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揽瓜阁训练营 第101天(含CR,RC和DI题目)

发表于 2024-4-8 09:27:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
前大家对揽瓜阁精读的反馈很好,就想着自己的时间开始把一些精读的文章根据JJ出题目~ 然后focus上线,IR需求 大家也大。就想着 把揽瓜阁的阅读 逻辑 IR 都放在这贴里打卡


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Recent trends in the airline industry show that many companies have stopped prioritizing aircraft cleanliness due to budget constraints, as keeping planes clean incurs significant costs. However, one airline, despite offering low ticket prices, maintains remarkably clean aircraft. What best explains this airline's ability to keep its planes clean despite low ticket prices?
A. The airline has a larger number of passengers, which increases its revenue.
B. The airline has an efficient system that motivates its crew and pilots to clean the aircraft during short layovers.
C. The airline uses innovative cleaning technologies that are more cost-effective than traditional methods.
D. The airline's low ticket prices are already at a minimum, hence there is no pressure to further reduce costs.
E. The airline receives subsidies from the government, which are used specifically for maintaining aircraft cleanliness.

Owning a dog is often considered beneficial for reducing high blood pressure, as it promotes exercise. However, in a certain region, it was found that many dog owners have high blood pressure. Which of the following best explains this apparent contradiction?
A. In this region, doctors recommend people with high blood pressure to adopt dogs for exercise and stress relief.
B. People in this region who own dogs tend to lead a more sedentary lifestyle apart from walking their dogs.
C. Dog owners in this region often adopt breeds that do not require much exercise.
D. The majority of dog owners in this region are elderly, a demographic naturally prone to high blood pressure.
E. In this region, dog owners generally do not follow their doctors' advice about regular exercise and diet.


The Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), a luminous jewel in the resplendent crown of Chinese history, is oft regarded as an unparalleled era of economic prosperity and cultural efflorescence. Under the sagacious governance of the Yongle Emperor (1402-1424), China's economy reached an apogee hitherto unseen, with the nation's GDP per capita estimated to be in the vicinity of 450 silver taels (liang) in 1420, a figure that veritably dwarfed the economic output of its European contemporaries during the corresponding epoch.

The Ming Dynasty's economic opulence can be attributed to a confluence of multifarious factors, encompassing a panoply of technological advancements in agriculture, the expansion of domestic and international trade networks, and the implementation of efficacious fiscal policies that fostered an environment conducive to commercial growth and innovation. One of the most pivotal agricultural innovations was the extensive adoption of early-ripening rice, a groundbreaking development that allowed for multiple harvests per annum, thereby appreciably augmenting overall agricultural productivity and providing a robust foundation for the dynasty's economic edifice. Moreover, the expansion of the Grand Canal and the construction of an extensive road network facilitated the burgeoning of domestic trade and the emergence of regional markets, fostering economic integration across the vast expanse of the empire and creating a cohesive, interconnected commercial landscape.

Furthermore, the Ming Dynasty bore witness to a remarkable expansion of international trade, largely due to the intrepid voyages of the redoubtable Admiral Zheng He (1371-1433). Commissioned by the Yongle Emperor, Zheng He spearheaded seven audacious expeditions, colloquially known as the "Ming treasure voyages," which reached as far as the eastern seaboard of Africa and established diplomatic and trade relations with a panoply of countries along the way. These epochal voyages, which traversed an estimated total distance of 50,000 kilometers, not only showcased Chinese naval prowess and technological sophistication but also opened up new vistas for Chinese goods, such as silk, porcelain, and tea, to penetrate foreign markets and garner global acclaim. The resultant influx of foreign silver and the establishment of a favorable balance of trade further buttressed the Ming economy, providing an additional impetus for growth and prosperity.

