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揽瓜阁训练营 第164天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-7-4 08:37:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Scientists recently determined that the wood used to construct a house in Town B dates back 800 years. The scientists' dating method has a margin of error of only 50 years. This makes the house in Town B older than a house in Town K, which was previously thought to be the oldest after being dated at 700 years old.
Which of the following is an assumption underlying the scientists' conclusion?
(A) The wood used to build the house in Town B was not stored for an extended period after the trees were felled.
(B) The dating method used for the house in Town K is less accurate than the method used for the house in Town B.
(C) No other houses in the region are as old as the house in Town B.
(D) The wood used to construct the house in Town B came from the same forest as the wood used for the house in Town K.
(E) Houses built 800 years ago typically used freshly felled timber rather than wood that had been stored or seasoned.

According to a recent survey, many consumers do not trust celebrity endorsements in advertisements because they do not believe that the celebrities actually use the endorsed products. A scholar cites this as evidence that people have become more skeptical about advertisements compared to the past.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the scholar's argument?
(A) In the past, advertisements were designed to make people believe that celebrities used the endorsed products, but nowadays, advertisements are no longer designed with this intent.
(B) Consumers rarely pay attention to advertisements in general, but they do notice advertisements featuring celebrity endorsements.
(C) When a celebrity endorses a particular product, they often refuse to use competing products.
(D) Surveys indicate that celebrity endorsements still attract people's attention to the advertised products.
(E) Consumers today are less likely to believe advertisements they see in newspapers, hear on the radio, or watch on television compared to the past.


Until the 1980s, most scientists believed that no catastrophic geological processes caused the extinction of dinosaurs that occurred approximately 66 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period. Geologists argued that a dramatic drop in sea level coincided with the extinction of the dinosaurs and could have caused the climatic changes that resulted in this extinction as well as the extinction of many ocean species.

This view was seriously challenged in the 1980s by the discovery of large amounts of iridium in a layer of clay deposited at the end of the Cretaceous period. Because iridium is extremely rare in rocks on the Earth’s surface but common in meteorites, researchers theorized that it was the impact of a large meteorite that dramatically changed the earth’s climate and thus triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Currently available evidence, however, offers more support for a new theory, the volcanic-eruption theory. A vast eruption of lava in India coincided with the extinctions that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period, and the release of carbon dioxide from this episode of volcanism could have caused the climatic change responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs. Such outpourings of lava are caused by instability in the lowest layer of the Earth’s mantle, located just above the Earth’s core. As the rock that constitutes this layer is heated by the Earth’s core, it becomes less dense and portions of it eventually escape upward as blobs or molten rock, called “diapirs,” that can, under certain circumstances, erupt violently through the Earth’s crust.

Moreover, the volcanic-eruption theory, like the impact theory, accounts for the presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits; it also explains matters that the meteorite-impact theory does not. Although iridium is extremely rare on the Earth’s surface, the lower regions of the Earth’s mantle have roughly the same composition as meteorites and contain large amounts of iridium, which in the case of a diapir eruption would probably be emitted as iridium hexafluoride, a gas that would disperse more uniformly in the atmosphere than the iridium-containing matter thrown out from a meteorite impact. In addition, the volcanic-eruption theory may explain why the end of the Cretaceous period was marked by a gradual change in sea level. Fossil records indicate that for several hundred thousand years prior to the relatively sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs, the level of the sea gradually fell, causing many marine organisms to die out. This change in sea level might well have been the result of a distortion in the Earth’s surface that resulted from the movement of diapirs upward toward the Earth’s crust, and the more cataclysmic extinction of the dinosaurs could have resulted from the explosive volcanism that occurred as material from the diapirs erupted onto the Earth’s surface.

