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The Chinese government has proposed to conduct several high-tech experiments in the Gobi Desert, as described below. The Quantum Cryptography Secure Communication Network (QCSCN) will establish a secure communication network using quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols. The network will span 2,000 kilometers, connecting Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and will be used for sensitive government and military communications. The Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR) will be a next-generation nuclear reactor that uses thorium as its primary fuel. The reactor will have a capacity of 500 megawatts and will demonstrate the feasibility of thorium-based nuclear power as a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional uranium-based reactors. The Superconducting Maglev Train (SMT) will be a high-speed maglev train that utilizes high-temperature superconductors to achieve levitation and propulsion. The train will operate on a 1,000-kilometer track between Beijing and Shanghai, with a maximum speed of 800 kilometers per hour, reducing travel time to just over an hour. Purpose The purpose of the QCSCN is to ensure the security and integrity of sensitive government and military communications in the face of increasing cyber threats. By using quantum key distribution, which relies on the principles of quantum mechanics to detect eavesdropping attempts, the network will provide unbreakable encryption for critical communications. The TMSR aims to address China's growing energy needs while reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the environmental impact of energy production. Thorium is more abundant than uranium, produces less long-lived radioactive waste, and is more resistant to nuclear proliferation. The successful demonstration of a thorium-based reactor could pave the way for a new era of clean, safe, and sustainable nuclear power. The SMT project seeks to revolutionize transportation in China by providing a fast, efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to air and conventional rail travel. By using superconducting maglev technology, the train will be able to achieve higher speeds and greater energy efficiency than traditional high-speed rail systems. The SMT will also serve as a showcase for China's advanced technological capabilities and infrastructure development. Budget The Chinese government estimates that the total cost of the three projects will be 120 billion yuan (approximately $18 billion USD), with construction expected to take five years. The breakdown of the costs is as follows: QCSCN: 30 billion yuan ($4.5 billion USD) TMSR: 50 billion yuan ($7.5 billion USD) SMT: 40 billion yuan ($6 billion USD) Once construction is completed, the annual operating costs are projected to be: QCSCN: 2 billion yuan ($300 million USD) TMSR: 3.5 billion yuan ($525 million USD) SMT: 2.5 billion yuan ($375 million USD) These figures are based on 2023 exchange rates and do not account for potential inflation or changes in currency values. Questions: 1. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the Quantum Cryptography Secure Communication Network (QCSCN)? A. To provide faster communication speeds between major Chinese cities B. To reduce the cost of government and military communications C. To protect sensitive communications from cyber threats and eavesdropping D. To demonstrate China's superiority in quantum computing technology 2. According to the proposal, what is the main advantage of using thorium as a fuel in the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR) compared to traditional uranium-based reactors? A. Thorium is more abundant and produces less long-lived radioactive waste B. Thorium reactors are