爱尔兰Feminism & Women's rights 高频 爱尔兰女性在社会活动中地位
4段 f和w混为一谈/F,W的区别/W的特点/区别研究的原因
长文章,大概有4段,关于Ireland Feminism & Women's rights
1P 1850年开始女权运动兴起, 爱尔兰妇女地位提高,更加活跃了,同时在爱尔兰有slaverage abolition运动,在abolition活动最旺盛的时候,妇女运动恰好是最低谷,所以这两者常常被historian合并起来研究,他们觉得妇女 运动的人参加了abolition,并在过程中锻炼了自己的组织、演讲、搞活动等的能力,而且他们把 feminism和women's rights混为一谈。专家M还是C打头的,记不太清了,就说妇女独立运动取得了很大成就。(Historians trying to establish the importance of women in old times studied some woman's suffrage n. 投票,选举权,参政权movement in relation to a particular revolution in Ireland (i don remember exactly..) 研究爱尔兰女性历史的学者仿照研究britain历史的学者,研究妇女选举权等等,其实这些研究方法有问题。
2P其实fenimist认为feminism和women's rights是有区别的,feminism是这样这样的,women's rights是那样那样的,对feminism的追求其实从1800年就开始了,是由越来越多的人开始urban life引起的,而对women's rights的追求的确是从1850年,在slaverage abolition的影响下,妇女意识到自己应有的权利,而兴起的
而且根据women's rights活动的组织者的一些记录,说明她们的很多经验是来自她们的前辈,那些feminism活动的组织者的(这里有一道题目)
3P这段讲women’s rights 的特点
4P最后一段否定下这个人,说这个人可能exaggerate妇女的活跃程度。其实,只有 一小部分妇女精英才参加了那些国家级别的政治运动。.. but this gave a distorted view because they dunno how many women actually participated and stuff like that).应该把women's rights和abolition还有国家独立等政治事件分开来研究,
Women in the Irish Free State, 1922-39: The Interaction Between Economics and Ideology
Mary E. Daly
Journal of Women's History
Johns Hopkins University Press
Volume 6, Number 4 / Volume 7, Number 1, Winter/Spring 1995
pp. 99-116
Yet there is a dangerthat concentrating on the political narrative may provide a somewhat distorted picture of the history of Irish women, particularlygiven the tendency to distinguish between the apparently upbeat experiences of the years prior to 1922 and thecorrespondingly negative account of women's experience in post-independence Ireland.The women who were active in the suffrage movement were a small, elite minority, and the extent to which the suffrage campaign impingedon the wider female population remains unclear. Although the women's republicanmovement, Cumann na mBan, attracted a much wider membership, it should not beassumed that all participants were particularly conscious of women's rights. Manywere the sisters, wives, and lovers of active republican men; their involvementin the struggle forindependence was heavily circumscribedby traditional gender roles with a strong focus on nursing, first-aid, courier services, and washing thesocks of male activists.