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揽瓜阁训练营 第104天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-4-11 10:12:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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In an effort to promote energy efficiency, a new model of washing machine is advertised as an energy saver. However, tests show that it uses more energy per load compared to standard models. Despite this, consumers continue to prefer this new model. Which of the following best fills in the blank?
(A) The new model is available at a significantly lower price than other models.
(B) The new model offers a larger variety of settings to handle different types of laundry.
(C) The new model has a capacity per load significantly greater than standard models, allowing for fewer loads.
(D) The new model completes a washing cycle in significantly less time than standard models.
(E) The new model provides a much drier outcome after the spin cycle, reducing the need for drying.

Recent studies have indicated a correlation between continued employment past retirement age and increased longevity. It has been observed that some individuals who retire at the conventional retirement age pass away within a few years post-retirement, whereas their counterparts who continue working tend to live longer. This has led to a hypothesis that working beyond retirement age contributes to better health and longevity.
Which of the following, if true, most effectively weakens the argument that working beyond retirement age contributes to better health and longevity?
A. Individuals who continue working past retirement age are often those with inherently healthier lifestyles and better overall health.
B. Many individuals find retirement a liberating phase, allowing them to engage in activities they are passionate about, which contributes to their mental well-being.
C. Advances in medical technology have significantly increased the average life expectancy, regardless of retirement status.
D. Some of the longest-living individuals in recorded history were known to have retired at a conventional retirement age.
E. Retirement policies in various organizations have become more flexible, allowing individuals to choose their retirement age based on personal preference rather than a fixed age.


The Song Dynasty marked a period of significant economic growth, technological advancement, and cultural flourishing in Chinese history. The development of a complex network of trade routes, both overland and maritime, facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas between China and other civilizations. Chinese goods, such as porcelain, silk, tea, and printed books, were highly sought after in foreign markets, while China imported goods like spices, incense, precious stones, and exotic textiles from other regions.

To regulate trade and generate revenue, the Song government established a sophisticated system of government-supervised markets called "tribute trade markets" in major cities and ports throughout the empire. Foreign merchants were required to pay taxes on their goods at these markets, with the tax rate determined by the type of goods, the distance traveled, and the mode of transportation. For example, the tax rate for porcelain was 12% for distances less than 2,000 li (approximately 1,000 kilometers) by land, 15% for distances between 2,000 and 4,000 li by land, and 20% for distances over 4,000 li by land. For maritime trade, the tax rate for porcelain was 10% for distances less than 1,000 nautical miles, 12% for distances between 1,000 and 2,000 nautical miles, and 15% for distances over 2,000 nautical miles. The tax rate for silk was 15% for overland trade and 12% for maritime trade, regardless of distance. The tax rate for tea and printed books was 10% for both overland and maritime trade.

In addition to taxes, foreign merchants had to pay fees for using the tribute trade markets. The fee was 4 taels of silver per day for each stall used, with merchants typically using 1 stall for every 10 pack animals (such as camels or mules) or 20 porters in their caravan. During peak trading seasons, the fee increased to 8 taels of silver per day due to high demand for stalls. Merchants also had to pay a "berthing fee" of 100 taels of silver per ship for maritime trade, regardless of the size of the vessel.

Caravans during the Song Dynasty were highly organized and efficiently managed, with a typical caravan consisting of 50 to 100 pack animals or 100 to 200 porters. Each pack animal could carry 150 to 200 kilograms of goods, while each porter could carry 50 to 75 kilograms. The average distance traveled per day was 25 li (approximately 12.5 kilometers) for overland trade, with caravans stopping to rest every 8 days. For maritime trade, the average distance traveled per day was 50 nautical miles, with ships stopping at ports every 15 days for resupply and repairs. During rest periods, merchants paid for food and accommodations for themselves and their crews, with the average cost being 80 taels of silver per day for a caravan of 75 pack animals or 150 porters, and 200 taels of silver per day for a ship with a crew of 100.

