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发表于 2017-9-10 18:14:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
记得心里划线主谓宾。SVO+修饰  抓住修饰谁
看完书就忘记了:大脑运行slot, working memory人人都一样;看东西在消耗它| 而大脑有超级能力:tracks  把几个东西联系在一起的时候,它会快 ( love 和一个字母是一样的处理)相关的东西联系起来`
lack  句子转化段到篇章到书。 so如何有效读,持续不断的抽象总结作者(在每层去抽象总结) 一句话变成了书  首先这边书的框架,从标题猜  2围绕的主题怎么的框架结构去展开(看书前目录,序,豆瓣评论,看重要段落)--〉如何定义这个term(这段话讲的Book作者的全新定义,搞清话题|知道立场,下面的几句话是怎么推导观点的()--〉如何与作者去讨论他的观点(理解他100%说啥,不用自主去想太多要围绕他;分成几个点的?(有时几个段讲一个点)读一个章节要抽象化总结的 不然就忘了哦~~
*知道你不懂的点,这是你的需求,只需看其他书和你问题相关的章节| 第一次读是全盘接受后面是自己去挑的)--〉定义这个话题(放一样的书一起) --〉总和各家观点--〉 多本书看不同人他们怎么论证,只看论证过程就好*。
  读书就结构化的能力 一层一层的结构出来金字塔(不断总结他的思考的逻辑过程)
读书=了解作者的思考推断过程然后去讨论| 水平; 思考的层次/能力  (人的思考方式误区等)理论书以上

实践书:去做一件事情的方法,是否满足你的结果;不需要讨论思考过程;实践一定有目标让你干吗 一致吗/提供方式123;123的依据和原理是啥||如何用于实践?帮助解决而已

收藏收藏1 收藏收藏1
 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-13 11:08:16 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-16 23:14:17 | 只看该作者
  •         SCX原则语法错误(8条) +结构判断,+意思判断
  • 总结:
第三C 结构意思的判断整个句子结构:SVO+修饰
1 名词SO 2 V动词 3修饰 4多重SVO+修饰一前后呼应

第一节 修饰部分:  简称形容词副词
一 考点:读到修饰部分要停下思考---

1. 单个形容词:

先配合紧贴着的单词选择合适的词性adj/ adv,如果意思不合适则变化adv/adj词性

整个句子结构: SVO+修饰SV重复:主语谓语有没有写对)(代词重复:主语和宾语对否)(修饰重复:修饰对象有没有写对)三重复能正确判断句子意思。J
1 名词SO 2 V动词 3修饰(怎么写是对的?结构和意思!)
4 前后呼应的平行并列:多重SVO+修饰一前后呼应(多个主语和谓语和多个修饰出现该怎么写)

一  比重大的修饰部分

*修饰对象阅读读懂!框架: 1 修饰部分 2 主语和宾语的名词部分(代词) 3动词(doing, done,to do,谓语动词。时态!)部分判断语法考点 4 多重一前后呼应平行并列概念     四停(停下思考它的结构和意思对不对)判断结构和意思就OK修饰对象能不能被修饰?E: (找到closing就读了一些9个cities,结构上找打但是没有读意思上是否合理:九个城市怎么关闭不需要的运营呢 ,没有经过大脑思考城市怎么运营)
2. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing service, announced that it was eliminating jet service to nine cities, closing some unneeded operations, and it grounded twenty-two planes.九个城市怎么关闭不需要的运营呢 做不了closing这个事情!当然不能修饰九个城市,这就是逻辑。结构找到九个城市但意思不合理=常识。

第一节 修饰部分:  简称形容词副词
一 考点:读到修饰部分要停下思考---

27. On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.
(A) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow(前后没有名词,后面是介词词组,On Earth结构上X没有清楚合理的修饰对象的;不用看意思了)

