1. 政府挖煤 Twenty years ago, Balzania put in place regulations requiring operators of surface mines to pay for the reclamation of mined-out land. Since then, reclamation technology has not improved. Yet, the average reclamation cost for a surface coal mine being reclaimed today is only four dollars per ton of coal that the mine produced, less than half what it cost to reclaim surface mines in the years immediately after the regulations took effect. Which of the following, if true, most helps to account for the drop in reclamation costs described? reclaimation:开垦 改造 题型:explain Background:政府要求挖煤的付一笔钱:将煤矿恢复原状 Conflict Fact 1: 相关的技术并没进步 Fact 2: 现在每个矿的修复成本比过去(新规刚起作用的时候)要便宜一半 OA C: Mine operators have generally ceased surface mining in the mountainous areas of Balzania because reclamation costs per ton of coal produced are particularly high for mines in such areas. 虽然技术没有进步 但是因为要由operator承担费用,导致他们停止开采那些修复花费高的地方 that makes sense now
2. 美国花店 好多gardener都觉得一个什么种子是最popular的,因为一个最大的花店10%的收入都是靠卖那个种子赚的。 削弱:最大的花店一共就五种花,这个种子收入占比最少(花店的花少于10种即可) 看到一个nn的:收入=价格*数量,收入高不代表数量高,可能是单价本身就很贵。
3. 地方降薪 一公司在各个区域的各分公司的总体平均工资降低了,在某地区的该公司员工很可能会到别的地方找工作因为工资低于平均的工资。 削弱 P:1.平均工资降低 2.该公司工资低于平均工资 C:该地区公司员工去别的地方找工作 降低是因为机值 最右边最大的那群领导的工资降了 拉低了平均工资 而该公司员工工资本来就比别人少 ≠他们的工资跟着平均工资的降低而降低