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发表于 2020-9-16 16:53:03 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
阅读是第一篇是个啥job enbedness 第一段几个因素第二段间接因素了一下好像记不清了
第三篇是chaos 应该是过去重库那个

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发表于 2020-9-16 17:00:03 | 只看该作者
9) job embeddeness(附考古+近似原文)
V1by Bettylee (730)
p1 讲job embedness的三大好处(什么增进交流之类)
p2讲job embedness会导致一些不良影响。比如说过于投入工作忽略家庭之类。
问了到primary purpose, 还有一道最不能用job embedness的好处来解释的例子
V2by  lcommus(750)
第一段是说以前学者的传统观点认为job embeddment的三个优点(和几经中叙述差不多)
第二段转折,说job embeddment因为1)加强人与人之间的联系和沟通而让人得知更多其它工作岗位的信息。 2)因为太专注工作而疏忽家人,造成和家人不合。这两个原因而造成主动离职。
1。考了主题题,有点迷惑的,一个选项说比较2中理论还有个选项说分析job embembeddedment对主动离职的影响.我不记得我选啥了,反正就在这两个之间。
2。说那个最least表述job embeddedment。比较简单。看看哪一个描述和其他4个不一样就好了,很明显。
V3by bigheart(620)
A. the job is required to travel a lot
B. employee joins company’s soccer team
C. employee works for a local charity
D. employee feels comfortable working for company, blabla
E. employee works as a comedy and a banker in a city well known for it iscomedy shows

考古by XYXB[考友已确认考古]
关键词:embeddednessin people turnover of job
问题(1)主题题 (2)in order to 题 (3)except细节。
(1)主题题 注意作者TS的语气,有无强转折,强对比等
(2)in order to 题
(3)except细节 (参考:有可能是近似原文里的第三四两段的小列举)
A. the job is required to travel a lot
B. employee joins company’s soccer team
C. employee considers company as his/her community’sbig part (JJ作者选)(可参考5段首句)
D. employee feels comfortable working for company,blabla
E. <can’t remember>

According to Mitchell et al. (2001), jobembeddedness represents a broad cluster of ideas that influence an employee'schoice to remain in a job, operating like a net or a web in which an individualbecomes enmeshed. A person who is highly embedded has many connections within aperceptual life space (Lewin, 1951). Moreover, a person can become enmeshed orembedded in a variety of ways (both on and off the job). The critical aspectsof job embeddedness are the extent to which the job is similar to or fits withthe other aspects in their life space, the extent to which the person has linksto other people or activities, and the ease with which links can bebroken--what they would give up if they left. These dimensions are called fit,links and sacrifice. Less concerned with the influence of any one specificconnection, job embeddedness focuses on the overall level of connectedness(Mitchell et al., 2001).
(介绍工作嵌入度的三个方面:fit (适合), links(联系) and sacrifice(损失)
According to the theory of job embeddedness (Mitchell, Holtom and Lee, 2001),an employee's personal values, career goals and plans for the future must fitwith the larger corporate culture and the demands of his or her immediate job(e.g., job knowledge, skills and abilities). In addition, a person willconsider how well he or she fits the community and surrounding environment. Jobembeddedness assumes that the better the fit, the higher the likelihood that anemployee will feel professionally and personally tied to the organization.
Job embeddedness theory suggests that a number of threads link an employee andhis or her family in a social, psychological, and financial web that includeswork and non-work friends, groups, the community, and the physical environmentwhere they are located. The greater the number of links between the person andthe web, the more likely an employee will stay in a job (Mitchell et al.,2001).
The concept of sacrifice represents the perceived cost of material orpsychological benefits that are forfeited by organizational departure. Forexample, leaving an organization may induce personal losses (e.g., losingcontact with friends, personally relevant projects, or perks). The more anemployee will have to give up when leaving, the more difficult it will be tosever employment with the organization (Shaw et al., 1998). Examples includenon-portable benefits, like stock options or defined benefit pensions, as wellas potential sacrifices incurred through leaving an organization like jobstability and opportunities for advancement (Shaw et al., 1998). Similarly,leaving a community where they are highly involved in local organizations canbe difficult for employees.
One key area where job embeddedness complements traditional approaches tovoluntary turnover is community attachment. The model explicitly considers theimpact of both organizational and community influences on the three jobembeddedness dimensions. Put differently, each of the three dimensions--fit,links and sacrifice--has organizational and community components, which aresummarized in Table 2. In two reported tests, Mitchell, Lee and colleagues(Mitchell et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2004) have demonstrated that jobembeddedness predicts variance in voluntary turnover over and above job satisfaction.
(讲job embeddedness(工作嵌入度)对理解主动跳槽有一个重要的补充,这就是归属感。Jobembeddness模型认为组织(偏公)和社团(偏私)对job embeddedness的三个方面------fit, links and sacrifice都有影响。模型作者认为:在预测员工“主动跳槽”方面,job embeddedness比job satisfaction更有优势。)
To date, job embeddedness has been tested in the hospital, grocery and bankingindustries. To extend the generalizability of the model, we propose to test itacross multiple, diverse industries. Thus, the following hypotheses replicateMitchell et al.'s findings:

Hypothesis 1: Job embeddedness is negativelycorrelated with voluntary turnover (主动跳槽).
(工作嵌入度越高,员工越不愿跳槽. Jobembeddedness 和turnover是 反比关系)
Hypothesis 2: Job embeddedness improves theprediction of voluntary turnover above and beyond that accounted for by jobsatisfaction(工作满意度).
(job embeddedness工作嵌入度的大小,对员工跳槽的影响要超过job satisfaction工作满意度大小对员工跳槽的影响。)

*1.1.6 换工作V1 By 出方告


V2 bykathyyoung(Q49,V30)
一篇是那个part-time 和full-time job的研究那题,题目跟JJ里面讲的差不多。一个是问关于第二段提到的那个survey,哪一个是对的。 选的是 对于是家里顶梁柱的人做part-time job,也很少turnover。

V3 by  lenaie520  (710)
换工作那个议论fulltime 还是partime,不长,考了most studies有什么特征:忽视对partime的研究;推断题:无论fulltime还是partime作为家里顶梁柱的人态度是一样的(lz表达有些问题,就是顶梁柱都不会轻易换工作)

V4by 鸢尾花的叶 700
换工作那篇,文章结构没有要补充的,有一道题我纠结了很久,就是定位在“对于par-time job的研究发现,如果这个人是做part-time来补贴家用,而不是他的主要工作的时候,because of the lower status,人们就比较少会选择换工作”这里。题目问的是therelationship between status and changing job。但选项里有比较worker's status和job的关系的,还有比较part-time job跟changing job的关系的,两个描述的比较类似,而且看起来都对,我就不知道选哪个了……

V1 kirnamilk 710
P1:通常学者认为是...(原因,实在不记得了,两个很普通的原因,不重要哈)导致了人们换工作,但是最近有学者提出一个"embedment (嵌入)"的理论,大概是说个人与工作的联系,这种联系越紧,工作就会更稳定,工作就更不容易变动。有3个特点:1)与周围人的联系。2)与community的联系。3)与生活方式的联系。(大家注意我这三条记得不是完全准确啊)。
P2: 但是,有两种极端情况,这种联系太紧,也会导致人换工作,一种是这个人的network太强,认识太多人。还有一种是太投入工作忽视了家庭…

文言文vitalia (Golden自行确认)
P2:转折,但是embedment不仅能够促进员工留住,而且也有可能促进员工离职.然后是列举了两种情况: 1)connection使得员工有更多机会去了解新的工作机会,从而离职; 2)embedment可能会使得员工在公司和家庭之间产生矛盾.
1 主题题注意作者TS的语气,有无强转折,强对比等
2 in order to 题
3except细节(参考:有可能是背景里的第三四两段的小列举/第5段首句):Employee considerscompany as a community’s big part
背景文 (据说提供者叫)巴神
According toMitchell et al. (2001), job embeddedness represents a broad cluster of ideasthat influence an employee's choice to remain in a job, operating like a net ora web in which an individual becomes enmeshed. A person who is highly embeddedhas many connections within a perceptual life space (Lewin, 1951). Moreover, aperson can become enmeshed or embedded in a variety of ways (both on and offthe job). The critical aspects of job embeddedness are the extent to which thejob is similar to or fits with the other aspects in their life space, theextent to which the person has links to other people or activities, and theease with which links can be broken--what they would give up if they left.These dimensions are called fit, links and sacrifice. Less concerned with theinfluence of any one specific connection, job embeddedness focuses on theoverall level of connectedness (Mitchell et al., 2001).
介绍工作嵌入度的三个方面:fit (适合), links(联系) and sacrifice(损失)

According tothe theory of job embeddedness (Mitchell, Holtom and Lee, 2001), an employee'spersonal values, career goals and plans for the future must fit with the largercorporate culture and the demands of his or her immediate job (e.g., jobknowledge, skills and abilities). In addition, a person will consider how wellhe or she fits the community and surrounding environment. Job embeddednessassumes that the better the fit, the higher the likelihood that an employeewill feel professionally and personally tied to the organization.

Jobembeddedness theory suggests that a number of threads link an employee and hisor her family in a social, psychological, and financial web that includes workand non-work friends, groups, the community, and the physical environment wherethey are located. The greater the number of links between the person and theweb, the more likely an employee will stay in a job (Mitchell et al., 2001).

Theconcept of sacrifice represents the perceived cost of material or psychologicalbenefits that are forfeited by organizational departure. For example, leavingan organization may induce personal losses (e.g., losing contact with friends,personally relevant projects, or perks). The more an employee will have to giveup when leaving, the more difficult it will be to sever employment with theorganization (Shaw et al., 1998). Examples include non-portable benefits, likestock options or defined benefit pensions, as well as potential sacrificesincurred through leaving an organization like job stability and opportunitiesfor advancement (Shaw et al., 1998). Similarly, leaving a community where theyare highly involved in local organizations can be difficult for employees.