一定要过大脑,G就这样考你的。 常识的合理性就在语法里面考正常人

3. The list of(修饰名单) animals(意思上名单属于动物是正确的) that (定从修饰,先从结构去,结构先于意思:把list代看能不能做这个动作,修饰内容一定要把修饰对象放进去看能不能被修饰)exhibits a preference of either using the right or the left hand (i.e., 名单展现出一个偏好属于右手或左手X意思不合理
claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates. 这个名单,名单是属于动物的

第一节 修饰部分:  简称形容词副词
形容词:单个,介词词组,doing,done,to do, 同位语,定从

1. 单个形容词:
52 A. contact with it directly with (adv修饰在前后是写的最好的,这里前后是it, with就错了)
B. direct contact对的 with it by way of
C. contact with the last directlyX前后也没有能修饰的形容词和动词 through
D. direct contact对的 with the latter by means of
E. contact名词 directly他只能修饰adj,V with副词不能修饰介词的 the mystical level due to

先配合紧贴着的单词选择合适的词性adj/ adv,如果意思不合适则变化adv/adj词性,往前跳过去再找 其他词
E:2. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing
service, announced that it was eliminating jet serviceN to nine cities, closing some(首先变身形容词jet service修饰 公司减少到九个城市的服务,不合理)(直接换词性去修饰eliminating不要再找其他名词了,减少j服务减少到9个城市,减少九个城市的减少就就合理了)unneeded operations, and it grounded twenty-two planes.
把主语deficit代到 In contrast...前面 美国的贸易赤字和 持续着的贸易不平衡 作对比 这个不平衡是伴随着中国和日本的  能对比吗?美国的贸易赤字&贸易不平衡作对比? 比较必须是同一事物:贸易赤字,贸易不平衡一回事。他们可以被修饰哦
8.8. In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan修饰/, the United States trade
deficit with Mexico/ declined by(修饰下降的) $500 million as a result of(修饰N500的VS修饰 declined后者更合适) record exports to that country(=Mexico平行并列[介词+国家】).
(A) In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and
  • 先画出要停的地方 highlight的地方要先看结构后看意思的

B: 美国(主语)相对比 持续的贸易赤字 不能比较。
(B) In contrast to修饰停 介词词组X最快排除点/ongoing trade imbalances with介词词组 China and Japan, the United States sold谓语动词              
record exports to介词 Mexico, reducing(doing介词词组) its 指代trade deficit by修饰 $500 million.
(C) Compared with(美国)X ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico , reducing their trade deficit by $500 million.
(D) Compared withX ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico, reducing the trade deficit by $500 million.
(E) Compared to比作 ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States record
exports to Mexico caused (谓语有时态)a 500 million decline in the trade deficit with that country

with..., SVO 1看SV 2比较同时看SV
with...SVO  S or V(没有O,要么就连着O)
S with..VO(S后找V)(介词既可以adj又可以adv)
S,with..,VO (没有,就是更紧密一点;有,修饰没有那么直接)
SV with..O (先V再O)先考虑近的
SV, with..,O
SVO with... (修饰O 同下)(有没有,差别不大就是更紧密点∵with可以变化词性可以跳跃∴,限制性也不大的
SVO, with...(修饰O,O不行就修饰V)
问:with修饰一整句话?不,修饰谓语动词 中文让你感觉修饰了一整句话with副词形容词with the development with economy, X enjoy high reputations. 享受剩余是伴随经济发展的 修饰的是谓语动词。
3. 从句定语从句

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-20 23:57:52 | 只看该作者

3. 定从的that和which在后面的从句充当 成分 即为 四个成分SVO+修饰 的某一种主语,宾语,修饰
复习 通过直译的三个重复(修饰重复,谓语动词重复,指代性内容重复)(读懂一句话的意思)
SC: 做完40道题之后 ,正确率大于90%

1 that/which 在后面的从句中充当成分,SVO+修饰
I have  a book that costs 6000 (充当主语)
I have  a book that I borrow from the library(动宾的宾语)
I have  a book in which you are interested. (J介词词组+which 才能充当修饰J介词词组才能当修饰单独that,which不行 不能充当修饰)我有一本书, 这本书是你很感兴趣的