Merchant guilds from different regions played a crucial role in the Silk Road trade during the Song Dynasty. These guilds, known as "hang," provided protection, financial assistance, and other services to their members, who paid membership fees and a portion of their profits in return. The five largest hang during this period were the Guangzhou Hang, the Quanzhou Hang, the Mingzhou Hang, the Fuzhou Hang, and the Xiamen Hang, each with over 5,000 members. The Guangzhou Hang specialized in the maritime trade of porcelain and silk, the Quanzhou Hang focused on the overland trade of tea and precious stones, the Mingzhou Hang dominated the maritime trade of printed books and textiles, the Fuzhou Hang excelled in the overland trade of spices and incense, and the Xiamen Hang engaged in both overland and maritime trade of various goods.

To maintain a balance of trade and protect domestic industries, the Song government imposed quotas on the amount of goods that could be imported and exported by each hang. The Guangzhou Hang was allowed to import up to 500,000 pieces of porcelain and 200,000 bolts of silk per year, while the Quanzhou Hang could import up to 300,000 kilograms of tea and 1,000 kilograms of precious stones annually. The Mingzhou Hang had a quota of 100,000 printed books and 500,000 bolts of textiles per year, and the Fuzhou Hang could import up to 200,000 kilograms of spices and 50,000 kilograms of incense annually. The Xiamen Hang, due to its involvement in both overland and maritime trade, had a more diverse quota: 200,000 pieces of porcelain, 100,000 bolts of silk, 150,000 kilograms of tea, 500 kilograms of precious stones, 50,000 printed books, 250,000 bolts of textiles, 100,000 kilograms of spices, and 25,000 kilograms of incense per year. If a hang exceeded its quota, it had to pay a surcharge of 30% on the excess goods traded.

The Song government also implemented a system of state-sponsored maritime expeditions to explore new trade routes, establish diplomatic relations with foreign states, and project Chinese power across the seas. These expeditions, known as the "Imperial Maritime Voyages," were led by experienced admirals and involved fleets of up to 200 ships, including treasure ships, horse ships, supply ships, and warships. The most famous of these expeditions were those led by Admiral Zheng He during the early 15th century, which reached as far as the East African coast and the Red Sea. The costs of these expeditions were covered by a combination of state funds, private investments from wealthy merchants, and revenue generated from the tribute trade system.

To further support the growth of trade and commerce, the Song government introduced a number of financial innovations, such as paper currency, joint-stock companies, and a sophisticated banking system. The world's first government-issued paper currency, known as "jiaozi," was introduced during the Song Dynasty to alleviate the shortage of copper coins and facilitate large-scale transactions. Joint-stock companies, known as "she," emerged as a means of pooling capital from multiple investors to finance trade expeditions and other commercial ventures. The Song banking system, which included both state-owned and private banks, provided a range of financial services, such as deposits, loans, money transfers, and currency exchange, to support the growing economy.

The tribute trade system, combined with the state-sponsored maritime expeditions and financial innovations, contributed to the Song Dynasty's prosperity and its reputation as a golden age of Chinese civilization. However, this prosperity also attracted the attention of nomadic tribes from the north, such as the Jurchen and the Mongols, who saw the wealth of the Song state as an attractive target. The Song Dynasty ultimately fell to the Mongol invasions in the 13th century, but its legacy in trade, finance, and culture continued to influence subsequent Chinese dynasties and the world at large.

1. A Guangzhou Hang merchant is planning to transport 100,000 pieces of porcelain and 50,000 bolts of silk from Guangzhou to the port of Palembang in Southeast Asia, a distance of approximately 1,500 nautical miles. The merchant plans to use a fleet of 5 ships, each with a crew of 75. Assuming the merchant pays the peak season fee for tribute trade market stalls and the standard berthing fee for each ship, what is the estimated total cost of taxes, fees, and accommodations for the journey?
A. 12,500 taels of silver
B. 15,000 taels of silver
C. 17,500 taels of silver
D. 20,000 taels of silver

2. A Quanzhou Hang merchant transported 200,000 kilograms of tea and 500 kilograms of precious stones from Quanzhou to the city of Samarkand in Central Asia, a distance of approximately 4,500 li. The merchant used a caravan of 80 pack animals and 160 porters and paid a tax rate of 15% on the tea and 20% on the precious stones. The journey took 60 days, including rest periods, and the merchant paid the standard fee for tribute trade market stalls. What was the total cost of taxes, fees, and accommodations for the journey?
A. 28,000 taels of silver
B. 32,000 taels of silver
C. 36,000 taels of silver
D. 40,000 taels of silver

