117.恐龙灭绝 TW: the extinction of dinosaurs 1.kwo1: drop in sea levelàclimatechangeàextinction (until the 1980s) aw-: catastrophicprocesses 2.kwo2: meteorites theory-meteorites (iridium)àchangeclimateàextinction aw-: drop in sea level 3.kwn’: volcanic-eruption theory内容&eruption原理 内容: carbon dioxide from volcanismàclimatechangeàextinction 原理: instability+ heatedàless dense and escape upward as diapirsàerupt 4.kwn’’: volcanic-eruption theory否定旧理论(解释现象)、提出新理论 a: the present of iridiumßa diapireruption emitted as iridium hexafluoride aw-: meteoritetheory b: change in sea level (prior to the disappearanceof the dinosaurs)ßdistortion in the earth surfaceßmovementof diapirs upward toward the earth’s crust aw-: drop insea level c: extinctionßexplosivevolcanismßmaterial from the diapirs erupted onto the earth’s surface