2 that/which指代对象
定从的谓语动词在结构上和意思上决定指代对象(不是离的近哦)如果没有结构上面区分could, will do,就由近往远代,看它最后适合哪个名词,这样代的多问题是:不直接,定从写的好被修饰的对象要离定从越近越好,被修饰的对象最好就在定从前面,太远就算前面只有一个名词也是不直接不好找
E:  3. The list of animals that exhibits单数,结构上看下主谓单复数,要单数还是复数的名词 a preference of either using the right or the left hand has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates.
5. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as 概念是替代物,错误a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large,
public audience. 马克泥的概念,概念是属于无线电的,概念是作为一个替代物去 替代电话AX
同位语标配: XXX  / ,XXX.
A. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is
B. Marconi conceived of the radio asa substitute for the telephone替代品对于电话, a tool for private

conversation, but which is  马克泥的观点是关于无线电的,无线电作为一个替代品,替代品是对于电话,tool同位语 电话是工具,工具是对于私人谈话的√但是平行并列排,/ which is 单数名词最近的是:conversation  私人的通话是即为精确的相反的工具(同位语)用于沟通,沟通适合大众的 不对诶不能用是诶!怎么办??往前找 telephone, radio,substitute不直接了 要倒过去代....
C. Marconi 主conceived of the radio /修饰成分=整体as a tool for private conversation老美觉得这个是一个单词 that 主could substitute for the telephone; instead, it(radio从句主语that不一定是主句的S,主S不行找从S) has become 马克泥认为无线电是一个工具,工具对于私人谈话?,它?能够去替代电话,tool也不行,到了radio.

D. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute同位语 错了私人谈话是替代物Xfor the
telephone, which has become
E. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute 结构对意思对/for the telephone结构对意思对/, a tool for private conversation电话是...同位语结构对意思对/, other thanX what?it?X不清楚 is,   (it 找不到指代 主语只有M,前面全是单数名词不知谁)(主语呼应主,从;平行并列呼应)

750 思维=NS

托福110 选对为准(110)读文章很快一眼就知道选哪个在哪句话,一读文章说了什么这句话意思是是什么,理解能力强

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-23 17:45:39 | 只看该作者
易考:而 of是表示A of B doing C.  A是属于B的,B是正在做C的。意思是正在做C的B的A。而A that B do C 是对A的解释说明, A是啥?是B do C 这件事


同位语一句话SVO的结尾,SVO,同位语.   (若不能作O的同位语,则是作整个句子or作谓语动词的同位,而一句话的意思是落在谓语动词几个特殊的用法都是放句子最后,同位语也是
  • 同位语一对最近的单复数一致的名词的解释说明
  • 如果不行,则考虑对整个句子的同位语解释说明

仅仅2X12的产品在2000是占据了一半的,这一半是属于上升 上升是在这个花费,这个花费是对于处方的药品,逗号同位语:
86. In(估计修饰V) 2000, a mere two dozen products accounted for half the increase in spending on
prescription drugs, a phenomenon that is explained not just because of more expensive
drugs but by 不平行错误the fact that doctors are writing many more prescriptions for higher-cost drugs.
(A) a phenomenon that is explained not just because of more expensive drugs but by the fact
that doctors are writing(a phenomenon  N:drugsX spending花费 X最近的词都不能修饰,那就修饰一整句话了,这些事情是一个现象,这个现象被解释,不仅仅是because
(B) a phenomenon that is explained not just by the fact that drugs are becoming more
expensive but also by the fact that doctors are writing(事实是说药变得昂贵,同时是通过一个事实医生正在写处方对于高成本的药品...句子漂亮前后平行并列一模一样)
(C) a phenomenon occurring动词的时态状态:一直正在发生不对吧  not just because of drugs that are becoming more expensive but  而是因为医生医生是正在写
because of doctors having also written
(D) which occurred not just because drugs are becoming more expensive but doctors are also
writing  (which最近只有prescription drugs ,“处方药发生”?不对的
(which能指前面一整句话吗?不是所有NS知道的,不是全球的认知。阅读文章偶然 事情,which suggests that... 但是SC不这样认为的哦。
(E) which occurred not just because of more expensive drugs but because doctors have also

