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发表于 2021-1-17 21:44:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-18 20:40:36 | 显示全部楼层
阅读文章1 Pinduoduo faces growing PR crisis over employee death.
阅读时间 3 min 整理时间 12min30s 合计 15min30s
sudden death of a Pinduoduo employee
anti-996 compaign among Chinese tech companies
rapid growth of Pinduoduo and its work culture
mishandling of public blame
“Work one worker to death, find another worker to take the fall”
Pinduoduo in particular is known for its gruelling schedules and a secretive culture 繁重的工作和神秘的文化
downplay 轻描淡写
backtrack 改变主意/原路返回

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-18 21:08:36 | 显示全部楼层
阅读文章2 Economic Scene;Good news for the down and out, or are the data misleading?

阅读时间 4min22s 整理时间 16min10s 合计 20min30s

-The Cox-Alm study: 观察16年的panel data, 发现阶级是在流动的,穷人是在往上爬的——》说明income inequality也没那么严重嘛

-Gottschalk反驳:Cox-Alm study低估了income inequality
1. 本来income-inequality 在一个阶段的值就是小于一个time point的值
2. income的测量方式有问题:measure incomes actually earned by individuals
3. 样本人群有问题:可能都是些 part-time workers
4. 这种长期时间数据,混淆了工资上涨到底是由于阶层的流动性,还是随着工作经验提升带来的自然工资上涨

-比较好的研究 Moshe Buchinsky and Jennifer Hunt:
1. 四年的时间周期能reduce measured inequality by about one-fourth
2. 阶层的流动性在1980年以来其实下降了

grab the brass ring = to be successful
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-19 20:09:57 | 显示全部楼层
DAY 2 阅读文章1 Shades of black:For centuries, the colour black has tested artists’ ingenuity

阅读时间 6min15s 整理时间 33min10s 合计 39min25s

【Main Idea】
a chronicle of the color black:the evolution of  artistc expressions with color black

-历史上黑色的含义-bound up with witchcraft, the underworld, night-time and the far side of the Moon与黑暗神秘力量相关
-艺术家们对黑色的追捧-represents an intellectual and technical challenge

-Palmer and other Romantics-对黑夜的描画

-黑色和suprematism- enlisted black to invent a whole new painterly language that elevated feelings over representation20世纪以后的现代画派更多用黑色来加强情绪
-Malevich’s “Black Square” marked a turning-point in modern art.
-Malevich对后代艺术家的影响,尤其是American abstract expressionists

ingenuity 巧思
Black skin has its own, entwined but distinct, artistic history, with vexed connotations of power, prejudice and eroticism.
It wasn’t only a hue in its own right, artists realised, but an enlivener of other colours.
ramblings 漫无边际的谈话 nocturnal ramblings 夜谈

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-19 20:36:11 | 显示全部楼层
DAY 2 阅读文章2 Women and Property across Colonial America: A Comparison of Legal Systems in New Mexico and New York

阅读时间 3min27s 整理时间 15min 合计 18min27s


引入: 不同区域的法律体系影响女性的权力- a common law system (as in England) or a civil law system (such as that of Spain).

Spanish law-civil law systems-更保护女性的财产
(反驳common perception: Spanish: 大男子主义,控制欲强; English:individualism)

New Mexico-civil law systems; New York:原来荷兰殖民时期是 civil law system (Dutch) ,后来英国殖民时期变成 a common law (English) system.

a civil law system下女性享受到的好处:
1. 女性的婚前财产:女性可以完全自由支配
2. 夫妻共同财产:丈夫死后寡妇可获得一半的夫妻共同财产

patriarchal 男权的
gained tangible benefits 获得了实实在在的利益
dowry 嫁妆,亡夫遗产
community property 夫妻共同财产
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-20 23:49:58 | 显示全部楼层
DAY 3 阅读文章1 What quantum computers reveal about innovation:Venture capital is often the last guest to arrive at the party

阅读时间 4min22s 整理时间 12min49s 合计 17min11s


-1981,the birth of quatum computing
-commercial value and venture capital flow into the arena of quantum computing
-potential apllication scenarios of quantum computing
-industiral support: how big companies such as IBM, the Bell lab have financed the research of cutting-edge technologies
- venture capital: know when to stick with a risky prospect and when to call it quits.
- government support: should be careful when facing super-early-stage and risky investments
- Quantum computing is not an isolated subject, but rather it relies on the efforts of countless scientists and progress in dozens of other fields