However, the Ming Dynasty's economic prosperity, while undeniably impressive, was not uniformly distributed throughout its entire duration, and the later years of the dynasty were marked by a gradual, yet perceptible, economic decline. This declension can be attributed to a combination of factors, including pervasive corruption, fiscal mismanagement, and the onset of the Little Ice Age, a period of global cooling that occurred between the 16th and 19th centuries. The Little Ice Age had a particularly pernicious impact on Chinese agriculture, leading to widespread crop failures, famines, and social unrest, as the delicate balance between population growth and food production was inexorably disrupted. Moreover, the burgeoning influence of eunuchs in the Ming court, coupled with the increasing decentralization of power and the erosion of imperial authority, led to rampant corruption and a weakening of the central government's ability to effectively manage the empire's resources and maintain social stability.

Despite these formidable challenges, the Ming Dynasty left an indelible imprint on the annals of Chinese history, with its economic and cultural achievements serving as a testament to the ingenuity, resilience, and indomitable spirit of the Chinese people. The legacy of the Ming Dynasty continues to inspire and influence modern China, as the nation seeks to navigate its own path towards economic prosperity and global influence in the 21st century, drawing upon the lessons of its illustrious past to inform its future trajectory.

The Ming Dynasty's economic success was not solely contingent upon the expansion of trade and agricultural advancements but also on the development of a robust manufacturing sector that propelled China to the forefront of global production. The production of silk, porcelain, and other luxury goods flourished during this period, with Chinese artisans achieving unparalleled levels of craftsmanship and technical sophistication, their wares coveted by aristocrats and affluent consumers across the globe. The city of Jingdezhen, nestled in the picturesque hills of Jiangxi Province, emerged as the world's preeminent center for porcelain production, its kilns firing day and night to meet the insatiable demand for the translucent, delicately painted wares that would come to be known as "white gold." The Ming Dynasty also saw significant advancements in the production of cotton textiles, with the introduction of new spinning and weaving technologies leading to increased output and improved quality, as well as the emergence of specialized textile production centers such as Suzhou and Nanjing, which became renowned for their exquisite brocades and embroideries.

In addition to these manufacturing innovations, the Ming Dynasty also witnessed the emergence of a vibrant commercial culture, characterized by the growth of urban centers, the expansion of guilds and trade associations, and the increasing sophistication of financial instruments. The city of Suzhou, situated in the heart of the Yangtze River Delta, became a hub of commercial activity, its bustling markets and opulent gardens a testament to the wealth and refinement of its merchant class. The development of complex financial systems, including the use of paper currency, the establishment of private banks, and the emergence of a sophisticated system of credit and lending, further facilitated commercial transactions and contributed to the overall dynamism of the Ming economy.

However, the Ming Dynasty's economic prosperity was not without its share of challenges and contradictions. The increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of a small elite, coupled with the growing tax burden on the peasantry, led to rising social tensions and periodic outbreaks of rebellion, such as the devastating Peasant Uprising led by Li Zicheng in the waning years of the dynasty. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty's economic policies, while successful in promoting growth and prosperity, also sowed the seeds of future instability, as the reliance on silver as the primary medium of exchange and the increasing monetization of the economy left China vulnerable to fluctuations in global silver prices and supply.

Despite these challenges, the Ming Dynasty's economic achievements continue to inspire and inform contemporary China's economic policies and development strategies. The emphasis on technological innovation, the promotion of domestic consumption, and the expansion of international trade that characterized the Ming Dynasty's economic approach find parallels in modern China's efforts to transition from an export-driven economy to one based on domestic demand and innovation-led growth. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty's cultural and artistic achievements, from the elegant brushstrokes of Ming poetry to the intricate designs of Ming porcelain, continue to shape Chinese aesthetics and cultural identity, serving as enduring symbols of the nation's rich heritage and civilizational prowess.

In conclusion, the Ming Dynasty represents a high-water mark in Chinese economic history, a period of unparalleled prosperity, cultural efflorescence, and technological innovation that laid the foundations for China's emergence as a global economic powerhouse. While the challenges and contradictions that beset the dynasty in its later years ultimately led to its downfall, the legacy of the Ming Dynasty endures, informing and inspiring contemporary China's economic policies and development strategies, and serving as a testament to the enduring resilience and ingenuity of the Chinese people. As China navigates the complexities of the 21st century global economy, it will undoubtedly draw upon the lessons and achievements of the Ming Dynasty, adapting them to the unique challenges and opportunities of the present day, and forging a path towards a future of continued prosperity and global leadership.

