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发表于 2018-7-31 21:53:43 | 只看该作者
我刚问到 还有一个律师诗人!charles reznikoff 的testmony
发表于 2018-8-1 07:57:25 | 只看该作者
Diversity and Specialisation in Cities: Why, Where and When Does it Matter?
Gilles Duranton and Diego Puga
Urban Studies
Published by: Sage Publications, Ltd.
Stable URL:
Page Count: 23

p2是是给这些个risk提出一些alternative solution?记忆有点模糊了。。文章最后提到了一个for example,举了个欧洲的例子,本来说是要balabala,所以建议要鼓励人们分散开来干大事?但是这样会损失regional identifies
p2:主要讲specialized的城市需要central government怎么怎么样,但是否定了;然后alternatively, local  government 可以如何如何,好像也是否定了== 后面失忆 (就两段 一瓶左右)
第二篇是第一段 speicalized city 和 large diverse city 比较,然后指出 speicalized city 有很大 risk, 第二段写可能减小 risk 的办法:一是中央政府的保险,但是成本大;二是给予地方政府足够的控制权,但是怕地方势力 too ambitious,毕竟硅谷这样的少见;三是加强劳动力流动性,但是会使各个城市变得一样。总之就是没有提出一个可行的办法

The second major issue is about the composition of economic activity in individual cities. From our review it seems that specialisation has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are less urban crowding and stronger localisation economies arising from the proximity of closely related producers. The disadvantages are less innovation and more exposure to risk as the fortunes of specific sectors and technologies rise or fall. But overall, there appears to be a need for both large and diversified cities and smaller and more specialised cities. The main problem with this dichotomy of diversified and specialised cities is that the latter are exposed to a greater risk with the rise and fall of specific sectors and technologies. To limit the risks of urban specialisation, policy may want to curb this. But limiting specialisation may forego important present benefits for the sake of avoiding a possible future downturn. Insurance by the central government may be a good alternative. However, this is costly, and complete insurance may lead to complacency. Another alternative is to give local governments the power to restructure. The disadvantage here is the involvement of local government in excessively ambitious economic-development policies. In particular, not every community can create the next Silicon-Valley in its backyard. Moreover, the link between innovation and diversity seems fairly robust, so that highly innovative clusters cannot be bred in previously highly specialised environments. An alternative solution is to encourage labour-force mobility. But in Europe this awakens fears about lost regional identities.

发表于 2018-8-1 23:26:32 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-2 06:59:25 | 只看该作者

Market Price Variation, Perceived Price Variation, and Consumers' Price Search Decisions for Durable Goods
Dhruv Grewal and Howard Marmorstein
Journal of Consumer Research
Vol. 21, No. 3 (Dec., 1994), pp. 453-460

Published by: Oxford University Press
durable goods price comparison
顾客在买durable product的时候,不会提前做research,或者对比价格,然后文章主要讨论顾客为什么在买东西之前不对比价格。

Previous studies have consistently found that most consumers undertake relatively little prepurchase search for durable goods and do even less price-comparison shopping despite the reported importance of price to consumers' purchase decisions. This article proposes and tests two possible explanations for why consumers' willingness to engage in price search does not increase concomitantly with the price variation of durable goods. The first potential explanation, that consumers simply underestimate the market price variation, was not supported. The second possible explanation, which builds upon Weber's law of psychophysics and Thaler's transaction utility theory, was supported. The data indicate that the psychological utility that a consumer derives from saving a fixed amount of money is inversely related to the price of the item. In this case, even if consumers believe that the price variation of more expensive items tends to be greater, their motivation to spend time in price-comparison shopping for these items may not increase as much as expected.

A second possible explanation for the relatively low level of price search by consumers builds upon Weber‘s law of psychophysics and Thaler’s transaction utility theory (1985). Weber’s law suggests that an individual‘s response to a change in a stimulus will he inversely related to the absolute magnitude of the original stimulus. Likewise. Thaler‘s transaction utility theory suggests that the psychological utility that a consumer derives from saving a fixed amount of money, say $20, is inversely related to the price of the item. In this case, even if consumers believe that the price variation of more expensive items tends to be greater, their motivation to spend time in price-comparison shopping for these items may not increase as much as predicted by transaction utility theory. Throughout the remainder of the article, we define consumers' tendency to assess the utility of price savings as a proportion of the item‘s price as the “psychophysics-of-price heuristic." Thus, the consumer implicitly translates the expected savings from price search into relative terms rather than absolute dollars.


Consider, for example, a consumer who believes that she/he can obtain a $2.0 savings on a $100 microwave oven and obtain a $20 price reduction on a $400 television by shopping further. The consumer may be inclined to pursue further price search for the $20 savings on the microwave oven because it appears that the relative savings are dramatically higher. Normatively, the two cases are identical in that the consumer's economic cost and expected benefit of price search are the same and should result in the same intention to undertake price-comparison shopping.


