1. 文章大概结构 2. 自己写的答案
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1.有⼀个地⽅来了6000个旅客,其中2/3是⼩孩,带⼩孩的⼤⼈占1/8到1/6,问 不带⼩孩的⼤⼈可能的数值。 选项有:A. 1500 B. 1400 C. 1100 D. 1350
2.xy平⾯内⼀条直线,y截距为负,问该直 线的斜率是否为正? 条件⼀:x轴截距为正;
4. The six faces of a cube is colored with three colors, red, yellow and green. The cube is used for a flip-turn game. Each time the cube is flip-turned, the possibilities that
each face is up are equal. And there must be a face-up once the cube is flip-turned. So, How many red face are in this cube? 条件⼀:The possibility is 1/18 that the yellow face is up after the first time flip-turn and green face is up after the second time flip-turn;
条件⼆:The possibility is 1/6 that the red face is up after the first time flip-turn and green face is up after the second time flip-turn;
5.⼀群⼈得到了⼀笔钱,A⽤了1/3少3块,B⽤了1/4多两块,C⽤了1/4,D⽤了7 快,问总共的钱是多少?
6.XY两种液体,X⾥⾯酒精和⽔的⽐例是5:2,Y是3:2, 问现在两种各35磅液体 到到⼀起去,问混合的液体⾥酒精和⽔的⽐例。
7.三个圆,上⾯⼀个下⾯两个,外⾯⼀个矩形, 这些东西互相都相切,说长边是20,问宽近似多 少,选项有19,15,14
8.⼀个⼤矩形中左下⾓有⼀个⼩矩形(如图),已知⼩矩形之外的⾯积,求⼤ 矩形总⾯积。 条件⼀:已知AE为⼀个数,已知GC为⼀个数;
9.有5个数字,问能否求出中位数 条件①:最⼤值是⼀个数字,最⼩值是⼀个数字
10.3a=2b,2b=9c,求 c/a + a/b +b/c
参考答案: 1.C 2.A 3.44% 4.A 5.36 6.23/12 7.19 8.C 9.B 10.11/2