1. The passage suggests that China's GDP per capita in 1420 was __________ that of its European counterparts during the same period.
A. marginally higher than
B. roughly equivalent to
C. significantly lower than
D. markedly higher than

2. Which of the following technological advancements played the most pivotal role in augmenting agricultural productivity during the Ming Dynasty?
A. The invention of the iron plow
B. The development of advanced irrigation systems
C. The widespread adoption of early-ripening rice
D. The introduction of new fertilizers and pest control methods

3. The expansion of the Grand Canal and the construction of road networks primarily contributed to which of the following economic developments during the Ming Dynasty?
A. Growth of international trade
B. Increased agricultural output
C. Emergence of regional markets and fostering of domestic trade
D. Improved manufacturing efficiency and production capacity

4. Based on the information provided in the passage, Admiral Zheng He's expeditions traversed an estimated total distance of:
A. 20,000 kilometers
B. 35,000 kilometers
C. 50,000 kilometers
D. 65,000 kilometers

5. The passage suggests that the economic decline during the later years of the Ming Dynasty can be best characterized as:
A. Abrupt and catastrophic
B. Gradual and perceptible
C. Sporadic and unpredictable
D. Negligible and inconsequential

6. According to the passage, the Little Ice Age had the most pernicious impact on which of the following sectors of the Ming economy?
A. Agriculture
B. Manufacturing
C. International trade
D. Domestic trade

7. The passage suggests that the increasing influence of eunuchs in the Ming court and the decentralization of power led to:
A. Improved fiscal management and economic stability
B. Rampant corruption and a weakening of central government authority
C. Increased social harmony and political stability
D. Enhanced imperial authority and centralized control

8. The city of Jingdezhen is described in the passage as:
A. The world's preeminent center for porcelain production
B. A major hub for cotton textile manufacturing
C. The primary center for silk production during the Ming Dynasty
D. A key port city facilitating international trade

9. The passage suggests that the Ming Dynasty's economic policies, while successful in promoting growth and prosperity:
A. Created a perfectly balanced and stable economy
B. Eliminated all social inequalities and income disparities
C. Left China vulnerable to fluctuations in global silver prices and supply
D. Ensured long-term economic stability and sustainability

10. The Ming Dynasty's economic achievements, according to the passage, continue to:
A. Serve as a cautionary tale for contemporary China's economic policies
B. Have little relevance to modern China's economic development
C. Inspire and inform contemporary China's economic policies and development strategies
D. Hinder China's ability to adapt to the challenges of the 21st-century global economy

1. 答案
2. 答案:C
3. 答案:C
4. 答案:C
5. 答案:B
6. 答案:A
7. 答案:B
8. 答案:A
9. 答案:C
10. 答案:C

The years that saw the founding of Cornell and Stanford Universities were also the years when many small private colleges were established in the Southern U.S. to serve the educational needs of the newly freed slaves. While great 19th century industrial entrepreneurs like Ezra Cornell and Leland Stanford gave amounts ranging from half a million to tens of millions of dollars to found great private teaching and research universities where none had previously existed, and while many others, less famous, gave impressive sums to expand and refurbish modest college establishments that had already taken root, there were not comparable benefactions for private Black higher educational institutions. Only in the 20th century, ‘and then mostly through the donations of a handful of individuals and bodies like the General Education Board of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Julius Rosenwald Fuhd, did the struggling private Black Institutions begin to receive support in single-gift amounts larger than a few thousand dollars.

