1. E
- Genes in an animal in Italia is related to Lydia (turkey)
- No record transportation from Lydia to Italia
- This breed not migrate
Conclusion: this animal is originated from Italia
A. Out of scope
B. Out of scope
C. Out of scope, talk about origins, not genes
D. The breed not migrate but it can be brought to the regions by trade routes? If this happened, they have the same ancestors. If not, still cannot solve the problem.
E. Out of scope, we don’t care about other ancestors
2. Italian violins: superior. Blind test: Italian violins not outperform those from other region => Italian violins more product hype than genuinely superior
Prethink: Testers of the blind test are not biased => D
P1. A study about: language -> perception of color. Example: English and Russian
P2: Before: color terms link with ability to discern differences in color shade. However: establishing direct causal relationship and creating a non-linguistic test for this is challenging
P3: A study was brought up. Russian consistent but slower accuracy, unlike English: no distinction in speed or accuracy.
P4: Brain region play a role in color differentiation.
P5: Language can subtly shape our sensory experience. Brain may prioritize linguistic comprehension before finalizing decision, even in task that may seem unrelated to language.
CR: Italian的cattle gm is closed to lydia cattle gm ➡️italian cattle ancestors originated from lydia
A. 排除其他可能性 B physical adaptation 新概念 无关 Cnew genetic markers无关 D 古代两地可能因为贸易,cattle movement因此发生 E讨论Lydia的cattle到底是谁带去的Italy 无关对比 AD纠结选了D
blind test revealed that italian violins didnt outperform ➡️ italian violins hype>quality
A blind test中的各位小提琴家专业素养足够判别琴的质量好坏
B 参选的琴未必是最好的
D提琴家在评价时不带对琴产地偏见 但是测试本来就是blind test啊 完全听音色
E test 的评价标准的确能衡量琴的质量
选择A 说明blind test结果有代表性
D 意大利半岛牛的基因和L地的接近。但是没有历史记录显示牛从L到意大利,这品种的牛不是迁徙的,被认为意大利牛的祖先一定起源于L。为证明假设
D 意大利的特定地区的小提琴因出色的品质出名。然而,一群小提琴家最近的蒙眼测试揭露了这个地区的小提琴没有比其他地区表现的好。基于这些结果,这些意大利小提琴是炒作的产品而非高品质。assumption、