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What is the primary purpose of the passage? A. To delineate the differences between modern inhabitants of Indonesia and the Philippines and the original populations of New Guinea and Australia. B. To discuss the origins and dispersal patterns of language families in Asia. C. To analyze evidence supporting Taiwan as the homeland of the Austronesian language family through archaeological and linguistic data. D. To examine the impact of Austronesian expansion on indigenous populations and languages. E. To describe the distribution and characteristics of the Austronesian language family, emphasizing Taiwan's significance in its history.
What does the similarity between the languages of the Philippine Negritos and their non-Negrito Filipino neighbors suggest, according to the passage? A. The Negritos have preserved their original languages. B. There was limited cultural exchange between the Negritos and non-Filipinos. C. The Negritos might have lost their original languages. D. The Philippines did not experience the development of linguistic diversity. E. Austronesian languages were widely dispersed in ancient times.
What is implied in the passage about the rapid expansion of the Austronesian language family not leading to? A. Significant evolutionary changes in skin color among the colonists. B. The development of a unified political and cultural system in the Philippines and Indonesia. C. The preservation of indigenous populations except for the Philippine Negritos. D. A diversity of languages as broad as that of mainland China's dialects. E. The complete replacement of all original island languages with Austronesian languages.
Which piece of evidence does the passage offer to support Taiwan as the origin of the Austronesian language family? A. The presence of Austronesian languages across vast territories. B. The concentration of three out of four Austronesian subfamilies in Taiwan. C. The historical isolation of Taiwan's indigenous population until recent centuries. D. The archaeological findings of Neolithic communities in Taiwan. E. The linguistic diversity within the Malayo-Polynesian subfamily.
Analysis Question: Based on the passage, what role did Taiwan Strait play in the history of Austronesian expansion? A. It served as a barrier to the spread of Austronesian languages. B. It was the origin point for the Austronesian language family. C. It acted as a training ground for developing maritime skills essential for expansion. D. It was the final destination for Austronesian migrants. E. It facilitated the cultural unification of Taiwan and mainland China. 答案:ECDBC
3.DI An archaeological team in China is studying ancient dietary patterns of three historical village sites — Longxu, Shanli, and Hanyun — through kitchen waste excavated from each site. These sites provide insights into the agricultural and trade practices of the regions. Longxu, a coastal village, relied heavily on fishing but also practiced limited agriculture. Shanli was an inland village established near a forest, which mainly depended on hunting and forest produce but traded with Longxu. Hanyun, an older village, was primarily agricultural and obtained seafood and meat by trading with Longxu due to its separation from Shanli by mountains. In which century did Longxu have the highest seafood consumption per capita? A) 600s B) 800s C) 1100s D) 1200s
Considering both villages, which food category saw the most significant increase in consumption over the centuries? A) Longxu Seafood B) Longxu Meat C) Shanli Meat D) Shanli Fruits & Nuts
If the average weight of grains consumed in Longxu in the 800s was 25 kg per family, what was the percentage increase in grain consumption by the 1100s? A) 48% B) 100% C) 148% D) Cannot be determined from the data provided
Which century shows the first recorded trade of meat from Shanli to Longxu? A) 600s B) 700s C) 800s D) 900s
答案: 1. C) 1100年代。 解释: 通过查看表格数据,我们可以比较龙墟在不同世纪的海鲜消费量。要找到人均海鲜消费量最高的世纪,我们应该比较每个世纪的海鲜消费量。根据表格,1100年代龙墟家庭海鲜消费量为126公斤,是所有列出的世纪中最高的。 2. B) 龙墟肉类。 解释: 为了回答这个问题,我们需要对比表格中的数据,找出哪一类食品从第一个可用数据点到最后一个数据点增加最显著。通过观察表格数据,我们可以看到龙墟在800年代的肉类消费是70公斤,而到了900年代增加到172公斤,然后在1000年代稍微减少到160公斤。这个增加显著大于其他任何食品类别的增加。 3. B) 100%。 解释: 根据表格,800年代龙墟村的谷物消费量是25公斤。1100年代增加到了50公斤,增加了25公斤,这是原来的两倍,即增加了100%。 4.C) 800年代 解释: 为了回答这个问题,我们需要看杉里何时开始有肉类消费的记录。从表格中我们可以看到,800年代是杉里首次有肉类消费的记录,这意味着它可能是通过与龙墟的贸易获得的。