A similar disparity existed between Black and White state- supported institutions. The Morrill Act of 1862 is considered by some to be the most important piece of federal legislation affecting state-supported higher education in the 19th century. It created the basis on which states established land-grant institutions throughout the country, most successfully perhaps in the midwestem States. Less has been written about the Morrill Act of 1890, which made possible the establishment of separate Black landgrant institutions in the southern and border states, where the majority of Black people lived before the 1st World War. Though it is called the “2nd Morrill Act”, no one would seriously contend that it achieved monetarily for Black land-grant institutions anything comparable to what the 1862 legislation accomplished for other land-grant institutions. The “separate but equal” principle, even if it had been faithfully adhered to, could never have created black land-grant institutions in the southem and border states as financially secure as the land-grant institutions that developed with the help of the 1862 act: these states simply were not generous in their appropriations for state-supported education.

So long as college education was uncommon (which it was until well into the twentieth century) and so long as even high school education was not an occupational requirement (note that only about fifteen percent of the age group fourteen to seventeen was enrolled in high school even as late as 1910), it was possible to ignore the very substantial differences that existed between the educational opportunities available to White people and those available to Black people. After the Second World War, high school and college education became common among White Youth while the overwhelming majority of Black youth were still excluded from the college option. It was then that the full extent of the financial discrimination against Black higher institutions became apparent.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The Morrill Act of 1862 was the most important legislation for higher education in the 19th century.
B. Private Black colleges received significant financial support in the 20th century.
C. The Morrill Act of 1890 provided equal funding for Black land-grant institutions.
D. There was a significant disparity in financial support for Black and White educational institutions.
E. High school education became common among Black youth after World War II.

2. According to the passage, which of the following provided significant support to private Black colleges in the 20th century?
A. Ezra Cornell and Leland Stanford
B. The Morrill Act of 1862
C. The Morrill Act of 1890
D. The General Education Board of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Julius Rosenwald Fund
E. The state governments of the southern and border states

3. The passage suggests that the Morrill Act of 1890:
A. Was more important than the Morrill Act of 1862
B. Provided equal funding for Black and White land-grant institutions
C. Was less effective in supporting Black land-grant institutions than the 1862 Act was for other institutions
D. Established land-grant institutions primarily in the midwestern states
E. Created financially secure Black land-grant institutions in the southern and border states

4. According to the passage, what percentage of the age group fourteen to seventeen was enrolled in high school in 1910?
A. Less than 10%
B. Approximately 15%
C. Between 20% and 30%
D. More than 50%
E. The passage does not provide this information

5. The passage suggests that the "separate but equal" principle:
A. Was faithfully adhered to in the southern and border states
B. Created financially secure Black land-grant institutions
C. Was more successful in the midwestern states
D. Could not have created equal financial support for Black land-grant institutions
E. Was not relevant to the discussion of educational disparities

6. According to the passage, when did the full extent of financial discrimination against Black higher educational institutions become apparent?
A. Before the First World War
B. Between the First and Second World Wars
C. After the Second World War
D. In the early 20th century
E.In the 19th century

7. The passage mentions that Ezra Cornell and Leland Stanford:
A. Founded small private colleges in the Southern U.S.
B. Donated large sums of money to establish private teaching and research universities
C. Provided financial support to Black higher educational institutions
D. Helped expand and refurbish existing modest college establishments
E. Contributed to the development of land-grant institutions in the midwestern states

8. The passage suggests that before the Second World War:
A. College education was common among both White and Black youth
B. High school education was an occupational requirement
C. Educational opportunities for White and Black people were substantially different
D. The majority of Black people lived in the midwestern states
E. Black land-grant institutions were financially secure









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A反前提 ;B这个airline有有效的系统让飞机在短时间内clean,与时间无关;C新型clean系统,更省钱;D无关;E获得政府补贴
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- 南美许多校私人学院建立,得到许多工业创业者的捐款,20世纪艰难存活的黑人机构开始收到较多的支持
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Day 101



P1: great amount of money to found private teaching and research universities, but no such donations for private Black higher educational institutions.
P2: similar disparity(差异)existed between Black and White state supported institutions. MA 1890 made possible the founding of separate black landgrant institutions. separate but not actually equal
P3: possible to ingore the differences existed between the educational opportunities to White and Black
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