易考:而 of是表示A of B doing C.  A是属于B的,B是正在做C的。意思是正在做C的B的A。而A that B do C 是对A的解释说明, A是啥?是B do C 这件事

20. Retail sales rose 0.8 of 1 percent in August, intensifying expectations that personal
spending in the July–September quarter more than doubled that of the 1.4 percent growth
rate in personal spending for the previous quarter.
同位语从句 不难 要么就是定语从句给你gaogao,要么就是of 给你gg;但是尽量选同位语从句,因为它是对名词的解释说明嘛,但是of 是对名词的所属关系。A属于B,B的A. 有些指代没有说,按照直译代入读 ,如果中文都不知道在说啥,英文也是不通的
(A) that personal spending in the July–September quarter more than doubled that of(that指代个人消费,翻一倍的个人消费属于1.4的个人增长率在个人消费。重复
(B) that personal spending in the July–September quarter would more than double 可以
(C) of personal spending in the July–September quarter, that it more than doubled 表示所有关系的
(D) of personal spending in the July–September quarter more than doubling that of 同位语解释说明意思表达更清楚的
(E) of personal spending in the July–September quarter, that it would more than double that of

5. doing.../ done../ to do....
1 doing...  形容词
Doing..., SVO (doing不是介词词组不能变化词性的。只能修饰最近名词S, 最近没有N就完了)
S, doing..., VO   (也是修饰S
SV, doing..., O修饰O
SVO doing...(修饰O 根据最近的

S1, doing..., s2, and s3 VO.  (doing是形容词啊...不能修饰整个句子,所谓修饰整个句子就是修饰谓语动词)(形容词修饰一个名词,名词可以放前面也可以放adj后面)(那就不行了又不像介词词组那样可以变化词性诶名词不行换副词,doing是形容词啊..S1,S2和doing距离是一样的(逗号的距离)而我们要找最近的名词修饰诶,这下就都可以修饰S1s2了,然鹅修饰必须要有唯一的修饰对象!这里就不唯一了错啦  要找最近的唯一的修饰对象
注意  空格和标点决定距离远近哦~~~~~~~~~~
简单点:doing是形容词哦 找最近名词修饰,有名词就能修饰; 然鹅最近没有名词没有修饰对象:S v1 and, doing...v2 O3.  没有唯一修饰对象:最近有两个名词。
S1,s2doing..., and s3 VO.
S1 doing..., s2, and s3 VO.

(以及SVO,doing....,and SVO都是句子结尾的)一旦打了逗号 感觉不太直接修饰O. 直接修饰O不用打逗号啊~~
1. 最近名词 (看它能不能做doing这个事情,能就结束了它修饰最近名词)
2. 前面SVO对doing....产生的影响 (V这个事情~~谓语动词是句子的核心哦 )
The  factory dumped wastes into the main river, polluting the water supply of the city. 事情对后面产生的影响,表示前面一句话对后面产生的影响,除了动作发出者是倾倒这个事情之外,还有前后的因果关系,前面SVO是原因,后面doing是结果doing应该考虑一整件事情。
3. S主语  很少了诶(写的好:Doing.., SVO)

2. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing
service, announced that2 it was eliminating1 jet service to nine cities, closing some
unneeded operations, and it grounded twenty-two planes. 先看结构上面导致 closing....
SVO closing 在句子结尾 最后一个意群 存在特殊用法 首先看 最近的名词 nine cities 不行;然后往前面找SVO,可以吗?先要在结构上找到是哪个SVO(适合在结构上做导致closing这件事情的结构 有 2-3个svo)-结构看不出哪个句子导致的closing,结构不唯一 根本就不用看意思了。(句子都不唯一这里主语也不唯一,注意主语不是airline company,但你注意!!意思上是 航空公司,但是结构上: it,airline company 这里主语结构也是不唯一的!!
SVO, when doing...
O 首先看O能不能做这个史前
when, if,although, before, after , until, unless
而修饰S是when doing..., s S~
修饰主语就放在谓语动词之前,因为SO是名词. 如果adj在宾语后面靠的近 当然认为是修饰的宾语啦。放在谓语动词后面写。
50. A decade after initiating the nation's most comprehensive and aggressive antismoking
program, per capita consumption of cigarettes in California declined from over 125 packs
annually per person to about 60, a drop more than twice as great as in the nation as a
while 很少出现 因为 1when两句话方向一致 2 两句话方向相反。although, when,as更直接

3  to do 简单简单 表示目的 哪个名词做to do的事情基本是可以跳跃的。(不像doing,done动词发出者一定要最近的N才行;todo的动词发出者可以 相当灵活,不是最近) i use kniff to cut fruit 如果 or a kniff is used to cut fruits. 表示目的
跳跃, 最近,没有的话就整句话目的,看上面
所以to do 考点不是在修饰上而是在时态和状态上面

1. 单个副词
先配合紧贴着的单词选择合适的词性adj/ adv,如果意思不合适则变化adv/adj词性
highligt 然后结构意思~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
修饰+代词解题点加入+时态解题点  4个点(1题1H)

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-24 11:09:42 | 只看该作者
2 done
Done by..., svo
s, done by...,vo
sv, done by..., o
svo done by...

s1, done by..., s2, and s3 vo. 不对 前后距离远一样,结构就不唯一 结构对了才能读意思。
s1 done by..., s2, and s3 vo.
svo, done by...

SVO, when done...
when, if,although, before, after , until, unless
svo, done by... 注意只能修饰O
4. Many of the earliest known images / of Hindu deities /in India/ date from the time of the

Kushan empire, fashioned 被形成 either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan
grey schist.X意思不通王国被形成来自于砂砾和灰色岩石..... 不能用被形成来修饰后面一大堆意思错误X
(A) empire, fashioned/ either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or    ( fashioned修饰empire不对的
(B) empire, fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from  
(C) empire, either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(D) empire and either fashioned (主动形成=createsth fashion了什么呢?意思不通的 )from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from
(E) empire and were fashioned (主语是many)either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from(遗迹图像被形成 可以)

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-24 16:33:14 | 只看该作者
直译方式;全新找主谓的方式 找谓语:修饰从上述几个特征词开始到标点符号或孤独的谓语动词前结束;
首先看结构写的1重复主谓对不对 2重复修饰意思对不对
谓语动词前重复主语 把修饰对象(在修饰成分的前面或后面的词)重复一下。新的找主谓的方式:人工括号;

J 修饰 谓语动词 代词都高亮 然后再直译句子(高亮要重复)理解句子
1. 主谓不可缺一2. 主谓单复数一致 3主谓离开很远,中间插有修饰通过重复来判断主谓ûSVO and SVO   SVO, and SVO 4. adj修饰名词 adv修饰动词和形容词修饰成分是紧贴着修饰对象的 5.less little much 修饰不可数,即+单数 Few fewer many 修饰可数6. which不可以指人,也不能指一个句子7.意思重复8 句子头重脚轻

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-24 17:39:27 | 只看该作者
4:代词 修饰 主谓 平行并列多个S,V修饰
修饰  à  结构:清楚直接修饰对象
        à  意思: 代入重复修饰对象,然后用常识判断,合理
  • 三个要停的地方,停下来找修饰对象对不对;动作发出者主语对不对 *不用语法常识解题,四停的d四个考点去解题才是考点的关键点* 多做作业啊作业 12prep,17OG (prep好老)


