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揽瓜阁训练营 第167天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-7-9 08:10:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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A company developed facial recognition software that can automatically generate facial images based on eyewitness descriptions of suspects' appearances. However, in actual application, even people very familiar with the suspect find it difficult to identify the suspect through the software-generated images. Therefore, some people believe that this software has limited usefulness in actual crime solving.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
(A) The psychological state of eyewitnesses at the time of the incident affects their description of the suspect's appearance.
(B) Most eyewitnesses lack detailed observations of the suspect's facial features.
(C) People's descriptions of the appearance of relatively unfamiliar individuals are often inaccurate and lacking in detail.
(D) The clarity of the images generated by the software needs further improvement.
(E) Suspects may employ certain disguises during the crime.

Scientists discovered stones in the fossilized stomach of a herbivorous dinosaur. There are two hypotheses regarding the function of these stones: one suggests that they aided in the digestion of food, similar to the gizzard stones in modern birds; the other proposes that they provided additional mineral nutrients to supplement the dinosaur's herbivorous diet, which alone could not meet the nutritional demands of its massive body.
Which of the following, if true, would be most helpful in determining the validity of the two hypotheses?
(A) Whether similar stones are commonly found in the fossilized stomachs of other herbivorous dinosaurs.
(B) Whether the chemical composition of these stones contains specific minerals required by the dinosaur.
(C) Whether the size of these stones is sufficient to grind the plant matter in the stomach.
(D) Whether modern herbivores also ingest stones to supplement their mineral nutrient intake.
(E) Whether this dinosaur species also consumed some animal matter to supplement its nutrition.


How does the brain process information? The common answer to the question relies on the same model that engineers have used to design electrical circuits and rail networks. Just as electrons flow along wires in a circuit, the neurons in the brain relay information along structured pathways, passing messages across specific points of contact called synapses. Information can no more leave the neuronal circuitry than a train can safely leave its tracks.

But there is increasing evidence that neurons can communicate without making intimate contact. The relaying of messages across synapses may be the fastest means of processing information, but it is quite likely that information often leaves the track. Some communication in the brain might be like a radio broadcast, where signals travel through the air and can be picked up by any properly equipped receiver. This mode of communication is called volume transmission. The medium of communication is the great fluid-filled space between the cells of the brain, and the carriers of the messages are chemical and electrical signals that travel through the space and can be detected by any cell with the appropriate receptor.

Over the past several years we have developed a theory of volume transmission in the brain. It is not an alternative to the traditional view, commonly called wiring or synaptic transmission, but a complement to that established theory. Neurons clearly relay signals efficiently and quickly across synapses; the processing of the words you are reading now is undoubtedly being handled in that way. But our experiments have shown that neurons also release chemical signals into the extracellular space that are not necessarily detected by neighboring cells but by cells far away, in the same way that hormones released by a gland into the bloodstream can have effects on cells far away. These processes occur on much longer time scales than does synaptic transmission, and they probably play a distinct role, perhaps regulating or modulating the brain’s responses to synaptic signals.

1. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between volume transmission and synaptic transmission?
(A) Volume transmission is a faster means of communication than synaptic transmission.
(B) Volume transmission and synaptic transmission are mutually exclusive processes.
(C) Volume transmission is a complementary process to synaptic transmission.
(D) Volume transmission is an outdated theory replaced by synaptic transmission.
(E) Volume transmission and synaptic transmission occur on the same time scale.

2. The author mentions "electrons flow along wires in a circuit" and "a train can safely leave its tracks" to:
(A) emphasize the importance of structured pathways in neuronal communication
(B) suggest that information can leave the neuronal circuitry
(C) illustrate the concept of volume transmission
(D) compare the speed of information processing in the brain to electrical circuits and rail networks
(E) argue that the brain's communication system is more efficient than electrical circuits and rail networks

3. The passage suggests that chemical signals released by neurons into the extracellular space:
(A) are always detected by neighboring cells
(B) are the primary means of information processing in the brain
(C) travel faster than electrical signals in the brain
(D) can affect cells that are not in close proximity to the releasing neuron
(E) are not involved in the process of volume transmission

4. Which of the following can be inferred about the role of volume transmission in the brain?
(A) It is the primary mode of communication in the brain.
(B) It is responsible for the rapid processing of sensory information.
(C) It may modulate the brain's responses to synaptic signals.
(D) It is an essential component of the brain's reward system.
(E) It is not influenced by hormones released by glands.