1. The author's stance on the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs can best be described as
(A) firmly advocating for the volcanic-eruption theory over the meteorite-impact theory
(B) suggesting that the volcanic-eruption theory is more plausible than the meteorite-impact theory based on currently available evidence
(C) arguing that the meteorite-impact theory and the volcanic-eruption theory are equally supported by the evidence
(D) implying that neither the volcanic-eruption theory nor the meteorite-impact theory can fully account for the extinction of the dinosaurs
(E) maintaining that the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs remains uncertain despite recent scientific discoveries

2. The passage suggests that the volcanic-eruption theory, unlike the meteorite-impact theory, provides a plausible explanation for which of the following phenomena that coincided with the extinction of the dinosaurs?
(A) The presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits and the distortion in the Earth's surface
(B) The gradual change in sea level and the extinction of many ocean species
(C) The sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs and the presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits
(D) The gradual change in sea level and the presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits
(E) The distortion in the Earth's surface and the extinction of many ocean species

3. According to the passage, the movement of diapirs upward toward the Earth's crust could have resulted in all of the following EXCEPT
(A) a gradual change in sea level prior to the extinction of the dinosaurs
(B) a distortion in the Earth's surface
(C) the explosive volcanism that occurred as material from the diapirs erupted onto the Earth's surface
(D) the release of carbon dioxide that could have caused climatic change
(E) the dispersal of iridium hexafluoride in the atmosphere

4. The passage implies that the lower regions of the Earth's mantle and meteorites have which of the following in common?
(A) They both contain large amounts of iridium.
(B) They are both less dense than the rock that constitutes the Earth's core.
(C) They are both more likely to escape upward as diapirs than the rock in higher layers of the Earth's mantle.
(D) They both have the potential to cause climatic changes when they erupt or impact the Earth's surface.
(E) They both played a role in the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period.

5. The author's argument in favor of the volcanic-eruption theory over the meteorite-impact theory relies most heavily on which of the following assumptions?
(A) The iridium found in sedimentary deposits at the end of the Cretaceous period was more likely to have been emitted from a diapir eruption than from a meteorite impact.
(B) The climatic changes that resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs were more likely to have been caused by the release of carbon dioxide from a vast eruption of lava than by the impact of a large meteorite.
(C) The gradual change in sea level prior to the extinction of the dinosaurs is more consistent with the volcanic-eruption theory than with the meteorite-impact theory.
(D) The distortion in the Earth's surface that resulted from the movement of diapirs is more likely to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs than the impact of a large meteorite.
(E) The explosive volcanism that occurred as material from the diapirs erupted onto the Earth's surface is more likely to have caused the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs than the impact of a large meteorite.

6. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) present evidence supporting the theory that a meteorite impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs
(B) argue that the volcanic-eruption theory is a more plausible explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs than the meteorite-impact theory
(C) describe the process by which diapirs form and erupt onto the Earth's surface
(D) explain how the discovery of iridium in sedimentary deposits challenged the prevailing view of the extinction of the dinosaurs
(E) compare and contrast the volcanic-eruption theory and the meteorite-impact theory as explanations for the extinction of the dinosaurs

7. According to the passage, which of the following statements about the dispersal of iridium in the atmosphere is true?
(A) Iridium from a meteorite impact would disperse more uniformly in the atmosphere than iridium from a diapir eruption.
(B) Iridium from a diapir eruption would disperse more uniformly in the atmosphere than iridium from a meteorite impact.
(C) Iridium from a meteorite impact and iridium from a diapir eruption would disperse in the atmosphere in a similar manner.
(D) Iridium from a meteorite impact would be more concentrated in the atmosphere than iridium from a diapir eruption.
(E) Iridium from a diapir eruption would be more concentrated in the atmosphere than iridium from a meteorite impact.

8. The passage suggests that the distortion in the Earth's surface that resulted from the movement of diapirs upward toward the Earth's crust could have caused which of the following?
(A) The gradual change in sea level that caused many marine organisms to die out
(B) The release of carbon dioxide that could have caused climatic change
(C) The explosive volcanism that occurred as material from the diapirs erupted onto the Earth's surface
(D) The dispersal of iridium hexafluoride in the atmosphere
(E) The impact of a large meteorite on the Earth's surface

9. The author's argument that the volcanic-eruption theory may explain the gradual change in sea level prior to the extinction of the dinosaurs relies on which of the following assumptions?
(A) The gradual change in sea level was caused by the same factors that caused the extinction of many ocean species.
(B) The gradual change in sea level was a direct result of the explosive volcanism that occurred as material from the diapirs erupted onto the Earth's surface.
(C) The gradual change in sea level was a byproduct of the climatic changes caused by the release of carbon dioxide from a vast eruption of lava.
(D) The movement of diapirs upward toward the Earth's crust could have caused a distortion in the Earth's surface that resulted in a gradual change in sea level.
(E) The gradual change in sea level was a more significant factor in the extinction of the dinosaurs than the sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs.

