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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-22 15:32:26 | 只看该作者
DAY 5 阅读文章2 Review: Jim Crow's Offense
阅读时间 7min20s 整理时间 31min40s 合计 39min

McMillen的观点:在南北战争后,white supremacy 是社会主流观点,slavery 的传统导致了不成文的种族歧视,进而导致了后来歧视的成文法
the social relations of slavery gave way to an"informal code of exclusion and discrimination" , which in turn evolved into legally mandated separation and disfranchisement.

C. Vann Woodward反对:他认为那个时期已经出现一些反抗的意识

white supremacy的传统在Mississippi 始终是一致没有改变的,改变的是黑人抗争的方式
What changes are the  strategies adopted by black Mississippians in"their struggles to achieve autonomy and full citizenship"

第三段  几个不同时期the shifting responses to oppression define the stages of that journey

Reconstruction 南北战争后的重建时期
the New Deal 罗斯福新政
in the history of the United States, was a term used by white Southerners to refer to the reversion of the South to conservative Democratic Party rule after the period of Reconstruction (1865–1877), which followed the American Civil War.
disfranchisement 剥夺公民权deprival of civil right;
edifice 大厦
Like  Howard Rabinowitz, McMillen sees little of the flickering light discernedby  C. Vann Woodward, no period of fluidity preceding the codification of Jim Crow.'
Indeed the very"confidence of the dominant race"  in the universal recognition of the imperatives of place made legislation unnecessary for two decades.
Ironically, it was the perception of a threat to rigidity that  provoked the construction of a legal edifice to enforce an already familiar definition of place.
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-23 20:27:13 | 只看该作者
DAY 6 阅读文章1 What really killed the dinosaurs?Lingering doubts about the cause of a mass extinction are put to rest
阅读时间 3min50s 整理时间 19min20s 合计 23min10s


证据:crater, the effects of giant waves, modelling suggests the planet would have been a pretty uncomfortable place for quite some time afterwards, with ejecta suspended in the atmosphere blotting out the sun, and acid rain changing the chemical composition of the oceans.

小众观点:恐龙灭绝是由于印度那边火山爆发,产生Toxic and climate-changing gases from these eruptions
1. 确实有小行星撞地球, 但是之前也发生过很多次小行星撞地球都没有物种灭绝
2. 之前P和T时期都发生过大规模物种灭绝,这两个时期都有火山爆发,但是没有小行星撞地球


三种方式来测量古代的气候温度:One is through the ratio in shells between two isotopes of oxygen. A second is the ratio of magnesium to calcium in foraminifera shells. A third, called tex86, relies on the composition of the membranes of a group of single-celled organisms called Archaea.


a small group of holdouts 钉子户
A holdout is someone who refuses to agree or act with other people in a particular situation and by doing so stops the situation from progressing or being resolved.
Deccan Traps 印度德干地盾
ambient temperature 环境温度
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-23 20:46:52 | 只看该作者
DAY 6 阅读文章2 The search for dark matter in the recent majestic universe
阅读时间 2min36s 整理时间 9min53s 合计 12min29s

1-2: 排除两种构成dark matter的particle
1. 不是 protons, neutrons, 因为在宇宙形成之初数量太少
2. 不是neutrinos,probably too lightweight + too "hot"--运动速度太快

有利候选“粒子”--- “cold” dark matter----运动速度慢,还未知

Supersymmetry理论---one “superpartner” for every known elementary particle.
These new particles all heavier (hence more sluggish) than known particles.

