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发表于 2021-1-17 18:43:45 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-19 11:45:14 | 只看该作者
①MAIN IDEA:China’s fastest-growing ecommerce group Pinduoduo is facing a growing public relations crisis and an investigation into its working conditions after one of its employees died after collapsing on her way home from work.
EXAMPLEinduoduo in particular is known for its gruelling schedules and a secretive culture, with several current and former employees telling the Financial Times that a working week at the company could stretch even longer than the “996” norm.
②Economic Scene;Good news for the down and out, or are the data misleading?

Economic Scene;Good news for the down and out, or are the data misleading?
①most Americans struggling to make ends meet are on the fast track to affluence.
②opportunity that matters most
③The Cox-Alm study is making big waves among the movers and shakers of the political right.
④But a close look at the new research is not confidence-building.
⑤Standard measures of income distribution amount to snapshots at a moment in time
⑥The average income of individuals in the bottom fifth rose by $25,322
⑦Mr. Gottschalk notes that the Dallas researchers use unconventional means to reach these astonishing ends.
⑧Mr. Gottschalk guesses most of them were part-time workers with marginal links to the formal labor force
⑨virtually all the former high school and college students in the sample had full-time jobs in 1991
⑩by tracking individuals over time the Cox-Alm study mingles the impact of real economic mobility with income gains linked to accumulating work experience.
11averaging family incomes over a four-year period reduced measured inequality by about one-fourth.
生词:inflation. liberals amiss impediment
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-20 10:16:53 | 只看该作者
①Claude monet died in darkest December in 1926 surrounded by the garden he had created at Giverny.
②different country have different meanings.Most colours represent different things for different people.
③Physicists say it is not really a colour at all.
④The latest attempt to plumb these depths comes from Anish Kapoor, a British-Indian artist whose work questions notions of perception.
⑤The discovery in ancient Egypt, China and Rome that writing (and, later, printing) worked best when black was used on a white background gives black a special place in the pantheon of colours.
⑥ Philip Ball, the author of “Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Colour”, has said. It wasn’t only a hue in its own right, artists realised, but an enlivener of other colours.
⑦The myth of Orpheus, Eurydice, back to the land of the living, has inspired musicians, poets and painters.
⑧Monet and some of his fellow Impressionists banished black entirely. Édouard Manettook it on.
⑨Pablo Picasso used black to ask how God could possibly exist amid so much suffering. “Guernica”, his visual poem in black-and-white about the Spanish civil war, recalls the use of black in Francisco Goya’s prints
⑩Unveiled against the backdrop of the first world war and turmoil in Russia, Malevich’s “Black Square” marked a turning-point in modern art.
11Malevich was a huge influence on his successors, especially the American abstract expressionists
12in 2015, that Mr Kapoor secured the rights to make art using Vantablack
12It’s not an empty dark room, but a space full of darkness.”  these works are another step in the quest for the meaning of black.
生词disciple  palette  hue witchcraft vexed connotations eroticism
1LAW was one of the main determinants of women’s experiences in colonial America
②civil law systems were far more protective of women’s property than the common law system was.
③New Mexico provides a good example of the impact of Spanish law on colonial women
④the woman’s own property (bienes parafernales) legally remained under her control and could not be sold by the husband

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-20 21:23:11 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-21 21:01:20 | 只看该作者
  • surrogacy is a polarising issue. embodies true altruism
  • For others, surrogacy is inherently exploitative and unethical。Some even compare surrogacy to prostitution
  • The Law Commission is in the process of a review of existing surrogacy laws in the UK.The goal is to bring forward a Surrogacy.
  • Our concerns focus on the process of the consultation, barriers to accessing it , and the extent to which surrogate mothers’ rights and experiences are being taken into account.
  • It is crucial to acknowledge and reflect on these difficult areas in any discussion of surrogacy
  • Surrogates may be vulnerable to exploitation as there is often socioeconomic inequality between surrogate mothers and intended parents.
  • evidence from other studies indicates that the majority of women who act as surrogate mothers are substantially less well-off, less powerful and less endowed with status than the majority of intended parents.
  • though there may be other power imbalances in these familial arrangements, and economic inequalities may still exist.
  • There are inherent risks involved in pregnancy and birth for the surrogate.
  • Risks for the surrogate may be higher if she, or another woman, are involved as egg donor
  • handover triggers or exacerbates perinatal mental ill-health conditions
  • Finally, surrogates may experience coercion from intended parents during their antenatal care or birth.
  • Given the current policy climate and controversy around surrogacy, it’s crucial that public discussion of this issue includes the fullest range of perspectives.