5. The author's statement, "Information can no more leave the neuronal circuitry than a train can safely leave its tracks," is intended to:
(A) support the traditional view of neuronal communication
(B) refute the concept of volume transmission
(C) highlight the limitations of the traditional view of neuronal communication
(D) explain the role of synapses in neuronal communication
(E) compare the brain's communication system to rail networks

6. According to the passage, volume transmission differs from synaptic transmission in that:
(A) it relies on chemical signals rather than electrical signals
(B) it involves communication between neurons that are not in direct contact
(C) it is a unidirectional process, while synaptic transmission is bidirectional
(D) it is not affected by the presence of receptors on the receiving cell
(E) it is limited to specific regions of the brain, while synaptic transmission occurs throughout the brain

7. The passage suggests that the theory of volume transmission:
(A) was developed as an alternative to the theory of synaptic transmission
(B) has been extensively researched and validated by the scientific community
(C) is based on the study of hormones released by glands
(D) is a relatively new concept in the field of neuroscience
(E) explains all forms of communication in the brain

8. The author's primary purpose in the third paragraph is to:
(A) provide evidence that contradicts the traditional view of neuronal communication
(B) describe the experiments that led to the discovery of volume transmission
(C) explain how volume transmission and synaptic transmission work together in the brain
(D) compare the time scales and potential roles of volume transmission and synaptic transmission
(E) argue that volume transmission is more important than synaptic transmission in the brain

1. 答案: (C)
解析: 文章第二段提到 "It is not an alternative to the traditional view, commonly called wiring or synaptic transmission, but a complement to that established theory.",表明体积传输是对突触传输的补充,而非替代。
2. 答案: (A)
解析: 文章第一段使用电路中电子流动和火车在轨道上行驶的比喻,强调了神经元通信中结构化通路的重要性。
3. 答案: (D)
解析: 文章第三段提到 "But our experiments have shown that neurons also release chemical signals into the extracellular space that are not necessarily detected by neighboring cells but by cells far away",表明神经元释放到细胞外空间的化学信号可以影响远处的细胞,而不一定是邻近的细胞。
4. 答案: (C)
解析: 文章第三段最后一句提到 "These processes occur on much longer time scales than does synaptic transmission, and they probably play a distinct role, perhaps regulating or modulating the brain's responses to synaptic signals.",暗示体积传输可能在调节大脑对突触信号的响应中起作用。
5. 答案: (C)
解析: 作者使用 "Information can no more leave the neuronal circuitry than a train can safely leave its tracks"这一陈述,是为了强调传统神经元通信观点的局限性,即信息不能离开神经元回路。
6. 答案: (B)
解析: 文章第二段提到体积传输的特点是化学和电信号通过脑细胞之间的液体填充空间传播,暗示体积传输涉及非直接接触的神经元之间的通信。
7. 答案: (D)
解析: 文章第三段第一句 "Over the past several years we have developed a theory of volume transmission in the brain"表明体积传输理论是神经科学领域相对较新的概念。
8. 答案: (D)
解析: 第三段主要讨论了体积传输和突触传输的时间尺度差异以及体积传输的潜在作用,比较了两种传输方式的时间尺度和潜在作用。

Argentina, the second-largest country in South America, has long been a popular tourist destination, renowned for its diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history. From the bustling streets of Buenos Aires to the rugged wilderness of Patagonia, Argentina offers a wide range of attractions for visitors from around the world. In recent years, the country's tourism industry has experienced significant growth, driven by a combination of factors including favorable exchange rates, increased international exposure, and strategic investments in infrastructure and marketing.

According to data from the Argentine Ministry of Tourism, the number of international arrivals to Argentina has grown steadily over the past decade, reaching a record high of 7.4 million in 2019. This represents a 40% increase from 2010, when the country welcomed 5.3 million visitors. The United States, Brazil, and Europe are the top source markets for Argentina's tourism industry, accounting for approximately 60% of all international arrivals.

One of the key drivers of Argentina's tourism growth has been the development of its adventure tourism sector, which capitalizes on the country's diverse geography and abundance of outdoor activities. Argentina is home to a wide range of natural attractions, from the towering peaks of the Andes Mountains to the expansive grasslands of the Pampas. The country boasts over 30 national parks, covering an area of more than 4 million hectares, which offer visitors the opportunity to experience some of the most pristine and breathtaking landscapes in the world.