cheaper to construct and operate C. Thorium reactors have a higher power output and efficiency D. Thorium reactors can be used for nuclear weapons production 3. The Superconducting Maglev Train (SMT) is designed to travel between Beijing and Shanghai at a maximum speed of: A. 500 kilometers per hour B. 650 kilometers per hour C. 800 kilometers per hour D. 1,000 kilometers per hour 4. If the total cost of the three projects is 120 billion yuan, and the QCSCN and SMT combined account for 70 billion yuan, what is the estimated cost of the TMSR project in USD, based on the 2023 exchange rate? A. $4.5 billion B. $6 billion C. $7.5 billion D. $9 billion 5. Based on the information provided, which of the following statements about the annual operating costs of the projects is true? A. The QCSCN has the highest annual operating cost. B. The TMSR has the lowest annual operating cost. C. The SMT's annual operating cost is 25% higher than that of the QCSCN. D. The TMSR's annual operating cost is 40% higher than that of the SMT. 6. If the construction of the projects takes five years as planned, and the annual inflation rate in China remains at 3% during this period, approximately how much will the total cost of the projects be in yuan at the end of the construction period? A. 120 billion yuan B. 124 billion yuan C. 138 billion yuan D. 142 billion yuan 7. Suppose that due to technological advancements, the cost of building the SMT is reduced by 20%, and the savings are equally distributed among the other two projects. What is the new cost breakdown for each project in USD? A. QCSCN: $5.4 billion; TMSR: $8.4 billion; SMT: $4.2 billion B. QCSCN: $5.1 billion; TMSR: $8.1 billion; SMT: $4.8 billion C. QCSCN: $4.8 billion; TMSR: $7.8 billion; SMT: $5.4 billion D. QCSCN: $4.2 billion; TMSR: $7.2 billion; SMT: $6.6 billion 8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the potential impact of the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR) project? A. The TMSR will completely replace traditional uranium-based reactors in China. B. The TMSR will make China the world leader in thorium-based nuclear power. C. The TMSR will likely increase China's reliance on nuclear power in the future. D. The TMSR will have a higher environmental impact than traditional uranium-based reactors. 9. The passage suggests that the Superconducting Maglev Train (SMT) will likely have all of the following effects EXCEPT: A. Reducing travel time between Beijing and Shanghai B. Showcasing China's technological capabilities C. Providing a more environmentally friendly transportation option D. Eliminating the need for air travel between Beijing and Shanghai 1. 答案:C。根据题干中的描述,QCSCN的主要目的是使用量子密钥分发协议来保护敏感的政府和军事通信免受网络威胁和窃听。选项A和B分别提到了提高通信速度和降低成本,但这些都不是QCSCN的主要目的。选项D提到了展示中国在量子计算方面的优势,但这也不是QCSCN的主要目标。 2. 答案:A。题干中提到,与传统的铀基反应堆相比,钍的优势在于它更丰富,产生的长寿命放射性废物更少,并且更能抵抗核扩散。选项B和C分别提到了钍反应堆建设和运营成本更低,以及功率输出和效率更高,但这些并非题干中提到的主要优势。选项D提到钍反应堆可用于核武器生产,但这与题干信息相悖,因为题干提到钍更抗核扩散。 3. 答案:C。题干明确提到,SMT的设计时速为800公里。 4. 答案:C。题干中提到,三个项目的总成本为1200亿元人民币,QCSCN和SMT合计700亿元。因此,TMSR的成本为1200亿元 - 700亿元 = 500亿元。题干还提到,根据2023年的汇率,500亿元人民币约合75亿美元。因此,TMSR项目的成本为75亿美元。 5. 答案 。根据题干提供的信息,TMSR的年运营成本为35亿元人民币(5.25亿美元),SMT的年运营成本为25亿元人民币(3.75亿美元)。TMSR的年运营成本比SMT高出(35亿元 - 25亿元) / 25亿元 = 40%。 6. 答案:C。如果建设期为5年,且在此期间中国的年通货膨胀率保持在3%,那么根据复利计算公式: 总成本 = 120 × (1 + 3%)^5 ≈ 1380亿元人民币。 7. 答案:B。如果由于技术进步,SMT的建设成本降低了20%,则SMT的新成本为: 400亿元 × (1 - 20%) = 320亿元 节省的成本为400亿元 - 320亿元 = 80亿元 如果将节省的成本平均分配给其他两个项目,则每个项目将获得80亿元 ÷ 2 = 40亿元的额外资金。 因此,新的成本分配为: QCSCN: 300亿元 + 40亿元 = 340亿元(51亿美元) TMSR: 500亿元 + 40亿元 = 540亿元(81亿美元) SMT: 320亿元(48亿美元) 8. 答案:C。从题干中可以推断,TMSR项目旨在证明钍基核电作为一种安全、高效、环保的能源形式的可行性。如果项目成功,它可能会增加中国未来对核电的依赖。题干没有提供足够的信息来支持其他选项。 9. 答案 。题干提到,SMT将把北京到上海的旅行时间缩短到仅略多于一小时,表明它将大大减少这两个城市之间的旅行时间(选项A)。题干还提到,SMT将展示中国的先进技术能力(选项B),并提供一种更加环保的交通选择(选项C)。然而,题干没有暗示SMT将完全消除北京和上海之间的航空旅行需求(选项D)