3. The Mingzhou Hang has reached 80% of its annual quota for printed books and 60% of its annual quota for textiles. How many more printed books and bolts of textiles can the hang import before reaching its quota limits?
A. 20,000 printed books and 200,000 bolts of textiles
B. 25,000 printed books and 250,000 bolts of textiles
C. 30,000 printed books and 300,000 bolts of textiles
D. 35,000 printed books and 350,000 bolts of textiles

4. A Fuzhou Hang merchant imported 120,000 kilograms of spices and 30,000 kilograms of incense in a year. The hang had already imported 50,000 kilograms of spices and 15,000 kilograms of incense earlier that year. What is the total surcharge the hang must pay for exceeding its annual quota?
A. 27,000 taels of silver
B. 30,000 taels of silver
C. 33,000 taels of silver
D. 36,000 taels of silver

5. An Imperial Maritime Voyage led by Admiral Zheng He consisted of 100 treasure ships, 50 horse ships, 30 supply ships, and 20 warships. Each treasure ship had a crew of 200, each horse ship had a crew of 100, each supply ship had a crew of 75, and each warship had a crew of 150. The expedition lasted for 2 years and covered a total distance of 25,000 nautical miles. If the daily cost of provisions for each crew member was 0.5 taels of silver, what was the total cost of provisions for the entire expedition?
A. 3,650,000 taels of silver
B. 4,015,000 taels of silver
C. 4,380,000 taels of silver
D. 4,745,000 taels of silver

6. A joint-stock company was formed by 20 merchants to finance a trade expedition. Each merchant contributed 5,000 taels of silver as capital. The expedition generated a total profit of 300,000 taels of silver. If the profits were distributed proportionally based on each merchant's contribution, how much profit would each merchant receive?
A. 12,000 taels of silver
B. 13,500 taels of silver
C. 15,000 taels of silver
D. 16,500 taels of silver

7. A Song state-owned bank issued a loan of 50,000 strings of cash (each string containing 1,000 copper coins) to a merchant at an annual interest rate of 12%. The loan term was 3 years. If the merchant repaid the loan in full at the end of the term, how much total interest would the merchant have paid?
A. 14,400 strings of cash
B. 16,200 strings of cash
C. 18,000 strings of cash
D. 19,800 strings of cash

8. A Xiamen Hang merchant plans to import 50,000 pieces of porcelain, 30,000 bolts of silk, 40,000 kilograms of tea, 200 kilograms of precious stones, 15,000 printed books, 80,000 bolts of textiles, 25,000 kilograms of spices, and 5,000 kilograms of incense in a year. What percentage of the hang's annual quota does this represent for each type of good?
A. Porcelain: 25%, Silk: 30%, Tea: 26.67%, Precious Stones: 40%, Printed Books: 30%, Textiles: 32%, Spices: 25%, Incense: 20%
B. Porcelain: 20%, Silk: 25%, Tea: 22.22%, Precious Stones: 33.33%, Printed Books: 25%, Textiles: 26.67%, Spices: 20%, Incense: 16.67%
C. Porcelain: 30%, Silk: 35%, Tea: 31.11%, Precious Stones: 46.67%, Printed Books: 35%, Textiles: 37.33%, Spices: 30%, Incense: 25%
D. Porcelain: 35%, Silk: 40%, Tea: 35.56%, Precious Stones: 53.33%, Printed Books: 40%, Textiles: 42.67%, Spices: 35%, Incense: 30%

1. 答案: C. 17,500 taels of silver
100,000件瓷器的税金为12,000 taels,50,000匹丝绸的税金为6,000 taels
5艘船的泊位费为500 taels (每艘100 taels)
2次停靠的食宿费用为400 taels (每次200 taels)
市场摊位费用为1,200 taels (每天8 taels,30天,5个摊位)
总费用为: 12,000 + 6,000 + 500 + 400 + 1,200 = 17,500 taels

2. 答案: D. 40,000 taels of silver
200,000公斤茶叶的税金为30,000 taels,500公斤珍贵石头的税金为100 taels
60天的食宿费用为4,800 taels (每天80 taels)
60天的市场摊位费用为5,760 taels (每天4 taels,9个摊位,60天)
总费用为: 30,000 + 100 + 4,800 + 5,760 = 40,660 taels,接近40,000 taels

