security. As AI-powered kitchen appliances collect copious amounts of personal data, including eating habits and health information, there is a risk of this data being compromised or misused. A 2019 survey by the Pew Research Center revealed that an astonishing 79% of Americans harbor concerns about the way companies utilize their personal data, underscoring the need for robust data protection measures in the development and deployment of AI kitchen technology.

Another challenge is the potential impact of AI on the culinary workforce. As AI-powered robots become increasingly sophisticated, there is a risk of job displacement in the food service industry. A 2018 report by the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that up to 73% of activities in the food service industry have the potential for automation, raising concerns about the future of human workers in the culinary field.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of AI in the kitchen are manifold. By leveraging the power of AI and robotics, we can create a more efficient, sustainable, and health-oriented culinary ecosystem. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be imperative to address the ethical and social implications of AI in the kitchen to ensure that its benefits are realized while minimizing potential risks. A 2020 study by the Institute for the Future (IFTF) posited that the judicious application of AI in the culinary industry could lead to a 35% reduction in food waste, a 28% decrease in energy consumption, and a 17% increase in the nutritional value of meals by 2030.

Moreover, the convergence of AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics is expected to give rise to a new paradigm of "smart kitchens" that can anticipate and cater to the specific needs and preferences of individual users. A 2021 report by Gartner predicted that by 2025, 47% of households in developed countries will have at least one smart kitchen appliance, up from just 12% in 2020. This rapid adoption of AI-powered culinary technology is expected to create a market opportunity worth $43.5 billion by 2027, according to a 2021 report by Grand View Research.

However, the widespread adoption of AI in the kitchen also raises pertinent questions about the role of human creativity and expertise in the culinary arts. While AI can optimize recipes and streamline cooking processes, it remains to be seen whether it can truly replicate the intuition, passion, and artistry that human chefs bring to the table. A 2019 survey by the Culinary Institute of America found that 92% of professional chefs believe that human creativity and expertise will remain essential in the culinary industry, even as AI becomes more prevalent.

In conclusion, the integration of AI in the kitchen represents a transformative development that promises to reshape the way we interact with food. By harnessing the power of machine learning, computer vision, and big data analytics, AI-powered culinary technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we cook, eat, and manage our dietary habits. However, as with any disruptive technology, the adoption of AI in the kitchen also presents significant challenges and ethical considerations that must be addressed to ensure its responsible and equitable deployment. As we navigate this uncharted territory, it will be crucial to strike a balance between the benefits of AI and the preservation of human creativity, expertise, and social values in the culinary realm.

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential benefit of the judicious application of AI in the culinary industry by 2030, as posited by the Institute for the Future (IFTF) study?
(A) A 35% reduction in food waste
(B) A 28% decrease in energy consumption
(C) A 17% increase in the nutritional value of meals
(D) A 25% reduction in food preparation time
(E) A 12% increase in the adoption of smart kitchen appliances

2. The passage suggests that the convergence of AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics is expected to give rise to a new paradigm of "smart kitchens." According to the Gartner report, what percentage of households in developed countries is predicted to have at least one smart kitchen appliance by 2025?
(A) 12%
(B) 17%
(C) 28%
(D) 35%
(E) 47%

3. The 2021 report by Grand View Research projects that the rapid adoption of AI-powered culinary technology will create a market opportunity worth how much by 2027?
(A) $8.1 billion
(B) $13.2 billion
(C) $28.0 billion
(D) $43.5 billion
(E) $62.0 billion

4. According to the 2019 survey by the Culinary Institute of America, what percentage of professional chefs believe that human creativity and expertise will remain essential in the culinary industry, even as AI becomes more prevalent?
(A) 12%
(B) 47%
(C) 73%
(D) 79%
(E) 92%

5. The passage implies that the widespread adoption of AI in the kitchen raises questions about the role of human creativity and expertise in the culinary arts. Which of the following best captures the author's perspective on this issue?
(A) AI will completely replace human chefs in the culinary industry.
(B) Human creativity and expertise are irrelevant in the age of AI-powered culinary technology.
(C) AI can optimize recipes and streamline cooking processes, but it remains uncertain whether it can replicate the intuition, passion, and artistry of human chefs.
(D) The adoption of AI in the kitchen will have no impact on the role of human chefs.
(E) The author does not express a clear perspective on this issue.

6. The passage mentions several challenges associated with the integration of AI in the culinary sphere. Which of the following is NOT explicitly mentioned as one of these challenges?
(A) Data privacy and security concerns
(B) The potential impact of AI on the culinary workforce and job displacement
(C) The ethical and social implications of AI in the kitchen
(D) The high cost of implementing AI-powered culinary technology
(E) The need to balance the benefits of AI with the preservation of human creativity and expertise

7. According to the passage, which of the following technologies are employed by smart refrigerators to identify and monitor the contents of the refrigerator?
(A) Computer vision and machine learning algorithms
(B) Genetic data analysis and health markers
(C) Personalized nutrition plans and dietary predilections
(D) Internet of Things (IoT) and big data analytics
(E) Automated food preparation and cooking processes

8. The 2021 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association found that AI-generated personalized nutrition plans led to a specific improvement in adherence to dietary recommendations compared to traditional one-size-fits-all approaches. What was the percentage improvement mentioned in the passage?
(A) 12%
(B) 17%
(C) 22%
(D) 28%
(E) 35%

