计时1 (294 words)
We present the first of three parts of the short story "Benito Cereno." It was written by Herman Melville. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story.
Captain Benito Cereno hurried aboard his ship. It was ready to sail. A bright sun and a soft breeze promised good weather ahead. The ship's anchor was raised. And the San Dominick -- old but still sea worthy - moved slowly out of the harbor of Valparaiso, on the west coast of Chile. It was carrying valuable products and slaves up the Pacific coast to Callao, another Spanish colonial port near Lima, Peru.
The slaves, both male and female, slept on deck. They were not chained, because their owner, Don Alexandro, said they were peaceful.
The San Dominick moved steadily forward under a clear sky. The weather showed no sign of change. Day after day, the soft breeze kept the ship on course toward Peru.
Slave traffic between Spain's colonial ports in this year of seventeen ninety-nine had been steady. But there were few outbreaks of violence. What happened, therefore, on board the San Dominick could not have been expected.
On the seventh day out, before daybreak, the slaves rose up in rebellion. They swept through the ship with handspikes and hatchets moving with the fury of desperate men. The attack was a complete surprise. Few of the crew were awake. All hands, except the two officers on the watch, lay in a deep untroubled sleep. The rebels sprang upon the two officers and left them half dead. Then, one by one, they killed eighteen of the sleeping crew. They threw some overboard, alive. A few hid and escaped death. The rebels tied up seven others, but left them alive to navigate the ship.
计时2 (272 words)
As the day began to break, Captain Cerenocame slowly, carefully up the steps toward the chief rebel leader, Babo, andbegged for mercy. He promised to follow Babo's commands if he would only put anend to the killings. But this had no effect. Babo had three men brought up ondeck and tied. Then, the three Spaniards were thrown overboard. Babo did thisto show his power and authority -- that he was incommand. Babo, however, promised not to murder Captain Cereno. But everythinghe said carried a threat. He asked the captain if in these seas there were anyNegro countries.* "None," Cereno answered. "Then, take us to Senegal or the neighboring islands ofSaint Nicholas." Captain Cereno was shaken. "That is impossible!" hesaid. "It would mean going around Cape Horn. And this ship is in no condition for such a voyage. And we do not have enough supplies, or sails orwater." "Take us there, anyway," Babo answered sharply,showing little interest in such details. "If you refuse, we will killevery white man on board." Captain Cereno knew he had no choice. He told the rebel leader that the most serious problem in making such a long voyage was water. Babo said they should sail to the island of Santa Maria near the southern end of Chile.He knew that no one lived on the island. But water and supplies could be foundthere. He forced Captain Cereno to keep away from any port. Hethreatened to kill him the moment he saw him start to move toward any city,town or settlement on shore.
计时3 (239 words)
Cereno had to agree to sail to the islandof Santa Maria. He still hoped that he might meet along the way, or at theisland itself, a ship that could help him. Perhaps -- who knows -- he mightfind a boat on the island and be able to escape to the nearby coast of Arruco.Hope was all he had left. And that was getting smaller each day. Captain Cereno steered south for Santa Maria. The voyage would take weeks. Eight days after the ship turned south, Babo told Captain Cereno that he was going to kill Don Alexandro, owner of the slaves on board. He saidit had to be done. Otherwise, he and the other slaves could never be sure oftheir freedom. He refused to listen to the captain's appeals, and ordered twomen to pull Don Alexandro up from below and kill him on deck. It was done asordered. Three other Spaniards were also brought up and thrown overboard. Babowarned Cereno and the other Spaniards that each one of them would go the sameway if any of them gave the smallest cause for suspicion. Cereno decided to do everything possible to save the lives ofthose remaining. He agreed to carry the rebels safely to Senegal if they promised peace and no further bloodshed. And he signed a document that gave therebels ownership of the ship and its cargo.
计时4 (272 words)
Later, as they sailed down the long coastof Chile, the wind suddenly dropped. The ship drifted into a deep calm. Fordays, it lay still in the water. The heat was fierce; the suffering intense.There was little water. That made matters worse. Some of those on board weredriven mad. A few died. The pressure and tension made many violent. And theykilled a Spanish officer. After a time, a breeze came up and set the ship free again. Andit continued south. The voyage seemed endless. The ship sailed for weeks withlittle water on board. It moved through days of good weather and periods of badweather. There were times when it sailed under heavy skies, and times when thewind dropped and the ship lay be-calmed in lifeless air. The crew seemed halfdead. At last, one evening in the month of August, the San Dominick reached the lonely island of Santa Maria. It moved slowly toward one of theisland's bays to drop anchor. Not far off lay an American ship. And, the sightof the ship caught the rebels by surprise. The slaves became tense and fearful. They wanted to sail away,quickly. But their leader, Babo, opposed such a move. Where could they go?Their water and food were low. He succeeded in bringing them under control andin quieting their fears. He told them they had nothing to fear. And theybelieved him. Then, he ordered everyone to go to work, to clean the decks andput the ship in proper and good condition, so that no visitor would suspectanything was wrong.
计时5 (265 words)
Later, he spoke to Captain Cereno, warninghim that he would kill him if he did not do as he was told. He explained indetail what Cereno was to do and say if any stranger came on board. He held adagger in his hand, saying it would always be ready for any emergency. The American vessel was a large tradeship and seal hunter,commanded by Captain Amasa Delano. He had stopped at Santa Maria for water. On the American ship, shortly after sunrise, an officer woke Captain Delano, and told him a strange sail was coming into the bay. Thecaptain quickly got up, dressed and went up on deck. Captain Delano raised hisspy glass and looked closely at the strange ship coming slowly in. He wassurprised that there was no flag. A ship usually showed its flag when enteringa harbor where another ship lay at anchor. As the ship got closer, Captain Delano saw it was damaged. Manyof its sails were ripped and torn. A mast was broken. And the deck was in disorder.Clearly the ship was in trouble. The American captain decided to go to the strange vessel andoffer help. He ordered his whale boat put into the water, and had his men bringup some supplies and put them in the boat. Then they set out toward the mysteryship. As they approached, Captain Delano was shocked at the poorcondition of the ship. He wondered what could have happened. . . And what he would find. That will be our story next week.