Main point: describe a new finding about the ice age
P1. a conventional believe of the Milankovitch theory
● most believe ice ages haveoccued in clycles
● gained acceptance by the evidence in oxygen isotopes
P2. a new study ->climates independently of the M theory
● pricinple: rate of decay of U into T
● finding: warm periods ->twice as previous thought
● conclude: complex interactions->ice ages
P3. Imbries' opinion about the theory and new finding:
● M thoery is right
● other variations influence the newresearch results
Milankovitch orbital cycle:
0928 2:30
主题:讨论关于ice age(气候的温暖和凉爽)是不是存在周期or独立的多个研究
很多气候学家都认为ice age occur in cycles,因为地球在绕太阳转,去到北半球的光的intensity有波动-带来cycle。后1980年理论得到证实,有关氧气同位素的证据
MM:earth sway → ice cycle
--JI supportxygen isotopes in shells
W:interaction →cycle
--uranium data ≠ sediments data
I:+MM; explain the difference in studies
1. Theory to explain ice age: depends on earch's orbit cycle around the sun
2. Opposing theory: by checking mineral data, M says the warm age and ice age are depend on more complex interaction btw thing on earth
Other opinion: science support throey1 and reject 2 for the data is incorrect
sway n.v.摇摆;摆动;影响;控制;
wax and wan 兴衰
P1 theory 1: occurred in cycles
- Earth sways while orbiting >> fluctuations in the density of sunlight
- MM's evidence: oxygen isotopes>>ocean sediments
P2 new study: warmed and cooled independently
- Study DH
○ IW
○ Rate of decay of u to r
○ Data differ significantly
○ Suggesting: warm periods twice longer
- Conclusion: ice ages >complex interactions
P3 some scientist: critic new study
- Due to geo variation in climate/marine or freshwater