最受关注的是neutralino----photon和the boson的superpartner,以及其他粒子的混合
lightest supersymmetric particle; stable;no charge;
The hypothesized mass, stability and neutrality of the neutralino satisfy all the requirements of cold dark matter.

primordial 原始的,最初的
sluggishly 慢吞吞地
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-24 16:31:27 | 只看该作者
DAY 7 阅读文章1 The rising prevalence of dementia is a global emergency:It requires more research, better provision for long-term care and changes in individual behaviour

阅读时间 4min38s 整理时间 18min44s 合计 23min22s


1-4: dementia疾病的紧迫性和危害
1.  dementia is already a global emergency
2.  Dementia疾病的简介
3.  疫情使得意识到dementia问题的严重性
4. 一丝曙光:预防措施和药物上市,但是还是杯水车薪

5. 首先是重申问题的紧迫性
6. 长期的医药费用怎么解决
7. 护理人群短缺问题怎么解决
8. public-health campaigns 不给力,解决问题任重道远

dementia 痴呆症
No cure is in the offing 眼前没有解药
an umbrella term 总称
a knock-on effect 连锁反应
self-financing 自给自足
intractable 棘手的
The trouble is that public-health campaigns have a patchy record and they do nothing for dementia’s most intractable pre-existing condition—old age.
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-24 16:45:02 | 只看该作者
Day6 加餐

阅读时间 1min42s 整理时间 7min40s 合计 9min22s
老观点:territorial expansion and defense(领土的扩张和防御)是由文化决定的
因为density-dependent factor 的存在,越倾向于保护资源的物种存活率就越高,因此基因得到延续,继而territorial instinct得以演化
有些物种是没有territorial instinct的,但是人类肯定有

Some say that wars of territorial expansion and defense avoided because they cultural in origin. Such human territorial behavior. However, is motivated by both culture and instinct. Territorial instinct can evolve in animal species for some vital resource serves as a “ density-dependent factor”- a factor whose effect on population growth or size in a territory varies with population density. In other words, as a species’ population density increases in a territory, the growing shortage of vital resources such as habitat, food or water incrementally shows its rate of population growth. Eventually, death and birth rates come into balance and population density levels off. Under such circumstances, territorial instinct tends to evolve. Individuals genetically predisposed to defend resource have higher survival rates and thus pass on more genes to the next generation.
Not very species develops the instinct for territorial behavior, however, A species’ populations density could be leveled off not by limited resources by rising levels of emigration, disease, or predation. When such alternative density-dependent factors are paramount territoriality usually doesn’t evolve.

But humans are decidedly territorial. Their war over territory arise from a combination of instinct and culture and can therefore best be avoided by an understanding of how these elements interact.
level off 趋于平缓

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-24 17:09:52 | 只看该作者
DAY 7 阅读文章2 Did Tough Antitrust Enforcement Cause the Diversification of American Corporations?

阅读时间 7min31s 整理时间 1min44s 合计 18min15s

话题引入:corporate diversificatiion这个现象是什么原因造成的?
传统观点:the “antitrust hypothesis”

Scherer (1980) and Comment and Jarrell (1995)反驳传统观点:很多国家的反托拉斯法和米国很不一样,但是也有diversification
1. 如果真是反托拉斯法的原因,那large merger的diversification应该高于small merger的diversificaiton,然而数据表示并无明显区别
2. the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and France这四个国家并无像美国那么严格的反托拉斯法律,可以也在同样的时期经历了diversification
细节例子:英国——政府其实是鼓励 horizontal mergers,但是diversification也增加了
加拿大——narrow view of illegal horizontal mergers,也就是对企业横向并购监管没那么严,diversification也增加了

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-24 17:26:40 | 只看该作者
Day7 加餐
阅读时间 1min06s 整理时间6min39s 合计 7min45s
历史上北美殖民地的工匠们因为是体力劳动者被看不起;但是独立战争加入抵抗队伍使得他们有了政治权利;但是伴随着政治权力而来的是工匠们经济地位的下降——大规模生产和速度的需求,使得大量unskilled workers和机器被使用,工匠数量也大大减少了


the vanguard of resistance 抵抗先锋

slur 毁谤

Where speed and quantity were no paramount over quality and where a mentoring tradition was replaced with ideas of individual enterprise.