6. Factors of Leaving a job*
V1,  by xxn714
有一篇阅读是 说的那个FACTORS OF LEAVING A JOB,就说现在还有很多其他的因素
V2, byregina248300
说的那个FACTORS OF LEAVING A JOB,就说现在还有很多其他的因素,我今天也考了这题,第一段给了一个什么定义还是什么的,就记得有三点,一点是和work有关,第二点和家庭和community,第三。。忘了,这里有一道题   
V3, by 徐斌burning(700)
有一个embad。。。什么的很复杂的一个单词也不知道是什么意思,讲的是人们离职的工作的原因,传统上面有3个假设,后面第二段however 又给出3个理由,一道主旨题,通篇不是很痛,主要是这个embad什么什么的单词一直在出现,要注意啊。
V4, bysheryter(660,V28)
第一段主要提出否定传统分析法,有个叫embed什么的是重要的来分析员工离职的因素。然后对embed举些例子,比如包括和同事之间的关系啦,职业对于家庭的影响啦,离职后对于social network的影响啦。意思是说,如果有embed,员工不容易离职。

V5, by 糖衣TT
第一段说的是以前的观点认为影响一个人leave job 的原因有2个: job satisfaction 和 job alternative
然后现在有个人提出了一个新的观点,认为原因应该用这个 Exx(记不到单词了)来解释,这个Exx讲的是人与job、community、family之间的connection,具体来说有3种,1是他和工作的connection,2是他和community,family的connection能不能和其他connection和谐,3是他要离职的代价有多大
第二段是However, 这个Exx影响人leave job还有2个indirect 的方式。然后下面具体说,第一是connection多的人认识很多人,这样更有机会知道哪里有新的职位啊,工作机会;第二是如果这个人和job的connection好的话,那他和家庭的connection就会受影响,然后工作和家庭会出现conflict,为了解决这个conflict,他就可能要换工作了。
V6, byzhan1521(680,V31)
Job-embeddeness与跳槽 好像是这么拼吧,文章思路结构较清晰 好懂
P1 客户是否跳槽与满意度有关然后提出一个Job-embeddeness的东东,表示客户愿意stayinthe company然后引出这个东西的三点性质
P2 他的两个不足 结论是啥忘了
针对第一个不足除了一个题 直接的选E benefit神马神马的 这个“神马”是第一个不足里面的key word 所以我就选了 额~不过真的记不起来是啥了
V7, 特别感谢arleneyau指出
第六篇的【Factors of Leaving a job】那个单词embed,我猜测是embeddedness,工作嵌入
V8, byyolanda0109(740, V38)
一篇employee为什么留在工作岗位上(voluntary turnover),首先说researchers都assume employee留在岗位上的原因是job alternatives和job satisfaction,(有题,问后面那个提出embed的人觉得这些人的assumption是怎么样的,有大部分正确,大部分错误,不完整,提供了他理论的base,还有一个忘了)然后有什么人又提出embed那个东东,说人留在岗位上与social connection有关,与自己生活和关系的fit有关,还与commuity有关。第二段说其实embed太多也不好,比如social connection太多,那对其他岗位的信息量就越大,很可能造成离职。然后embed多可能会造成conflict,最后说embed这个概念就是针对于root in the current situation来说的,而这本身就可能会造成离职(估计是因为人们想改变?)
V9, byveronalu(760,V41)
先介绍一种关于job turnover原因的传统理论,然后说其实job embediness (JE) 也是一个key factor。判断JE包括三点:1,与周围人的connections;2,对community的...认可度?忘了;3,脱离这个community的难易程度。
第二段讲到其实JE太高也会增加job turnover的可能性,原因有:1,connections多的人一般都比较会network,而这些人就有更多其他job position的机会;2,JE高更容易导致忽略家庭产生一些conflict,而这些conflicts就可能成为turnover的原因。其他可能还有但是我就记得这么多了。

1 connections可能导致? 选:第二项,job turnover(这题我很不确定)
2 主旨? 选:第一项,不同因素对job turnover的effect
V10,  sheen2030(710,V35)
第一段说的是以前的观点认为影响一个人leave job 的原因有2个: job satisfaction 和 job alternative
然后现在有个人提出了一个新的观点,认为原因应该用这个 Exx(记不到单词了)来解释,这个Exx讲的是人与job、community、family之间的connection,具体来说有3种,1是他和工作的connection,2是他和community,family的connection能不能和其他connection和谐,3是他要离职的代价有多大
第二段是However, 这个Exx影响人leave job还有2个indirect 的方式。然后下面具体说,第一是connection多的人认识很多人,这样更有机会知道哪里有新的职位啊,工作机会;第二是如果这个人和job的connection好的话,那他和家庭的connection就会受影响,然后工作和家庭会出现conflict,为了解决这个conflict,他就可能要换工作了。
原文翻译过来就是这样的= =。
1、问跟什么样的一个人更倾向于怎么样= =啊不记得了
V11, by qiuzhonghao(740)
jj6号embeddedness(嵌套这个单词在所有jj里都是拼错的不知为何),就是讲先是认为嵌套对有利于留下员工但第二段反驳了。本人证明jj里考古是错的,和part/fulltime job无关,与工作家人个人的connection有关。
发表于 2020-9-19 01:54:47 | 只看该作者
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