认识最正确考点: 12在没有原则错误情况下//3 选择结构意思相对正确的选项。结构清晰直接的,意思比较合理清楚的选项 结构和意思围绕着四大块进行~~~~~~~~~~~ 四大块 谓语V前的主语的结构和意思是否正确,代词前的结构和意思是否正确;最多:修饰 动词:1 动词发出者 2 时态(越简洁越好∵复杂时态就看不清到底什么时候发生了这事)eg: would have done X, G 很少用它做答案的. 时态复杂 将要已经完成?到底完成还是没完成啊
停!画出!画解题点的地方 画出就是找考点在什么地方

最快排除点;  结构错比如谓语动词没有,意思不用看了
1. Were/ it not for修 the fusion-powered heat and radiation that rush/ from修 its代词 core, instead平/ its代词/
own weight would cause谓语动词,有时态的动词/ a star(不是考点不是代词,谓语动词,修饰to collapse.
(A) instead its own weight would cause a star to collapse(AB主语不一样,导致a一开始的指代没法解决了)
(B) instead a star would have collapsed under its own weight
(C) a star would have to be collapsing V时态复杂 将要已经完成?到底完成还是没完成啊,要简洁才好∵复杂时态就看不清到底什么时候发生了这事 /under its own weight
(D) a star would collapse(从句过去时,主句would do) /under its own weight
(E) its own weight X指代对象不清/ would have caused a star’s collapse

A:1. were 结构上1:找主语,看结构是不是单数;were 倒装在结构上动作发出者是it,这里时态是虚拟啦,主语是 *虚拟:假设它不是因为=for 虚拟从句过去时作为虚拟,那么主句用would do sth; 如果从句是过去完成时用had done sth, 主句用would have done
2 it 结构上 its own weight; 意思上:it结构不清楚 不知道是谁的重量。A指代有问题 its own weight没法说清楚it指代谁和it的意思的是啥。因为it的意思在结构没有指代所以导致were在结构上的动作发出者it能不能做它也不能判断了 12意思不行的
B: 重写:1 were 结构 意思   it在B中指代 a star 2 it结构 a star ;意思:一个燃烧的星星要不是因为燃烧的发热的热量和辐射。意思OK了 星星能做这个事 在这个代词的位置也合理的。OK  *Were/ it not for for这个因为是修饰星星的:因为fp的热和辐射 3 for 结构是从for开始 到its core 结束,修饰主语it的,因为修饰it不是修饰were,were是系表结构 你是漂亮的,漂亮的修饰是还是你?当然修饰主语你~~~~~4. that 是修饰结构:结构:修饰 radiation,意思:辐射是冲出它的核。意思对的 5 rush是谓语动词 6 from 来自于 结构上是修饰rush的 意思上说冲出是什么样的冲出呢?冲出的形式是来自于它的核的一种冲出,OK  7 its 结构星星 冲出星星的核OK 8 instead 两句话间意思相反的 不对9 under介词词组是修饰,结构修饰 would have collapsed 意思上是
坍塌是什么样的坍塌呢?是在它重量之下的坍塌。would have collapsed under its own weight 10 its 结构意思修饰

2. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that/ it/ might start/ reducing
service, announced/ that/ it was eliminating/ jet service to nine cities, closing some
unneeded operations, and/ it /grounded(谓语看主语能不能做这个事情 twenty-two planes./详细分析à 去适应英文的表达方式和英语的句子构造
(A) closing some unneeded operations, and it grounded
(B) closing some unneeded operations, and grounding
(C) was closing some unneeded operations, while it grounded
(D) it closed some unneeded operations and grounded
(E) it was closing some unneeded operations, and grounding
初期要一个一个重复!!不要一股脑往下读 这个就是我全新的解题方式,出题规则:怎么出题怎么想
A 1 following在结构上修饰的是 The airline company 意思航空公司去遵循贯彻,OK
2 on 关于 结构上修饰following这个动词的   意思贯彻执行是关于最近的警告,OK
3 that 同位语从句解释说明名词什么样的警告(*定语从句that当主宾修饰),航空公司可能会开始降低服务。
4 it 结构航空公司 意思上面 对 公司可能会开始降低服务完全能做这个动作的 OK
5 might start谓语动词 主语it航空公司,意思航空公司开始降低服务...OK
6. announced 谓语动词 结构:主语是The airline company 结构上找到了唯一的主语唯一的动作发出者~~;意思是航空公司会去宣布,完全能做宣布这件事。意思是对的 that 可以不写因为它是宾语从句诶在句子中当名词 不是修饰了。
7.  it was eliminating 结构:航空公司 意思:航空公司会去降低 OK
8. to  nine cities 介词词组 adj:什么服务修饰到九个城市的喷气式服务意思不对了;换成adv 结构上修饰 eliminating 意思:什么减少?减少到了九个城市 OK。
9. doing( svo,doing是完整句子svo的结尾特殊用法了!句子是完整的svo不是一个句号看题目是两个句子平行,)修饰最近名词九个城市   九个城市去关闭不合理运营X or 第二种情况考虑表示前面一整句话对后面产生的影响 这个doing是表示前面一整句话的结果。结构上找到前面整句话。可是!发现结构上没有解决这个问题,∵结构上前面有三句话(一套sv就一句话)! it was eliminating;announced that;closing可以成为TM的结尾 announced导致closing的结果 or it was eliminating减少了飞机服务,不要考虑意思 因为closing...在结构上就没有唯一的能够修饰的句子。 3rd 考虑句子主语:有两句话都可以做doing这个事,说明至少有两个主语可以做doing这个事把 结构不唯一,it 和The airline company。这里虽然意思同,但 结构 不同,谢谢// 1种
B 四停 看结构意思也锻炼阅读能力读懂句子们 托福80=看不懂,练结构练意思看懂句子意思go! 而G :上790就是考思维。
eg: understanding of the age of修饰 the planet and the universe理解,理解是属于这个年纪,是属于行星和宇宙的。=理解行星的年纪和理解宇宙的年纪   读平行并列一定要选择分配率原则。and 前后要做分配率的, the planet前面有个 the age of,要把年纪分到行星前和 宇宙前面
and 前面有逗号,两重并列and没有逗号,三重(B) closing some unneeded operations, and grounding 这个时候不是去找它修饰对象了, closing在结构上是属于谓语动词和 eliminating, grounding做平行并列的。它的主语是公司,公司减少喷气式服务减少到了九个城市,公司关闭一些不需要的运营和公司去关闭了22架飞机。三个谓语全部读完,意思上完全正确 B就没有考点了啊,没有指代修饰和平行了 正确。
C(C) was closing some unneeded operations, while it grounded 两个谓语动词前么有and
D(D) it closed some unneeded operations and grounded 前面有主谓了,逗号sv一定错误。
E 也是it was closing 排除
NS: 结构意思结构意思 带着逻辑和阅读go~~

3. The list of animals 修饰/that exhibits a preference of either平行并列/ using the right or the left hand (i.e.,claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded/ to include the lower vertebrates.
A 1 of animals 修饰的是清楚的唯一的名词list
2 that exhibits 结构上:是谓语动词决定了修饰对象,list表单名单,结构唯一清晰;意思上:名单展示出了一个偏好 不对 做不了这个事情。练最快排除点,要找对,不要把错当对。
B exhibitsX
(A) exhibits a preference of either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has

