BG: 19th century
Positive: technological innovation and industrial expansion
- railroads
- steam-power engines
- timber, gold and silver
- artisans → assembly-line workers
- standard of living ↑ BUT
- slums ↑
- exploitation from corrupt political bosses
- long hours working and low pay in unsafe factories
BG: Early 20th century
Progressives: battle the problems of industrialization and urbanization
- restricted child labor
- minimum wage
- regulated working conditions
Theodore Roosevelt
- extended the executive branches of government
- curtail monopolistic practices
Federal government: regulated industries like meat-packing, railroads and banks
Conclusion: inspired the recovery from the Depression of 1929.
the influence of the development economy, and how the progressive and goverment take actions to improve the situation
P1:19 century: advantage and disadvantage of the development
-adv: standard of living(up)
-disadv: slums, explotation from the robber barons, bad working conditions
P2:20 century:the progressive process and goverment policy
-Progressives: obligation to reshape the US: legislation
-Rossevelt: extended the exective branches of goverment, curtail monopolistics practices
-->further implication: inspired the recovery from the depression of 1929
P1 unprecedented tech innovation & industrial expansion
- Railroad, stem-powered engines>>link east and west
- Resources in the west
- Labor: farm>>urban, artisans>>workers
- Speculators made great fortune: unscrupulous/monopolies
- Per capita income & production+++
- Exploded popu+ immigrant
- Corrupt political bosses
P2 protestant
- Obligation to reshape
- Movement to battle the probs--child labor/min wage/work cons/election
- Gov control monopolies
- Federally regulated industries
- [significant] change the expectation of gov role