In Patagonia, located in the southern region of Argentina, tourists can explore glaciers, fjords, and alpine forests, while also engaging in activities such as hiking, skiing, and wildlife watching. The region is home to several iconic destinations, including Los Glaciares National Park, which features the Perito Moreno Glacier, one of the few advancing glaciers in the world, and Torres del Paine National Park, known for its soaring granite peaks and turquoise lakes.

In the north of Argentina, the Iguazu Falls, located on the border with Brazil, attract millions of visitors each year. The falls, which consist of over 270 individual cascades, are considered one of the world's most spectacular natural wonders. Visitors can explore the falls through a network of walkways and trails, as well as by boat or helicopter.

Adventure tourism has become an increasingly important segment of Argentina's tourism industry, accounting for an estimated 30% of all international arrivals. According to a report by the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), the market value of adventure tourism in Argentina reached $1.2 billion in 2019, representing a 15% increase from the previous year. The growth of adventure tourism has had a significant impact on local economies, particularly in rural and remote areas, where it has created new opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.

However, the rapid growth of Argentina's tourism industry has also raised concerns about its environmental and social impacts. Many of the country's most popular destinations are located in ecologically sensitive areas that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, overuse, and pollution. The influx of tourists has put pressure on local infrastructure and resources, leading to issues such as overcrowding, waste management, and cultural commodification.

To address these challenges, the Argentine government has implemented a series of policies and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable tourism practices. In 2018, the Ministry of Tourism launched the "Argentina Sustainable Tourism" program, which provides incentives and support for tourism businesses that adopt environmentally friendly practices, such as reducing their carbon footprint, conserving water and energy, and supporting local communities. The program has set a target of certifying 500 tourism businesses by 2023, representing approximately 10% of the industry.

In addition to government efforts, private sector stakeholders have also taken steps to promote sustainable tourism in Argentina. In 2019, a group of leading tour operators and travel agencies formed the "Argentine Sustainable Tourism Alliance" (ASTA), with the goal of sharing best practices and collaborating on sustainability initiatives. ASTA members have committed to reducing their environmental impact, supporting local economies, and promoting responsible travel behavior among their clients.

One example of a successful sustainable tourism initiative in Argentina is the "Esteros del Iberá" project, located in the northeastern province of Corrientes. The project, which was launched in 2018 with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), aims to promote eco-tourism and sustainable development in the Iberá Wetlands, one of the largest freshwater wetlands in South America. The project has involved the creation of a 700,000-hectare protected area, as well as the development of eco-lodges, guided tours, and educational programs that highlight the region's unique biodiversity and cultural heritage.

Another example is the "Ruta de los Siete Lagos" (Route of the Seven Lakes) in the northern Patagonian province of Neuquén. This scenic route, which winds through a series of stunning glacial lakes and mountain ranges, has been developed as a model for sustainable tourism, with a focus on preserving the natural environment and supporting local communities. The route features a network of eco-lodges, hiking and biking trails, and cultural attractions that showcase the region's indigenous heritage and traditional way of life.

Despite these initiatives, critics argue that more needs to be done to ensure the long-term sustainability of Argentina's tourism industry. They point to the need for stronger regulations and enforcement mechanisms, particularly in areas such as waste management, water conservation, and wildlife protection. Some have also called for greater investment in infrastructure and community development projects, to ensure that the benefits of tourism are distributed more equitably among local populations.

Another challenge facing Argentina's tourism industry is the impact of global economic and political instability. In recent years, the country has experienced a series of economic crises, including high inflation, currency devaluation, and rising unemployment. These factors have made it more difficult for Argentines to travel abroad, while also making the country less attractive to international visitors. Political instability, both in Argentina and in neighboring countries such as Brazil and Chile, has also had a negative impact on tourism, with some travelers choosing to avoid the region due to safety concerns.

To address these challenges, the Argentine government has implemented a series of measures aimed at promoting economic stability and attracting foreign investment. In 2019, the government launched the "Argentina Tourism Investment" program, which provides tax incentives and other benefits to international companies that invest in the country's tourism sector. The program has already attracted significant interest from major hotel chains and tour operators, with several new projects announced in recent months.

Looking to the future, Argentina's tourism industry has significant potential for growth and development, particularly in niche markets such as eco-tourism, adventure tourism, and cultural tourism. However, realizing this potential will require a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including government, private sector, and civil society organizations. It will also require a willingness to embrace new technologies and business models, such as digital marketing, mobile booking platforms, and sustainable tourism certification schemes.

