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UN: Half ofYoung Teenagers Face Violence or Bullying in School A UnitedNations report says about half of students aged 13 to 15 worldwide haveexperienced some form of violence in school. This number represents about 150 million students from aroundthe world. The report was released by the U.N. children's agency, knownas UNICEF. Included in the 13-15 age group were students who reported beingin a physical fight within the past year. Also included were students who saidthey had been bullied in the last month. "For millions of students around the world, the schoolenvironment is not a safe space to study and grow," the report said."It is a danger zone where they learn infear." Some information in the study was collected by UNICEF.Information on some countries came from governments or other organizations. The report identifies bullying as one of the biggest problemsfacing schools. About one in three students reported they had experiencedbullying at school. In industrialized nations, 17 million students aged 13through 19 admitted to bullying others at school. UNICEF said certain youth groups are more likely to be victimsof bullying. These include ethnic minorities, children with disabilities andmembers of the LGBT community. In Britain, onestudy found that 30 to 50 percent of young school students who identifiedas gay had experienced bullying. Thereport said studies have shown that boys are generally more likely toexperience bullying that includes physical violence or threats. Girls are morelikely to be victims of "psychological or relational" forms ofbullying. This can involve spreading false information about people or shuttingthem out of social groups, the report said.
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Cyberbullyingis also an increasing problem for students, UNICEF said. This form of bullingis described as "willful and repeated harm" caused through the use ofcomputers, mobile phones and other electronic devices. Cyberbullying can result in victims developing alcohol and drugproblems or having difficulties with schoolwork. In severe cases it can resultin suicide, the report said. The study found about one-third of students aged 13 to 15reported being involved in physical fights. Data from 25 countries showed that20 percent of girls and 50 percent of boys reported physical attacks by otherstudents at least once during the past year. The report said that violence can also happen as a form ofpunishment in some schools. In some classrooms, teachers and other schoolofficials are "far too often the source offearful learning environments." UNICEF said about half of all school-age children live incountries where corporal punishment is not fullybanned by law in schools. The organization estimates there are about 720million children who are not protected from this form of violence. Armed conflict is another form of violence. The report estimatesthat about 158 million young people live in conflict-affected areas. For thesestudents, classrooms can be no safer than the communities they live in. The U.N. said itidentified more than 500 direct attacks in 2017 on schools in some countries.Among them, nearly 400 happened in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. InSouth Sudan, 26 attacks were identified, while 67 were reported in the SyrianArab Republic. At least 20 school attacks happened in Yemen. UNICEF said manyof these attacks were deadly.
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Thereport said school shootings have also become a major form of violence in manyareas. Between November 1991 and May 2018, 70 school shootings were reported in14 countries. Each shooting involved two or more victims, with at least onedeath. In addition to the harmful physical and mental effects ofviolence in schools, the problem can also have great economic costs. The reportestimates the worldwide costs of violence against children are as high as $7trillion. UNICEF is calling on governments to develop and enforce laws andpolicies aimed at keeping students safe in schools, as well as in their online experiences. The organization has also launched an internet campaign,called #ENDviolence, in an effort to raise awarenessand increase public support for the fight against violence and bullying inschools. I'm Bryan Lynn. Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOALearning English. Mario Ritter was the editor. SpaceXAnnounces First Private Passenger for Moon TripTheAmerican space-travel company SpaceX has announced that its first privatepassenger to the moon will be a Japanese businessman. Yusaku Maezawa is thecreator and chief executive of the online clothing store Zozo. Maezawa wants to take a trip around the moon using the plannedBig Falcon Rocket in 2023. He also announced that he plans to invite six toeight artists, architects, designers and othercreative people to join him. He said he wants to "inspire thedreamer in all of us." Maezawa said he does not want to have the experience by himself.Instead, he wants his crew, "to see the moon up close, and the Earth infull view, and create work to reflect their experience."
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Maezawaadded that he often wondered what artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat or AndyWarhol might have created if they had traveled to space. A former musician, Maezawa, is one of Japan's most colorfulbusiness leaders. He is regularly covered by Japanese media for his collectionof foreign and Japanese art and fast cars. Maezawa also is known for havingpaid a record $110 million for an untitled 1982 painting by Jean-MichelBasquiat. Not 100 percent certain Maezawa's identity was announced at an event on Monday eveningat SpaceX's headquarters and rocket factorynear Los Angeles. At the event, Musk gave additional information about the BigFalcon Rocket, or BFR, a reusable 118-meter rocket. He wants the rocket to sendpassengers to the moon and, later, Mars. Musk said that the BFR is still indevelopment and will make several unmanned test launches before carryingpassengers. Musk also added that the BFR could be taking its first orbitalflights in about two to three years. Earlier, he had said he wanted the rocketto be ready for an unmanned trip to Mars by 2022 and a crewed flight in 2024. However,in the past, Musk has not always been able to meet planned target dates."It's not 100 percent certain we can bring this to flight," Musk saidof the lunar mission. Musk said the development of the BFR is expected to cost about$5 billion. He did not say how much Maezawa is paying for the lunar trip. Buthe said that the Japanese businessman will make a significant pre-paymentthat will help the cost of development.
计时5 (295 words)
Space Tourism Space tourism began in 2001 when businessman Dennis Tito paidfor a trip on a Russian rocket to the International Space Station. The trip wasorganized by the Virginia-based company Space Adventures. The company has sentseveral more paying customers on spaceflights since then. SpaceX is competing with two other companies for space tourismmoney. They are Blue Origin of Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos and VirginGalactic of entrepreneur Richard Branson. NASA is planning its own orbital trip to the moon with a crew in2023. The U.S. space agency aims to build a manned space station near the moonduring the 2020s. The distance from Earth to the moon is about 382,500 kilometers.Astronauts last visited Earth's only natural satellite during NASA's Apolloprogram. Twenty-four men flew to the moon from 1968 through 1972, about half ofthem were able to reach the lunar surface. I'm Phil Dierking Reuters reported this story. PhilDierking adapted it for Learning English, using additional materials. MarioRitter was the editor. Study:Not Enough Exercise Leads to SicknessAbout1.4 billion people around the world do not get enough physical exercise. Thatrepresents about one-fourth of the world's adult population. Those numbers come from the United Nations' World HealthOrganization (WHO). A new WHO report warns that a lack of exercise greatlyincreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. Theseproblems include type 2 diabetes, dementia and even some cancers. The WHO says the new study is the first to estimate physicalactivity trends around the world over time. A report on thestudy was published earlier this month in The Lancet. Researchers looked at 358 population-based studies between 2001and 2016. Those studies involved nearly 2 million people in 168 countries.