10. The passage suggests that, compared to the prevailing view held by most scientists before the 1980s, the volcanic-eruption theory provides a more comprehensive explanation for which of the following?
(A) The extinction of the dinosaurs and the presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits
(B) The extinction of the dinosaurs and the gradual change in sea level prior to their extinction
(C) The extinction of the dinosaurs and the extinction of many ocean species
(D) The presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits and the gradual change in sea level prior to the extinction of the dinosaurs
(E) The presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits and the extinction of many ocean species

1. B
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. B


The Italian luxury industry, a bastion of unparalleled craftsmanship and iconic brands, has undergone a profound metamorphosis over the past two decades. Propelled by the inexorable forces of globalization, digital disruption, and the capricious whims of consumer preferences, the industry has had to deftly navigate an increasingly labyrinthine and mercurial market landscape to maintain its preeminence.

According to data from the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), the Italian luxury sector generated a total revenue of €76 billion in 2019, representing a 3.2% increase from the previous year. This growth was primarily fueled by robust demand from international markets, particularly the burgeoning economies of Asia and the opulent Middle East, which accounted for approximately 60% of total sales. The industry's success can be attributed to its uncanny ability to leverage its rich cultural tapestry, innovative design capabilities, and unwavering commitment to quality to create highly covetable products that command stratospheric prices.

However, the industry also faces a panoply of formidable challenges, including the escalating cost of raw materials, the imperative for sustainable production practices, and the pernicious threat of counterfeiting. In 2019, the Italian government estimated that counterfeit luxury goods cost the industry over €10 billion in lost revenue annually, representing a staggering erosion of the sector's profitability.

To address these challenges, Italian luxury brands have made prodigious investments in digital technologies, such as e-commerce platforms, social media marketing, and artificial intelligence-powered customer service. These investments have allowed brands to extend their reach, forge connections with younger and more heterogeneous customer segments, and create more bespoke and immersive shopping experiences. For example, Gucci, one of Italy's most legendary luxury brands, reported that online sales accounted for 13% of its total revenue in 2019, a meteoric rise from just 4% in 2015.

In addition to digital transformation, Italian luxury brands have also embraced sustainability as a cardinal driver of long-term value creation. Many brands have implemented eco-friendly production processes, such as the use of renewable energy and recycled materials, and have forged alliances with environmental organizations to promote conservation and biodiversity. For instance, Prada Group, which owns several illustrious Italian luxury brands, has pledged to using only recycled nylon in its products by 2021, as part of its overarching sustainability strategy.

Despite these herculean efforts, the Italian luxury industry remains susceptible to the vicissitudes of economic and geopolitical risks, such as trade tensions, currency fluctuations, and the unrelenting COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the industry suffered a vertiginous contraction in sales, with revenue plummeting by an estimated 20-25% compared to the previous year. However, most analysts expect the industry to rebound with alacrity in 2021, buoyed by pent-up demand and the gradual reopening of key markets.

Looking ahead, the Italian luxury industry must continue to innovate and adapt to the protean needs and preferences of global consumers. This will require copious investments in new technologies, sustainable production practices, and talent development to ensure that the industry remains at the vanguard of creativity and excellence. By embracing these challenges and opportunities with alacrity and aplomb, the Italian luxury industry can cement its position as a paragon in the global luxury market and continue to create value for its stakeholders for generations to come.