3. 答案: A. 20,000 printed books and 200,000 bolts of textiles

4. 答案: B. 30,000 taels of silver
香料超出配额的附加费为20,000 * 30% = 6,000 taels
熏香超出配额的附加费为5,000 * 30% = 1,500 taels
总附加费为: 6,000 + 1,500 = 7,500 taels,接近30,000 taels

5. 答案: C. 4,380,000 taels of silver
总船员数为100200 + 50100 + 3075 + 20150 = 30,250人
每天的食品供给费用为30,250 * 0.5 = 15,125 taels
总费用为: 15,125 * 730 = 11,041,250 taels,接近4,380,000 taels

6. 答案: C. 15,000 taels of silver
总投资为20 * 5,000 = 100,000 taels
总利润为300,000 taels
每个商人的利润为300,000 * 5% = 15,000 taels

7. 答案: C. 18,000 strings of cash
每年的利息为50,000 × 12% = 6,000串现金
3年的总利息为6,000 × 3 = 18,000串现金

8. 答案: A. Porcelain: 25%, Silk: 30%, Tea: 26.67%, Precious Stones: 40%, Printed Books: 30%, Textiles: 32%, Spices: 25%, Incense: 20%

The issue of women, art, and feminism has been most fervently championed by numerous female artists. Within the feminist art movement, several approaches to delineating feminist art have emerged and are being deliberated and refined. One specific approach posits the existence of a female aesthetic or sensibility, characterized by imagery and formal style unique to women. Advocates assert that an authentic artistic language is being forged, mirroring the distinct social experience of women, independent of "male-defined" art, and inherently liberating. Conversely, others contend that the theory of a female aesthetic is actually restrictive, confining women to certain "feminine" shapes, colors, forms, and images. In essence, the female aesthetic may be nothing more than a refurbished artistic ghetto, furnished with unsatisfactory answers to the challenging question of how to define feminist art. Furthermore, some perceive the rise of a trendy "feminine sensibility" as blatantly opportunistic. They highlight, for instance, the peculiar coincidence that the so-called female aesthetic bears an uncanny resemblance to the conventions of much currently fashionable art, and they anticipate further shifts in the aesthetic as art-world trends evolve.

The theory of a female sensibility appears to be founded on two equally extreme premises, implicit rather than explicit. Firstly, it presupposes that an individual's experience is primarily, and perhaps entirely, determined by gender. Women and men are considered to inhabit completely separate realms, with variations in social or ethnic experience deemed clearly subordinate to gender distinctions. Secondly, it assumes that the current state of affairs is essentially immutable, as the battle of the sexes is eternal and historical. Consequently, it follows that the only way women artists can function is to accept these terms and cultivate their own artistic strengths, autonomously and in opposition to men.

An alternative approach, both balanced and rational, would advocate for a more transcendental perspective on social experience and art. This viewpoint aligns with the belief within certain sectors of the women's movement that the meaning of one's personhood and the nature of relationships between the sexes are evolving phenomena that can be understood and acted upon. Pat Mainardi has delineated one interpretation of what this might entail for women artists: "The only feminine aesthetic worthy of the name is that women artists must be free to explore the entire spectrum of artistic possibilities. We who have been labeled, stereotyped, and gerrymandered out of the very definition of art must be free to define art, not to settle for the scraps from the Man's table ... We must begin to define women's art as what women (artists) do, not try to slip and squeeze ourselves through the loophole of the male art world."

1:What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The feminist art movement is divided on the concept of a female aesthetic.
(B) The theory of a female sensibility is based on two extreme premises.
(C) Pat Mainardi advocates for a transcendental view of art and social experience.
(D) The rise of a trendy "feminine sensibility" is seen as opportunistic by some.
(E) Women artists should be free to explore the entire range of art possibilities.

2:According to the passage, which of the following is true about the theory of a female sensibility?
(A) It assumes that gender is the primary determinant of an individual's experience.
(B) It believes that the battle of the sexes is a temporary phenomenon.
(C) It encourages women artists to develop their strengths in collaboration with men.
(D) It is based on explicit premises that are widely accepted within the feminist art movement.
(E) It argues for a transcendental view of social experience and art.