9. The passage suggests that the rapid adoption of AI-powered culinary technology is expected to create a significant market opportunity. According to the 2021 report by Grand View Research, what is the projected value of this market opportunity by 2027?
(A) $8.1 billion
(B) $17.0 billion
(C) $28.0 billion
(D) $35.0 billion
(E) $43.5 billion

10. The author of the passage suggests that as we navigate the uncharted territory of AI integration in the kitchen, it will be crucial to strike a balance between several factors. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of these factors?
(A) The benefits of AI
(B) The preservation of human creativity in the culinary realm
(C) The preservation of human expertise in the culinary realm
(D) The preservation of social values in the culinary realm
(E) The maximization of profits for companies developing AI-powered culinary technology

1. 正确答案是(D)。文章提到IFTF的研究预测到2030年,AI在烹饪行业的明智应用可以带来食物浪费减少35%,能源消耗减少28%,以及膳食营养价值提高17%。但是,文章没有提到食物准备时间减少25%。
2. 正确答案是(E)。根据Gartner的报告,预计到2025年,发达国家47%的家庭将至少拥有一台智能厨房设备,高于2020年的12%。
3. 正确答案是(D)。根据Grand View Research的2021年报告,快速采用AI驱动的烹饪技术预计到2027年将创造价值435亿美元的市场机会。
4. 正确答案是(E)。根据美国烹饪学院2019年的调查,92%的专业厨师认为,即使AI变得更加普及,人类的创造力和专业知识在烹饪行业仍将保持必不可少。
5. 正确答案是(C)。作者暗示,虽然AI可以优化食谱和简化烹饪流程,但尚不确定它是否能真正复制人类厨师的直觉、激情和艺术性。
6. 正确答案是(D)。文章明确提到了几个与AI在烹饪领域整合相关的挑战,但没有明确提及实施AI驱动烹饪技术的高成本。
7. 正确答案是(A)。文章提到,智能冰箱采用计算机视觉和机器学习算法来识别和监控冰箱内容物。
8. 正确答案是(C)。2021年发表在《美国医学信息学协会杂志》上的研究发现,与传统的一刀切方法相比,AI生成的个性化营养计划使遵守饮食建议的比例提高了22%。
9. 正确答案是(E)。根据Grand View Research的2021年报告,预计到2027年,快速采用AI驱动的烹饪技术将创造价值435亿美元的市场机会。
10. 正确答案是(E)。作者建议,在探索AI在厨房中的整合时,关键是要在AI的好处、人类在烹饪领域的创造力和专业知识的保留以及烹饪

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发表于 2024-7-16 08:55:32 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-16 09:17:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-16 13:32:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-16 13:53:24 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-16 13:54:09 | 只看该作者
Day 172
1. A
思路:政府会购买所有的过量乳制品。黄油太肥,需求下降 --- 政府购买过量的这些黄油支持农民。
2. A思路
只有A讲的是老师的salary level
C:other cost - 范围不对
D:tuition fees 在deflation情况下学费不会降低 - 和教师工资无关
E:学生要怎么做 - 和教师薪资无关

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. E
7. B --- 正确答案 E
再回顾第二段:Third-person effect:The perceptions mediate the impact of value perception for scarcity appeals and can contribute to increased purchase intention.
和E讲的是同一回事:Is a mediator of the impact of value perception on purchase intentions
8. D

发表于 2024-7-16 18:10:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-16 22:56:17 | 只看该作者
逻辑链:奶制品供应持续远超于需求,政府购买超出奶制品。近期,人们对skim mike需求增多,对butter需求减少。问infer

P3:cultural differences对结果有不同的影响,需要去研究更多moderators或mediators的变量


发表于 2024-7-17 13:49:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-21 04:02:43 | 只看该作者
1.        CR->C❌A
(A) The government will purchase more butter than before to support farmers.不能得出,我们不知道供给端怎么变化
(B) The overall demand for dairy products will decrease due to health concerns.不能得出
(C) Farmers will start producing more skim milk to meet the changing demand. 有可能
(D) The price of butter will increase as a result of decreased demand.应该是decrease
(E) The government's support for farmers will lead to an oversupply of skim milk.有可能反思:想得太复杂

C Farmers will start producing more skim milk to meet the changing demand.很有可能会提高但是不一定
E The government's support for farmers will lead to an oversupply of skim milk目前已经是oversupply of diary,那么供给肯定会提高slim milk产量,所以也会oversupply of slim milk

2.        E❌A
(A) Despite the continuous rise in tuition fees, the salary growth rate of most university teachers remains lower than the inflation rate. 即使学费在涨,教师拿到的费用依然不高
(B) A survey of university teachers shows that the vast majority believe their teaching efficiency and quality have not improved due to the increase in tuition fees.相信和事实无关
(C) Compared to tuition fees, other costs of higher education, such as textbook fees and accommodation fees, are growing at a faster rate.没提到方案,没法评价方案是否能达成目的
(D) Most economists believe that even in a deflationary environment, tuition fees for higher education will not decrease. 没提到方案,没法评价方案是否能达成目的
(E) To cope with rising tuition fees, more and more students are choosing to complete their first two years of courses at community colleges before transferring to four-year universities.学生前两年上社区大学,其实并没有得到更高质量的教育❌学生怎么做,跟学校的教学质量无关

措施:schools have no choice but to raise tuition fees to sustain teachers' salary levels.
目的:To maintain the quality of education,

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