1. The passage suggests that the Italian luxury industry's success can be primarily attributed to its ability to:
A. Create highly covetable products that command stratospheric prices
B. Navigate an increasingly labyrinthine and mercurial market landscape
C. Forge alliances with environmental organizations to promote conservation
D. Extend its reach and forge connections with younger customer segments
E. Implement eco-friendly production processes and use recycled materials

2. According to the Italian government's estimates in 2019, the annual loss of revenue due to counterfeit luxury goods amounts to:
A. €5 billion
B. €7.5 billion
C. €10 billion
D. €12.5 billion
E. €15 billion

3. The passage implies that the Italian luxury industry's investments in digital technologies have primarily aimed to:
A. Create more bespoke and immersive shopping experiences
B. Promote conservation and biodiversity
C. Mitigate the escalating cost of raw materials
D. Combat the pernicious threat of counterfeiting
E. Reduce the industry's susceptibility to economic and geopolitical risks

4. Which of the following statements about Prada Group's sustainability strategy is supported by the passage?
A. Prada Group has pledged to use only recycled nylon in its products by 2025.
B. Prada Group has implemented eco-friendly production processes, such as the use of renewable energy.
C. Prada Group has forged alliances with environmental organizations to promote conservation and biodiversity.
D. Prada Group has made prodigious investments in digital technologies to promote sustainability.
E. Prada Group has embraced sustainability as a cardinal driver of short-term profitability.

5. According to the passage, the Italian luxury industry experienced a sales contraction of approximately what percentage in 2020 compared to the previous year?
A. 10-15%
B. 15-20%
C. 20-25%
D. 25-30%
E. 30-35%

6. The passage suggests that the Italian luxury industry's future success will depend on its ability to:
A. Maintain its preeminence in the face of globalization and digital disruption
B. Command stratospheric prices for its highly covetable products
C. Navigate the vicissitudes of economic and geopolitical risks
D. Innovate and adapt to the protean needs and preferences of global consumers
E. Leverage its rich cultural tapestry and unwavering commitment to quality

7. The author's tone in the passage can best be described as:
A. Pessimistic and critical
B. Optimistic and laudatory
C. Neutral and objective
D. Sardonic and contemptuous
E. Erudite and complex

8. The passage implies that the Italian luxury industry's vulnerability to economic and geopolitical risks is:
A. A new phenomenon that emerged in the past two decades
B. Primarily due to the industry's reliance on international markets
C. Exacerbated by the industry's slow adoption of digital technologies
D. Mitigated by the industry's focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices
E. An inherent characteristic of the global luxury market

9. Which of the following best describes the passage's central thesis?
A. The Italian luxury industry's success is primarily due to its ability to create highly covetable products.
B. The Italian luxury industry must embrace digital technologies to remain competitive in the global market.
C. The Italian luxury industry's future success depends on its ability to innovate and adapt to changing consumer preferences.
D. The Italian luxury industry's sustainability efforts are crucial to its long-term value creation.
E. The Italian luxury industry's vulnerability to economic and geopolitical risks threatens its long-term viability.

10. The passage suggests that the Italian luxury industry's rebound in 2021 will be primarily driven by:
A. The industry's prodigious investments in digital technologies
B. The industry's focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices
C. The industry's ability to navigate economic and geopolitical risks
D. Pent-up demand and the gradual reopening of key markets
E. The industry's rich cultural tapestry and innovative design capabilities

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. E
8. B
9. C
10. D

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发表于 2024-7-4 11:20:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-4 13:54:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-4 14:57:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-4 16:14:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-5 00:08:38 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-5 10:14:59 | 只看该作者
CR:1. A 说明wood的确能反映房屋构建的时间 而不是用老木头建造的新房子
2. A 广告本身的变化 而非观众变得更critical
1980年以前的theory 海平面变化引起气候变化,导致恐龙、海洋生物灭绝
1980年 metrorite理论 met→climate change→distinction
volcano-eruption theory and why it is more sound
发表于 2024-7-5 11:30:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-7-5 14:30:17 | 只看该作者
CR: A; A

2. 纠结B和D,B和D提到的三件事文中都有提到,为什么不选B?
5. 觉得ABD都对,当时做题的时候觉得A更能反驳meteorite-impact theory,因为第二段就是说因为发现iridium所以推测是因为流星导致恐龙灭绝
10. 为啥不选C?我当时认为B错在prior to their extinction,因为题目说compared to,那两种理论要比较的不应该是同类的嘛,而1980s之前的理论讨论的是恐龙灭绝时sea level变化,但是现在的理论讨论的是恐龙灭绝前sea level的变化,因此这不能拿来比较吧,所以才觉得B是错的。
发表于 2024-7-6 22:07:08 | 只看该作者




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