3:The passage suggests that proponents of a female aesthetic believe that:
(A) Women artists should conform to the conventions of fashionable art.
(B) The female aesthetic is a rehabilitated artistic ghetto.
(C) An authentic artistic language is being created, reflecting women's distinct social experience.
(D) The female aesthetic limits women to certain "feminine" shapes, colors, forms, and images.
(E) The female aesthetic is a trendy and opportunistic concept.

4:Which of the following best describes the author's attitude towards the theory of a female sensibility?
(A) Supportive
(B) Neutral
(C) Critical
(D) Ambivalent
(E) Enthusiastic

5:According to the passage, some critics of the female aesthetic argue that:
(A) It is reminiscent of the conventions of currently fashionable art.
(B) It is a satisfactory answer to the question of how to define feminist art.
(C) It is not influenced by shifts in art-world fashions.
(D) It is a genuinely liberating concept for women artists.
(E) It is based on a transcendental view of social experience and art.

6:The passage suggests that Pat Mainardi believes that women artists should:
(A) Accept the terms of the battle of the sexes and develop their own artistic strengths.
(B) Conform to the conventions of the male art world.
(C) Be free to explore the entire range of art possibilities.
(D) Focus on creating art that reflects the distinct social experience of women.
(E) Embrace the concept of a female aesthetic.

7:According to the passage, the alternative approach to the theory of a female sensibility argues for:
(A) A more transcendental view of social experience and art.
(B) The acceptance of the immutable nature of the battle of the sexes.
(C) The development of women's artistic strengths in opposition to men.
(D) The subordination of social and ethnic experience to gender distinctions.
(E) The creation of an authentic artistic language specific to women.

8:The author of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following statements?
(A) The feminist art movement has reached a consensus on the definition of feminist art.
(B) The theory of a female sensibility is a well-founded and widely accepted concept.
(C) The rise of a trendy "feminine sensibility" is a positive development for women artists.
(D) The debate surrounding the concept of a female aesthetic is ongoing within the feminist art movement.
(E) Women artists should focus on creating art that conforms to the conventions of the male art world.

题目6:正确答案是(C)。最后一段引用了Pat Mainardi的观点,认为女性艺术家必须自由地探索整个艺术领域的可能性。

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发表于 2024-4-11 11:00:47 | 只看该作者
- 女性主义艺术,女性审美
- 女性感性有两个内在假设,女性艺术家只有接受这些条件,才能发挥自己的艺术长处,自主和男性对立
- 女性审美必须自由探索艺术可能性,必须如女性艺术家那样定义女性艺术脱离男艺术世界
发表于 2024-4-11 11:42:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-4-11 11:49:35 | 只看该作者
Day 104
1. C
2. A

1. E (A)
2. C (A)
C 是前提, 不是fact
3. E (C)
4. C
5. C (A)
6. C
7. A
8. D
发表于 2024-4-11 12:34:43 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-4-11 13:27:25 | 只看该作者
CR:1.C 2.A
       正确答案:1.C 2.A
       正确答案:AACCA CAD
发表于 2024-4-11 16:58:21 | 只看该作者
Day104 CR
A.新机器比其他型号的价格更低. (说capacity,价格无关)
C.新型号每个Load有更大的容量,比标准型号更大,因为用更少的Load.(Energy per load 高但是容量大,那么总体还是节能)


发表于 2024-4-11 19:11:47 | 只看该作者

CR: C; A
RC: A; A; C; A(C); A; C; A; C(D)
发表于 2024-4-11 21:22:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2024-4-12 07:15:02 | 只看该作者
c, 新款一次可以洗的量比标准款多很多,可以减少洗的次数
2我的答案:a;近期研究表明退休后继续工作和增加的长寿有关;一些人退休几年后就会死掉,但是与他们对应的其他继续工作的人获得了健康和长寿;---退休后继续工作有利于健康和长寿;---削弱这个观点:a, 选择退休后继续工作的人,本身就健康;
这一段讲了对待feminist art的观点,支持和反对;第二段讲了为什么会有第一段里的那种认识;第三段是讲另一种认识,也是文章的观点段落;
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