生词:surrogacy prostitution  infertility foetus coercion
阅读时间30m 有点难。。。
Hispanic Law Water Right.(水权。。。
  • The Mission Inn in Riverside, California, is a luxury hotel constructed in 1902 to evoke "the Old California of missions and ranchos
  • Similarly, late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century state courts developed elaborate theories of water rights ostensibly based on Hispanic law.but which bore no resemblance to actual Spanish and Mexican legal traditions.
  • None of these scholars has examined the contemporary background of the key nineteenth- and early twentieth century cases to evaluate the context of these decisions, and none has researched court files to determine the extent to which judges knowingly misused Hispanic law.

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-22 18:05:33 | 只看该作者
The pandemic has changed China’s nightclubs:It has given local DJs a chance to shine
a hundred unmasked revellers bopped to techno tunes.
weathered the disruption 经受住了中断
punters freed from lockdown have flocked back to them
break even 收支平衡
Review: Jim Crow's Offense  JIM CROW(对黑人的蔑称)
  • 白人至上主义被认为是密西西比历史中重建和新政主要力量。对此,M提出了2点debate:1:奴隶社会的社会关系屈服于非正式的排斥和歧视守则
  • 第二点:种族关系不是阶级关系的功能。白人至上主义更像是一种意识形态,甚至可以说是白人利益
  • 如果是白人至上主义导致了黑人的凄惨历史,对压迫感的转变决定了各个阶段。第一阶段和第二阶段之间的界限很模糊,作者认为第三阶段的大迁移才是最有象征意义的。
salient 显著的突出的 slavery 奴隶制度 disfranchisement 剥夺公民权 codification编纂 整理 segregation种族隔离

blurred 使模糊
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-24 09:45:04 | 只看该作者
MAN IDEA:讨论导致恐龙灭绝的各种可能的原因
  • almost everybody thinks they know is that the dinosaurs were wiped out more or less instantaneously by a collision between Earth and a very large space rock. 几乎所有人都认为恐龙的灭绝是和地球和大石头的相撞同时发生的,相撞对环境有不好的影响,带来了酸雨等改变了海洋的化学成分
  • 但是有一些人有另外的看法他们认为地球是在66百万年前被小行星或者彗星撞击的。Earth was indeed hit by an asteroid or comet some 66m years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period.
  • 耶鲁大学的P学者和她的同事发表了一篇论文,她们认为不是火山造成了灭绝the impact that caused the extinction, not the volcanoes.
  • P学者和她的同事搜集了各种证据,其中具体讲了3种证据
  • 将所有的证据整合可以得出,地球在400,000 到 200,000 万年大型灭绝发生前升高了2度,他们认为是二氧化碳导致了全球变暖。结论: Deccan Traps were responsible for the extinction. Rather, it was the asteroid wot done it.

生词:put to rest 搁置

  • 暗物质是由什么组成的呢?一些天文研究提供了一些线索,首先它不可能是质子,中子组成的或者黑洞什么的,且在后来被证实
  • 曾经有人认为是中微子,但后来试验证明它们太轻了,且它们太热了,他们的速度几乎和光速一样,热粒子速度太快,无法进入到观测到的宇宙结构中。
  • 一种假设是冷的暗物质,他们移动的很慢,尽管它们也有flaw,大部分宇宙学家认为比起其他微不足道。标准model的延伸提供了一些看似有道理的候补。extensions of the Standard Model offer many plausible candidates.
  • 迄今为止,大部分的研究是超对称的,这个解释非常有吸引力,其中最受关注的是neutralino,neutralino” 和 “neutrino名字上很像,这两种粒子的确具有许多相同的性质,但在其他方面却截然不同。
  • 尽管在正常标准下,neutralino偏重,但是在对称型分子里,它是最轻的,且它必须是稳定的,否则它会裂成2个更轻的超晶子,正如它的名字一样,它是不受电磁力影响的,假设中中微子的质量、稳定性和中性满足冷暗物质的所有要求。