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发表于 2018-8-2 09:11:53 | 只看该作者
New sources of rubber
Blow out
The tyres of the future may be made from dandelions
Dec 30th 2009

OTHER than being an ingredient of the more recherché sorts of salad, herbal tea or wine, dandelions are pretty useless plants. Or, at least, they were. But one species, a Russian variety called Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TKS), may yet make the big time. It produces molecules of rubber in its sap and if two research programmes, one going on in Germany and one in America, come to fruition, it could supplement—or even replace—the traditional rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis.

Despite the invention of synthetic rubbers, there is often no good substitute for the real thing, for nothing artificial yet matches natural rubber's resilience and strength. This is because natural-rubber molecules, the product of a stepwise synthesis by enzymes, have a more regular structure than the artificial ones made by chemical engineering. Around a fifth of an average car tyre is therefore made of natural rubber. In an aeroplane tyre that figure can be more than four-fifths. Moreover, the price of synthetic rubber is tied to that of the oil from which it is made, rendering it vulnerable to changes in the oil price. Because oil is likely to become more costly in the future, natural rubber looks an attractive alternative from an economic point of view as well as an engineering one.

Natural rubber has problems, though. Growing Hevea in the Americas is hard. A disease called leaf blight means the trees have to be spaced widely. Even in Asia, currently blight-free, planting new rubber trees often means cutting down rainforest, to general disapproval. And trees, being large, take time to grow to the point where they can yield a crop. A smaller plant that could be harvested for its rubber therefore has obvious appeal.

P1. (synthetic rubber)人工合成橡胶没有天然/传统(Natural/Traditional)的橡胶好,但两年才能割一次胶;人工合成橡胶耗原油(Oil)比较多(补充知识,非本文出现,仅仅为了加深理解:合成橡胶是以石油、天然气为原料,以二烯烃和烯烃为单体聚合而成的高分子材料。)……(中间断片,好像还有内容)后面说了天然橡胶树在种植时需要间隔一定的距离,这个苛刻的种植条件使得天然橡胶树变少/人们不愿意去种天然橡胶树?(这块后面记着紧跟着一个XX Risk,看了好几遍没看明白),然后后面是说找替代方法/解决问题的方法

One proposal is to use guayule, a shrub that grows in arid regions and produces rubber that is free from allergenic proteins, which makes it useful for items such as surgical gloves. Desert plants, however, tend to be slow growing—guayule takes two years to mature. Yulex, a firm that has commercialised guayule, gets an annual crop of 400 kilograms per hectare. Hevea can yield four or five times that figure. Which is where TKS could come in. Dandelions are regarded as weeds for a reason—they are robust, fast-growing plants that can be pulled up for processing and resown easily, possibly yielding two harvests a year. If they could be turned into usable crops, they could outstrip even Hevea.

To this end, Christian Schulze Gronover of the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology in Aachen, Germany, and his colleagues have identified the genes that allow TKS to produce usable rubber. In particular, they have discovered an enzyme called polyphenoloxidase that is responsible for making its rubbery sap coagulate.

P3. 第三段是最难读的一段,里面涉及到了很多technical的术语,开始准备硬啃,扫了两三句发现难度有些大,就开始跳读,出现的词确定有enzyme, 好像有像RNA之类一些比较复杂的术语(实在记不得了呀..),不过我好像没遇到关于这段的题,但这段真的是最难读的

From the plant's point of view this coagulation is a good thing. The evolutionary purpose of rubber, and the reason why it has appeared independently in plants as diverse as trees, guayule and dandelions, is that it gums up the mouthparts of herbivorous insects. Human users, however, do not want it to coagulate too soon, and Dr Schulze Gronover has found a way to switch polyphenoloxidase off, using a technique called RNA interference. This intercepts and destroys the molecular messengers that carry instructions from the polyphenoloxidase gene to make the enzyme, meaning that rubber can be extracted more easily from the plant.

Meanwhile, in America Matthew Kleinhenz of Ohio State University is working on increasing the yield of rubber from TKS. Dr Kleinhenz is doing things the old-fashioned way, growing different strains of TKS, grinding up the roots (where most of the sap is found) to see which have the highest rubber content, and crossbreeding the winners. His aim is to create a plant that is both high-yielding and has roots chunky enough to be harvested mechanically by the sort of device now used to pick carrots.
P4. 我记得是有P4的,而且比P3短很多,大概就是一些总结性话语;很清楚地记得全文最后又去和前面人工合成橡胶用Oil多的问题进行了勾连(本以为会考关于这个的细节,但是并没有)(Oil 这个点是全文的结尾)

Combining the two approaches—high-tech bioengineering and low-tech plant breeding—may produce that rarity in the modern world, a whole new crop species. It would also mark a step on a journey that some see as the way forward: a return to the use of plant-based products that have, briefly, been overshadowed by the transient availability of cheap oil.

