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- 1970-1-1
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p1:提高公司performance 有两种方法,一个是具体的名字忘了,就是说focus 在提高公司的长期目标什么的,然后举了一个例子说有一个提高公司performance和客户忠诚度"total quality"program(有考点),然后为员工培训啥的花了很多钱,但是结果是员工的moral提高了,公司的profit没怎么提高。 第一段是说许多COUSLTANT有关ACTIVE的方法来设定长期目标,战略决策, 已经员工培训等等,但是这种情况大概持续2年,就发现没有太大用处了,虽然在对EMPLOYEE的MOTIVATON 和 COMMUNICATION有好处,但并没有让公司得到PROFIT。
In 1988, for example, one of the largest U.S. financial institutions committed itself to a “total quality” program to improve operational performance and win customer loyalty. The company trained hundreds of people and communicated the program’s intent to thousands more. At the end of two years of costly effort, the program’s consultants summarized progress: “Forty-eight teams up and running. Two completed Quality Improvement Stories. Morale of employees regarding the process is very positive to date.” They did not report any bottom-line performance improvements—because there were none.
Create the context and identify the crucial business challenges. Senior management must establish the broader framework to guide continuing performance improvement in the form of strategic directions for the business and a “vision” of how it will operate in the future. A creative vision can be a source of inspiration and motivation for managers and employees who are being asked to help bring about change. But no matter how imaginative the vision might be, for it to contribute to accelerated progress, managers must translate it into sharp and compelling expectations for short-term performance achievements. At Philadelphia Electric, for example, the Eddystone improvement work responded to top management’s insistent call for performance improvement and cost reduction.
V1:talked about a strategy followed by the companies to improve the employee productivity and ultimately the profits of the company. But this could improve the productivity that too only after 2yrs and then the second para an alternate approach is explained and it is concluded that the second one bears better fruits.
3. Frequent reinforcement energizes the improvement process. There is no motivator more powerful than frequent successes. By replacing large-scale, amorphous improvement objectives with short-term, incremental projects that quickly yield tangible results, managers and employees can enjoy the psychological fruits of success. Demonstrating to themselves their capacity to succeed not only provides necessary reinforcement but also builds management’s confidence and skill for continued incremental improvements.
activities-centered program怎样,然后又引出了 result-based strategy(记不清了,大概就是以结果为导向),然后进行比较,说前者注重长期效果,后者只注重短期的。
Results Is a Four-Letter Word. When activity-centered programs fail to produce improvement in financial and operational performance, managers seldom complain lest they be accused of preoccupation with the short term at the expense of the long term—the very sin that has supposedly caused companies to defer investment in capital and human resources and thus to lose their competitive edge. It is a brave manager who will insist on seeing a demonstrable link between the proposed investment and tangible payoffs in the short term.