生词:corroborate 证实使坚固
The hypothesized mass, stability and neutrality of the neutralino satisfy all the requirements of cold dark matter.
most cosmologists consider these problems minor compared with the difficulties faced by alternative hypotheses
he two particles indeed share various properties, but they are otherwise quite distinct.
 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-24 10:57:45 | 只看该作者
DAY7 标题:越来越盛行的痴呆正在全球告急:它需要更多的被研究
  • 在所有世界难题中,痴呆好像是最不急的,因为它不会以病毒感染的速度发展,而是以人口变化的不可避免的沉重速度发展,而且它的后果在很久之后才会显现出来,但是事实是相反的!痴呆已经全球告急,没有社会能够提供一个可持续的方法和去负担这个治疗
  • 痴呆是一个伞型结构,有很多的原因和条件,其中最常见的是老年痴呆症,占60%-80%,通常开始于健忘和认知障碍。随着全球人口的老龄化和人口增长,越来越的痴呆发生在发展中国家。
  • 痴呆所带来的问题已经在老龄化社会里凸显出来了,疫情期间更是如此,1/4的医院床位都被痴呆病人占据了,因为他们无处可去。
  • 不是所有的消息都是坏消息,最近的研究表明少抽烟,多锻炼,注意控制体重都可以降低患痴呆的可能性,但是痴呆在一些国家依然在加剧,且治疗方法只能帮助到一部分人。
  • 这证实为什么政府需要现在行动起来去减少痴呆所带来的社会和经济损失。
  • 政府还需要去思考痴呆病人的长期治疗,最多人问的也是如何去负担费用?
  • 而且比起长期治疗的费用,一个更基本的问题是谁来做?它是非常劳动密集型的
  • 最新证据表明,40%的症状可以通过改变行为来改善,
in the foreseeable future
it does not advance at the speed of a viral infection but with the ponderous inevitability of demographic change

  • 关于经济的一个中心问题仍然未被解决,在过去的40年,是什么造成了企业多元化的上升和下降,尽管有一堆貌似合理的解释,但几乎都是一些传闻
  • 在这些解释中,最古老、最持久的一种是反垄断假说。1960年代由于反垄断当局禁止他们扩张本土产业,,1980年代,制度变得不那么严格了,企业能够横向发展,使得他们可以
  • 反垄乱促进了企业多元化同样也得到了很多传闻的支持,但是它依然有被怀疑的成分。因为有些国家的多元化有着和美国完全不同的反垄断政策。
  • 这篇论文的目的就是对反垄断假说作一个实验性的证实。兼并收购型企业就会避免进行大型横向收购,或者代之以小型横向收购和与任何规模的公司合并,或者完全退出合并市场在这两种情况下,在1960年代和1970年代的集团合并浪潮中,大型合并中的多元化收购比例应该相对较高,而小型合并中的比例相对较低。但事实并非如此。
  • 除去数据证据,我还调查了英国,加拿大,德国,法国的各种多样化模式。尽管这些国家没有法律限制横向发展,他们同样经历了多元化浪潮,这证明了企业多元化的主要原因在于其他
  • 第二个怀疑的原因是:大部分的西方经济的企业多元化也在增加,但是他们的法律限制水平扩张跟美国不同。
  • 在英国,竞争制度被法案所管制,目的在于打击企业联合,如果他们违反公共利益的话。在1970年代,英国涌现出了一大批联合企业
  • 加拿大的合并被Combines Investigation Act所管制,禁止合并者减少的违反公共利益的竞争,
生词: Antitrust conglomerate企业集团  acquisition收购  empirical 经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的
          robust 强健 take a narrow view of   stringent 严格 substituted into代入
Diversifying mergers, in contrast, were unlikely to have been challenged regardless of size. If the antitrust hypothesis is correct, then, acquisition-minded firms avoided large horizontal acquisitions, and either i) substituted into small horizontal acquisitions and mergers with firms of any size in unrelated industries, or ii) dropped out of the merger market altogether. In either case, there should have been a relatively high fraction of diversification acquisitions among large mergers and a relatively low fraction among small mergers during the conglomerate merger wave of the 1960s and 1970s.

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-25 15:30:54 | 只看该作者

  • 真正的王室被netfix所诽谤,并且要求公司去发布一个健康警告:此故事纯属虚构
  • 一个被正在写莎士比亚的人所领导的政府在电视剧里去强调历史真实性,是一件很奇怪的事情。
  • 毫无意外后来的续集都被远程的声音所遥控,整个系列被认为不真实,不公平有损君主制度。
  • 如果君主制度如此不堪一击的话,那么制度本身就失去了效应。
  • 最可笑的控诉是不真实性。王冠的确歪曲了编年史和加了一些故事。
  • 既然一个奉行言论自由的政府不太可能因为Netflix首席执行官无视道登先生而将其送上伦敦塔,这种干预应该被解读为纯粹的美德——向英国保守党发出信号。