发表于 2018-8-3 07:38:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-3 16:51:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-3 19:53:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-4 10:20:43 | 只看该作者
对比了England & United States在 1990s的recession,传统观点认为两个cause相同,但是其实是不同的,England是因为population decrease 导致的high wage, 美国是因为什么defense expense decrease然后导致的,有提到美国比英国的prospect is brighter


During the early 1990s, both New England and Southern California experienced regional recessions that were much more severe than the national recession of 1990–1991. At first glance, these regional recessions appear to be similar phenomena. However, shift‐share analysis conducted at the 3‐digit Standard Industry Classification (SIC) level indicates that the underlying causes of the recessions were different. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, New England's manufacturing industries did not perform nearly so well as their national counterparts in creating new jobs and preventing job losses. The loss of regional competitiveness was the main factor explaining that region's recession. On the other hand, most of Southern California's industries performed about as well as their national counterparts during the recession. For Southern California, the industry structure of the region—in particular, its heavy reliance on defense‐related productioncontributed to the recession more than did a loss of regional competitiveness.

发表于 2018-8-4 10:29:41 | 只看该作者
聪明代表 发表于 2018-7-31 21:53
我刚问到 还有一个律师诗人!charles reznikoff 的testmony

The first installment of Testimony was published in 1934 by the Objectivist Press, which had been started several years earlier to promote the views of poets including William Carlos Williams, Louis Zuk of sky, George Oppen, and Reznikoff himself .They were believers in Objectivism, a short-lived but still influential offshoot of poetic Modernism, the early 20th-century assault by T. S. Eliot,Ezra Pound, and others on the Enlightenment-influenced poetics of their predecessors. For the Objectivists, the poem was an object, not a report by the poet of what he or she thought or felt. They rejected the emphasis by19th-century Romantic poets like Wordsworth and Shelley on the poet's subjective experience of transcendent meaning as depicted through metaphor and symbol. (The title and opening line of Wordsworth's well-known poem about daffodils, "I wandered lonely as a cloud," is a good example of the tendencies that the Objectivists judged artificial and misleading.) The Objectivists believed that feeling and emotion should come through the choice of details and the sound and appearance of words on the page.

Reznikoff continued to work on Testimony throughout his life. In the 1960s, he published two new volumes (the first drawn from judicial opinions of 1885-1890, thesecond from opinions of 1891-1900); two additional volumes (1901-1910 and1911-1915) were published after his death. In each of the later volumes ,Reznikoff revised his art, reshaping the documentary material into syncopated lines of poetry.

The Negro was dead/when the doctors examined him," a characteristic poem begins: They found upon his belly bruises: he died, the doctors said, of peritonitis.

While the shift in form draws even more attention to the language (as in the isolation of "bruises" in the lines just quoted), the later editions employ thes ame third-person perspective, looking to the objective language of a judicial opinion, the words as words, rather than subjective experience or metaphor, for the emotional intensity of the poem. With its use of judicial opinions as the raw material of poetry, Testimony radically undercuts the traditional assumption that the poet works in a private sphere that is somehow separate from the pressures and pulls of the public domain. Not only is the poem an object, but it is an object taken from the workaday world that poets traditionally have viewed as unsuitable for poetry. Testimony never lets us forget that it is judicial opinions the poet is expounding.

Reznikoff's most important innovation and chief legacy to subsequent poets was this use of social speech, the public language of lawyers, to further the Modernist project of drawing attention to the linguistic qualities of a poem. By juxtaposing the descriptions of fact—the underlying story—of one case after another, he created an emotionally powerful collage from the apparently impersonal language of judicial opinions, a collage that chronicles America's struggle with slavery and its emergence as a commercial and industrial power.

P1:说Charles Reznikoff这个人写了名叫作Testmony的诗歌作品,是他从当时的法庭案件中引用了很多到他的诗集中去,从而开创了一种诗歌形式叫"objectivism"。然后就出现了一大串的人名,他们是和Charles Reznikoff站在一边的,都是objectivists。之后对objectivists做了同位语解释,还说了是一种短暂但是influential的诗歌流派。然后就出现了强对比:说了与传统诗人的不同,objectivism形势和以前浪漫主义诗歌Romanisme不同的地方在于浪漫主义会用很多修辞和比喻来抒发感情,而这种"objectivism"的诗歌推崇诗本身是object。传统诗人又举了好像是两个人名(Wordsworth and Shelley)。这一段不要被这些人名吓到,只要记住他们是两拨对立的人就可以了。

P2:说Charles Reznikoff这个人把他的一生都献给了这部Testmony。1930年发表了前两卷;xxx年发表了后两卷,这里有一个小细节说,他在后两卷里面revised his art。

P3:又绕回去说Charles Reznikoff一派和传统诗歌的不同。就是传统诗歌比较注重express emotions and personalexperience.而Charles Reznikoff认为应该客观地反映世界。

P4:(作者态度段)说了Charles Reznikoff的testmony对于后来者的贡献在于他首次采用了judicial speech作为了诗歌的resources。又说,CharlesReznikoff用impersonal languages也表达出了powerfulemotions.
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