Venture capital is beginning to flow into companies built around quantum computers, as investors make a bold—possibly foolhardy—bet that even the limited, error-prone, unstable machines that make up the state-of-the-art today may prove commercially useful.
foolhardy 莽撞的
state-of-the-art 最先进的
open up entirely new vistas 开拓新的前景
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-20 23:59:05 | 显示全部楼层
DAY 3 阅读文章2 Mini ice age

阅读时间 2min50s 整理时间 23min47s 合计 27min17s
理论说明:为什么全球变暖会导致 Mini ice age
-global warming导致冰川融化,使得大量的淡水注入北大西洋(North Atlantic of huge rivers of freshwater, 可能来自 melting Arctic ice)
-海水的含盐量和温度下降-the drop in salinity and temperature in the Labrador Sea
-The trend could cause a little ice age by subverting the northern penetration of Gulf Stream waters.
原来:Gulf Stream waters往北流northward, 释放热量到空气中,使得欧洲大陆,美国和加拿大升温;释放完热量的cold water下沉到海底--thermohaline circulation
现在:fresh water(密度低,水无法下沉)阻碍了thermohaline circulation, 使得Gulf Stream waters往南流southward或者move slow(潜台词:阻碍了热循环,就没法释放热量到空气中,就会造成ice age)

meanders up the east coasts  蜿蜒在东海岸
a lot of the heat wafts to Europe 飘到
This massive column of cascading cold is the main engine powering a deepwater current called the Great Ocean Conveyor that snakes through all the world's oceans.

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-21 21:20:12 | 显示全部楼层
DAY 4 阅读文章1 Surrogacy – wish fulfilment or exploitation?

阅读时间 5min45s 整理时间 16min53s 合计 22min38s


1-2: polarising views on surrogacy: altruism V.S. exploitative and unethical.
3-5: legal reform to surrogacy law is underway
6: overview- serious issues that need to be taken into consideration
-potential power imbalances between surrogate mothers and intended parents,
-the risks of pregnancy and birth taken on by the surrogate mother
-human rights concerns
7-9:socioeconomic inequality between surrogate mothers and intended parents
10-11:inherent physical and psychological risks for surrogate mothers; especially risky for  first-time mothers, egg-donors
12: potential coercion from intended parents during their antenatal care or birth. As a result, the surrogate mother’s rights to dignity and bodily autonomy may be subtly undermined.
13: There are two sides of the story, so the discussions must include the fullest range of perspectives

Surrogacy is a polarising issue. 两极化的话题
altruism 利他主义
emotional toll 情感创伤
crop up  突然出现
For untested first-time mothers, or primigravidae, these risks are entirely unknown, and the Law Commission rightly asked whether primigravidae should be allowed to be surrogates.
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-21 21:44:44 | 显示全部楼层
DAY 4 阅读文章2 Hispanic Law Water Right

阅读时间 3min42s 整理时间 20min53s 合计 23min42s

19世纪末到20世纪初加州的water rights也是如此,表面上是基于hispanic water rights,但是实际和之前西班牙时期的法律完全不同,推崇私有的水权:absolute and exclusive water rights,water monopoly

对比-之前西班牙时期的water rights.-推崇公共的水权 communal water system,especially in times of shortage

后来为什么产生对Hispanic water rights的认知偏差呢?有的学者认为是"loss of Hispanic learning" or parties failing to present documents on Spanish and Mexican water law to the courts.
作者反驳这个解释没有依据,因为这些学者们既没有研究19世纪当时的时代背景,也没有研究court files

stare decisis 根据过往判例
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-22 14:35:43 | 显示全部楼层
DAY 5 阅读文章1 The pandemic has changed China’s nightclubs:It has given local DJs a chance to shine

阅读时间 2min36s 整理时间 5min 合计 7min36s

3-4:疫情带来的变化:1. DJ的本土化 2. 非一线城市夜店的发展
5: 不同人的看法:业内人士还是希望有一些外国DJ带来新的血液;观众无所谓,只要有音乐就好

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