生词:Redeeming 补偿 挽救 outraged 愤怒的 humiliated被羞辱  monarch 君主制
all in all总而言之
Those lies could lead to a geopolitical divorce far messier than the Windsors .这些谎言可能会导致一场比温莎家族更混乱的地缘政治离婚。

monarchy is a purveyor of fiction.君主制也是小说的提供者。

if the monarchy is so vulnerable that a man pretending to be Prince Charles saying mean things to a woman pretending to be his wife damages it gravely, then the institution has probably outlived its usefulness.如果一个假装是查尔斯王子的男人对一个假装是他妻子的女人说刻薄的话,严重损害了君主制,那么这个制度可能已经失去了它的用处。

Anna Wetherill Olmsted和她的陶瓷展@1930年代的美国
MAIN IDEA:描述了Olmste在1930年代声望时起时落的状况及其原因。
  • 1950s olmsted的名声正值顶峰,无数文章刊登她和她在国内的陶瓷展,甚至于人们认为美国陶瓷在国外的影响力也得益于此,并称其为不可替代的威望。
  • 1989年Everson Museum陶瓷展发布时,olmsted的声望一落千丈,一时间无人问津,这其中有很多原因,Olmsted 不是一个陶瓷家,她是一个馆长,组织者和促进者。
  • 令人惊奇的是,尽管她名声在外,但却不是一个自吹自擂的人,即使在1950年代依然是具有影响力的,然而在新建的Everson Museum of Art却被认为是个障碍。她因此而被人事调动。
  • Olmsted飘忽不定的威望是和美国陶瓷的优先权紧密关联的。

生词:waxed and waned  时重时轻 self-promoter 自吹自擂  epitomize 摘要概括   prestige特权 威望
blurring 模糊不清 ceramic vessels 陶瓷 dissemination 散播  decorative装饰用的 render 使得cause
  • reputation waxed and waned
  • Olmsted’s fluctuating reputation went hand in hand with changing priorities in American ceramics.

 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-26 18:07:46 | 只看该作者
DAY9 利用卫星探测M泄漏:帮助应对气候变化
  • 卫星可以在发现温室气体泄漏方面发挥重要作用,但令人担忧的是,这些泄漏的程度往往被大大低估了。
  • 约四分之一的人为全球变暖被认为是由M引起的。其中五分之一到三分之一的M来自石油和天然气行业。
  • 研究结果发表在2019年11月的《地球物理研究快报》在2018年2月至2019年1月期间,这三起泄漏事件共泄漏了14.2万吨M。
  • 在一篇发表在《美国国家科学院学报》2019年12月,Aben博士和她的同事计算出图像防负责每年相当于四分之一的石油和天然气排放在整个的俄亥俄州。
  • 烷可以用光谱探测到。像其他气体一样,它以特定频率吸收光。
  • 重达15公斤、微波炉大小的微型卫星于2016年6月发射升空,目的是测量二氧化碳和甲烷的排放。
  • ghgsat的CEO计划在11月推出一项新的服务。这将提供一幅地球的数字图像,用户可以将其放大,不断探索更新的模式和M排放的热点。
  • 其他的甲烷探测卫星即将到来。其中包括将于2022年由Environmental Defence Fund的附属机构发射的卫星。
  • 除此之外,对于那些想要提升自己绿色资质的公司来说,堵漏是他们能做的帮助应对气候变化最有效的事情之一。

摘抄:On top of that, for firms seeking to burnish their green credentials, plugging leaks is one of the most effective things they can do to help combat climate change.

  • 一般来说,传统的放射性碳定年法已经有效地在有机保存比较有利的地区绘制出了过去3万年的地图。然而,加速器质谱法可以把阈值推到更早的时间。
  • 在4万年的地平线上,一块骨头或一块木炭中碳14的含量可能非常少:这样的标本可能只含有几千个碳14原子。因此,同样少量的现代碳会严重影响测量结果。
  • 样本大小和本底辐射都不会对放射性碳加速器年代测定产生问题,因此,样本化学的微小改进可以导致更清晰和更广泛的年代测定。
  • 一个长期存在的争议是,新的年代测定技术已经产生了重大影响,涉及到第一次人类迁移到新世界。
  • 加速年代测定在建立尼安德特人的权威年表方面也可能被证明是无价的。
摘抄:If  other such finds are made in the future, accelerator mass spectrometry will quite probably be the dating technique called on to determine the skeleton's age directly.

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