P1 introduce M- debate ROM- research
P2 M in each country J, G, R
P3 in US
P4 L diverged from tranditional, promote full-time
P5 constrain w's public role
P7 P=M broader
Theory 1: Art was transmitted from Ipes to B
Theory 2: Brought from Country P to B
Conclusion: Place of origin is NOT country P but Ipes
X – not related to the place of origin
X – it does not mean that P don’t have?
P – likely that it has came from Ipes
X – irrelevant and out of scope
X – should bring back if that is the case (not in B
Premise: Extend the pre-approval period and increase the number of trials + ensure safe for use
Conclusion: May not work as intended (to discover side effects)
X – promote public health so maybe not rare diseases
X – not related to side effects
X – affordability is not a concern here
Y – cannot improve side effects and promote PH
[Para 1] ‘Maternalism’ is related to ‘Republican Motherhood’ – different countries different definition?
[Para 2] Different views of maternalism in different countries
- Russia (material conditions), US/EU (maternal = feminist), Jap (Motherhood = maternalism)
[Para 3] Maternalism include race and class (womanhood =/= motherhood)
[Para 4] League associated traditional motherhood with maternalism
[Para 5] Can empower women but constrain women in public roles a lot of controversies
[Para 6] Focus on domesticity rather than public engagement
[Para 7] Paternalism is well-defined but maternalism is not
第二题:正确选项B 重点在于promote public health before上市 但实际上D直接说了“这是已经上市的药”本来就在BD纠结 现在看B确实更优
第二题:正确答案D 第一段 seeking to refine this concept
P1: refine “Republican Motherhood”
P2: exam maternalism’ connection to state-building and feminism.. e.g.: AL Russia( material conditions led to absence in policy development). ATA Germany (m connect with feminist ideologies, feminist advocacy for state involvement) . KU Japan( pre-modern motherhood supplant(取代 替代) by W-i m supported by J nationalists)
P3: US MLT apply maternalism to analyze the efforts of several women’s groups. EB: factoring in race and class a nuanced(微妙的) definition, risk of solely equating womanhood with motherhood
P4: League transform private maternal acts into public advocacy. The m of the league diverged: feminist also full-time motherhood.(inadvertently 无意地)
P5&6: mid-20 LLL departure(背离)from prior versions: focus on domestic rather than public
P7: maternalism remains absent