The artisan of the North American colonies in the eighteenth century was granted little respect. Elevating those who did no manual labor above those who did, the socially elite looked down on the artisan, the termed “mechanic”. This same elite, however, frequently found itself depending upon “mere mechanics” in the rebellion against British rule. Groups like the Committee of Mechanics in the New York stood in the vanguard of resistance, and tradesmen increasingly assumed leadership positions in the rebellion. By the end of the American revolution in the early 1780s, it became increasingly difficult to use term “mechanic”-now regard as representing a species segment of society that contributed to the economic and political well-being of the new nation- as a slur.

Yet just as artisan achieved a significant new political role, changes in modes of production began to undermine their economic position. Master craftspeople, responding to the widespread prosperity and demand for goods in the early years of the nation, attempted to their costs of production by hiring unskilled and inexperienced workers instead of artisans and intruding machinery into the workshop. Where speed and quantity were no paramount over quality and where a mentoring tradition was replaced with ideas of individual enterprise. Though the timing and extent of these changes varied with trade and location, by 1850 the percentage of artisans in the workforce had decreased sharply.

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-25 23:50:04 | 只看该作者
DAY 8 阅读文章1 Does it matter if “The Crown” fictionalises reality?It is more truthful than the story the royals sold

阅读时间 3min14s 整理时间 19min 合计 22min14s

1. 英国文化部长对王冠剧情的抗议
2. 作者反驳:All drama that involves real people is, to some extent, fiction
3. 保守派和皇室奴才们对剧情的不满
4. 作者反驳:that is one of the costs of free speech
5. 作者反驳:最可笑的指控是与事实不符。
Yet the monarchy, too, is a purveyor of fiction. 本身温莎家族在媒体面前的形象就是他们塑造的一个人设,和电视剧一样,也不是完全真实的。
6. 讽刺政客的双标:如果要在电视剧的真实性这个问题上装高风亮节的话,还是先看看自己在政治问题上撒了多少谎吧

traduce 诽谤
flunkeys 奴才
pin-up 海报女郎

a rasping termagant 一个令人焦躁的泼妇

Its theme is the conflict between duty and personal fulfilment, which causes pain to cascade down from generation to generation.

veracity 诚实

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-25 23:50:36 | 只看该作者
DAY 8 阅读文章2 Anna Wetherill Olmsted and the Ceramic National exhibitions in 1930s USA

阅读时间 2min49s 整理时间 14min21s 合计 17min10s
关于AWO在 Ceramic的历史地位
1. 1950s,AWO在学术界影响力很大,期刊经常提到她
2. 1989年期刊就没有提到AWO了,原因:她不是陶艺家,而是策展人
3. AWO不善于自我宣传;策展人地位下降,AWO退居二线
4. AWO影响力的改变是伴随着美国陶艺界侧重点的改变的:1939年主要是experimental ceramics,策展人的作用很大

waxed and waned 增增减减,阴晴圆缺
curator 策展人
Retrospectively, it can be seen that Olmsted’s fluctuating reputation went hand in hand with changing priorities in American ceramics.

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-26 19:21:31 | 只看该作者
DAY 9 阅读文章1 Using satellites to spot industry’s methane leaks:To help combat climate change

阅读时间 4min09s 整理时间 9min18s 合计 13min27s

1. 引入:Claire卫星在监测Turkmenistan甲烷泄漏中起到的作用
2. 甲烷作为温室气体的危害
3. Turkmenistan甲烷泄漏事件的严重性
4. 历史上的大型甲烷泄漏事件
5. Methane can be detected spectroscopically. 卫星上安上光谱仪就可以检测了。
6-8.  Claire(离地面较近)检测甲烷泄漏的设备和原理简介;卫星探测比地面探测更可靠;Other methane-hunting satellites are coming.

On top of that, for firms seeking to burnish their green credentials, plugging leaks is one of the most effective things they can do to help combat climate change.
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