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[揽瓜阁逻辑小分队] day68

发表于 2022-11-26 21:05:37 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-26 21:22:18 | 只看该作者
Day 68
1.        地产商vs代表
一个senate代表说,针对最新出台的一个针对building faulty的限制法案,很多的地产商威胁民众不要去支持这个法案,否则地产商会推出市场退出这个地区。代表呼吁民众不要去理睬这一个威胁,就像我们会像lobby group 提出一些common sense的限制,也受到这种威胁,但是departure从来没有发生过。问assumption.

2.        Must be True
机场小偷的问题,说insurance claims是千分之一,机场安保标准是1.5%以下都没有问题,认为是安全之类的,——然后我好像选的是小件行李被偷了也没有向保险公司claim,反正就是说明了那个按照保险公司claim的比例偏低了(这道题好像是weaken哦~~

3.        事故率高的山路
Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges. Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety. However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in accident rate?
(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads.【怎么了?也知道你这山形不好啊,陈述一遍,没有起到任何解释作用】
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night.【没提到标记】
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads.【跟其他比较,也不能解释为啥发生率增高】
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles.【跟事故发生种类无关,要解释的是标记】
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so【确实可以,之前没安的时候,大家晚上还要注意一下,现在安了,大家就觉得没事了,马马虎虎开车,也不注意,所以导致更容易发生事故了】
发表于 2022-11-26 21:54:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-26 22:04:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-26 22:10:29 | 只看该作者
1. P: 以前 lobby group 提出一些common sense的限制时受到威胁,但是departure从来没有发生过C: 地产商威胁民众不要去支持building faulty的限制法案,代表呼吁民众不要去理睬
2. P: insurance claims说机场小偷的概率是千分之一,机场安保标准是1.5%以下
C: 保险公司claim的比例偏低了
weaken: 千分之一在真实性上存疑
3. P: 转弯标识可以提醒司机即将到来的弯角,降低事故率
C: Greatwater County 在摘录上放了这个标识后年事故率增加了
原因:A Greatwater County的窄路尤其多 B 天气不好时驾驶难度和天黑时一样大 C 标识首先投放在事故多发地 D 很多事故是由一方引发,而非两车相撞 E 路添加标识后,很多在天黑时不走那条路的司机开始走那条路

发表于 2022-11-26 22:28:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-26 22:30:03 | 只看该作者
Day 68
1.        地产商vs代表
一个senate代表说,针对最新出台的一个针对building faulty的限制法案,很多的地产商威胁民众不要去支持这个法案,否则地产商会推出市场退出这个地区。代表呼吁民众不要去理睬这一个威胁,就像我们会像lobby group 提出一些common sense的限制,也受到这种威胁,但是departure从来没有发生过。问assumption.

P: building faulty的限制法案的出台使得地产商威胁民众不要支持。这个法案像common sense的限制法案which没有发生过departure。
C: 最近的building faulty的限制法案也不会导致departure。
A: building faulty和common sense的限制对地产商的影响几乎一样。/地产商和人们分别对于两个限制法案的反映相同。

2.        Must be True
机场小偷的问题,说insurance claims是千分之一,机场安保标准是1.5%以下都没有问题,认为是安全之类的,——然后我好像选的是小件行李被偷了也没有向保险公司claim,反正就是说明了那个按照保险公司claim的比例偏低了(这道题好像是weaken哦~~

P: insurance claims是千分之一,机场安保标准是1.5%及以下。
C: 机场很安全。
W: 有些人丢了行李不会向保险索赔。

3.        事故率高的山路
Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges. Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety. However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in accident rate?
(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads.
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night.
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads.
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles.
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so

P: Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges. clear edge markings are useful to keep road safety because it can help drivers see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road.
C: After Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.
E: People who was familiar with this road are distracted by new markings instead of caring traffic conditions. (原来熟悉这条路的人需要分心去看新的标识而忽略了真实的道路状况。)/People start thinking this road become safe because of new markings, and thus more people drive on this road than they did before. (因为有了标识,所以人们觉得这个小路变安全了,所以在这条小路上行驶的车变多了。)
发表于 2022-11-26 22:35:51 | 只看该作者
Day 68
1.   地产商vs代表
一个senate代表说,针对最新出台的一个针对building faulty的限制法案,很多的地产商威胁民众不要去支持这个法案,否则地产商会推出市场退出这个地区。代表呼吁民众不要去理睬这一个威胁,就像我们会像lobby group 提出一些common sense的限制,也受到这种威胁,但是departure从来没有发生过。问assumption.
common sense与building faulty限制的程度差不多
2.        Must be True
机场小偷的问题,说insurance claims是千分之一,机场安保标准是1.5%以下都没有问题,认为是安全之类的,——然后我好像选的是小件行李被偷了也没有向保险公司claim,反正就是说明了那个按照保险公司claim的比例偏低了(这道题好像是weaken哦~~

3.        事故率高的山路
Many small roads do not have painted markings along their edges. Clear edge markings would make it easier for drivers to see upcoming curves and to judge the car's position on the road, particularly when visibility is poor, and would therefore seem to be a useful contribution to road safety. However, after Greatwater County painted edge markings on all its narrow, winding roads, the annual accident rate along those roads actually increased slightly.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increase in accident rate?
(A) Greatwater County has an unusually high proportion of narrow, winding roads.
(B) In bad weather it can be nearly as difficult for drivers to see the road as it is at night.
(C) Prior to the painting of the edge markings, Greatwater County's narrow, winding roads already had a somewhat higher accident rate than other Greatwater County roads.
(D) Many of the accidents on narrow, winding roads involve a single vehicle veering off the road, rather than the collision of two vehicles.
(E) After the markings were painted on the roads, many drivers who had gone out of their way to avoid driving on those roads at night no longer did so
发表于 2022-11-27 10:25:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-11-27 10:37:53 | 只看该作者
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