Ultimately, the success of Argentina's tourism industry will depend on its ability to balance economic growth with environmental and social responsibility. By prioritizing sustainable tourism practices, investing in local communities, and promoting responsible travel behavior, Argentina can create a thriving and resilient tourism economy that benefits both visitors and residents alike. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, inequality, and global health crises, the importance of sustainable tourism as a driver of economic and social development will only continue to grow.

1. According to the passage, which of the following countries is NOT mentioned as one of the top source markets for Argentina's tourism industry?
A. United States
B. Brazil
C. Canada
D. European countries
E. The passage does not mention any specific European countries.

2. The passage suggests that the development of adventure tourism in Argentina has had a significant impact on:
A. the country's overall economic growth
B. the preservation of its natural resources
C. local economies in rural and remote areas
D. the promotion of cultural heritage sites
E. the development of urban infrastructure

3. According to the passage, the "Argentina Sustainable Tourism" program launched by the Ministry of Tourism in 2018 aims to:
A. certify all tourism businesses in the country by 2023
B. reduce the carbon footprint of the tourism industry by 50%
C. create 500 new jobs in the tourism sector
D. provide incentives for tourism businesses that adopt environmentally friendly practices
E. attract 10 million international visitors per year by 2023

4. The passage mentions the "Esteros del Iberá" project as an example of:
A. a successful sustainable tourism initiative in Argentina
B. the negative impact of tourism on ecologically sensitive areas
C. the challenges faced by the Argentine government in regulating the tourism industry
D. the potential for tourism to promote economic growth in urban areas
E. the importance of digital marketing in attracting international visitors

5. According to the passage, which of the following factors has had a negative impact on Argentina's tourism industry in recent years?
A. The development of adventure tourism in remote areas
B. The implementation of sustainable tourism practices
C. The formation of the Argentine Sustainable Tourism Alliance
D. Global economic and political instability
E. The launch of the "Argentina Tourism Investment" program

6. The passage suggests that which of the following factors can influence tourists' decision to visit Argentina?
A. Media coverage of the country
B. Cultural differences between Argentina and tourists' home countries
C. Economic and political instability
D. Visa policies and entry requirements
E. All of the above

7. According to the passage, the "Argentina Tourism Investment" program launched by the government in 2019 aims to:
A. promote economic stability and attract foreign investment
B. provide tax incentives and benefits to domestic tourism companies
C. attract 10 million international visitors per year by 2023
D. promote economic stability and attract foreign investment in the tourism sector
E. reduce the impact of currency devaluation on the tourism industry

8. The passage suggests that the success of Argentina's tourism industry will require:
A. the efforts of the government alone
B. a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including government, private sector, and civil society organizations
C. the adoption of new technologies and business models by tourism companies
D. a focus on traditional mass tourism markets rather than niche markets
E. the prioritization of economic growth over environmental and social responsibility

9. The passage mentions all of the following as potential growth areas for Argentina's tourism industry EXCEPT:
A. eco-tourism
B. adventure tourism
C. cultural tourism
D. medical tourism
E. educational tourism

10. The author's attitude towards the future of Argentina's tourism industry can best be described as:
A. highly optimistic
B. cautiously optimistic
C. neutral
D. emphasizing the importance of sustainable tourism practices
E. pessimistic


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发表于 2024-7-9 10:56:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-9 12:04:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-9 13:13:01 | 只看该作者
1. E
2. A

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. B
发表于 2024-7-9 13:27:44 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-9 16:25:38 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-9 17:28:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-10 10:32:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-10 10:59:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-13 04:18:53 | 只看该作者
P:even people very familiar with the suspect find it difficult to identify the suspect through the software-generated images
C:limited usefulness in actual crime solving
通过一点推断limited usefulness in actual crime solving,prethinking有无其他用处削弱
(E) Suspects may employ certain disguises during the crime.->解释不是软件不准确,而是嫌疑人会伪装自己,所以软件可能还是有用的
分析C比E优的原因: C)人们描述不准确->软件不好

(B) Whether the chemical composition of these stones contains specific minerals required by the dinosaur.->有关,if not 排除观点2
(C) Whether the size of these stones is sufficient to grind the plant matter in the stomach.->感觉有关,if not似乎可以排除观点1

分析C比B优的原因: C)涉及了食草类恐龙

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