Day 72
1. 在河边种树
In the arid landalong the Colorado River, use of the river's water supply is strictlycontrolled:farms along the river each have a limited allocationthat they are allowed to use for irrigation.But the trees that grow in narrowstrips along the river's banks also use its water.Clearly, therefore, iffarmers were to remove those trees, more water would be available for cropirrigation.
Which of thefollowing, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.The trees along the river's banks shelter it from the sunand wind, thereby greatly reducing the amount of water lost through evaporation.
B.Owners of farmsalong the river will probably not undertake the expense of cutting down treesalong the banks unless they are granted a greater allocation of water in return.
C.Many of the treespecies currently found along the river's banks are specifically adapted togrowing in places where tree roots remain constantly wet.
D.The strip of landwhere trees grow along the river's banks would not be suitable for growingcrops if the trees were removed.
E.The distributionof water allocations for irrigation is intended to prevent farms fartherupstream from using water needed by farms farther downstream.
2. 辞职的主管
department head. alot of department heads would retire while the number of qualified person fornew head is only half of the posts, which results in the shortage of heads.Many departments of the company will have no head for the company,since...
3. 没钱修路的政府
A government plansto develop new road, but doesn't have the money. So the government will let aprivate company to take on the task and develop a new tollway. Oppose: thegovernment let the private company make too much money by collecting toll fees.
Q: What weaken theopponent's argument?
修路成本很高,私家公司无法收到这么多钱,且政府只会让他们收toll fee几年而已。 |