been expanded to include
(B) exhibits the preference to use either the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has
been expanded and includes
(C) exhibit(指复数的名词animals) a preference in(固定习语,不是决定点) either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include
  • in 在结构上修饰 preference偏好的 不管固定的话;  either后面跟doing using  而or 后面跟名词the left hand,两个结构不一样 不行。
(D) exhibit a preference for(for在结构上修饰偏好√意思上:动物有个偏好去为了让动物去使用,要么左手要么右手)/ using (谁使用,动物呗)eitherthe right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has(主语是list,名单扩展去帮助)been expanded to include(和E哪个时态更好)(先去扩展,to 扩展之后后的目的是为了去包括better :要先扩大了表格才能去包括动物啊~~~先后关系更合理
(E) exhibit the preference as to(以至于,结构修饰 preference,展示出偏好,偏好以至于à介词意思不对啊,偏好是以至于,判断不出从后面判断either,后面结构不一样。主语还是要看句子意思看懂 either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded and includes(and有同时,表格被扩展和表格包括同时赶脚
  • 代词 过了 动词(动作发出者和时态:过去现在状态:先后关系

4. Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in Indiadate from the time of the
Kushan empire, fashioned不是谓语动词done修饰 either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist.
(A) empire, fashioned(结构上修饰 empire,王朝被形成了 来自于有污点的砂岩属于M,但意思不对) either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(B) empire, fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from(王朝来自砂岩X)
(C) empire, either平行+done fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or_+N 平行词性不一致
(D) empire and either+V fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or+介词词组 from 不平行
(E) empire and /were fashioned 被形成原因来自于GS/ either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from ( and:fashioned和date作平行并列,就是动词了,结构是谓语动词主语是many images;意思:图片形成(主动形式create)主动形成?东西 没有东西啊
全划线好做~~~~ 谓语:are likely to do sth
7. Authoritative parents are more likely谓语 than(平行并列) permissive parents to have children who定从 as adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.权威父母更可能比P父母去有(to do结构AP动作发出者),权威性父母去有一些孩子,who are是修饰children的~ children是自信的,children是高的 高的是在自尊方面,且children是责任上...的。adj前面重复children。
(A) Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who as

adolescents are self-confident, high(修饰children的) in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.
(B) Authoritative parents who are more likely than permissive parents to have adolescent
children意思不合理请:青少年的儿童,意思冲突矛盾中年的老年人X that are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent. +谓语没有  细节~

(C) Children of authoritative parents, rather than平行修饰X/ permissive parents, are theû 最快排除more likely to be self-confident, haveX a high self-esteemX意思, and to be平行 responsibly independent as 作为as的修饰对象不对啊 adolescents X. 独立像青少年的独立可以,但不能说独立像青少年X/// 平行里N做名词要单复一致,复词:修饰代词指代越近越好倒着找: 作为青少年复数前面有PP,AP,children 结构不唯一了
as 做副词修饰independent意思不合理;adj修饰名词在结构上没有找到唯一的修饰对象 错误
(D) Children whose结构修饰孩子:孩子的父母是有权威性的而不是 parents are authoritative rather than平行加修饰?平行去解释 being permissive, are(孩子是...) more likely tohave (修孩子)self-confidence, a high self-esteemX平行, and beX responsibly independent when两句话呼应 theyX主语呼应(主句children和从句的parents) arean adolescent. 当孩子们是一个青少年的时候,意思不对啊
注意看选项不要去挑结构看,挑个副词挑个and,不好习惯。一定要顺着去读。要从头到尾巴去理解这个句子结构意思结构意思~~~ 一群人变成一`个青少年= =
(E) Rather than修饰孩子去了- -X permissive parents, the children of authoritative parents are the more likely
to have self-confidence, a high self-esteem, andX to be responsibly independent as anX adolescent.(结构对的 a high self-esteem 作为青少年,意思不合理)

8. In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade
deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.
(A) In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade
deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of介词词组修饰 修饰500or declined作为结果√读文章 介词词组要找到正确的修饰对象 record exports to that country. 一句话一句养成习惯。一点一点说清楚结构和意思 托福高分来了(修饰最近啊代词指代啊写作很好)
(B) In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico, reducing its trade deficit by $500 million.
(C) Compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico , reducing their trade deficit by $500 million.
(D) Compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico, reducing the trade deficit by $500 million.
(E) Compared to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States record
exports to Mexico caused a 500 million decline in the trade deficit with that country

9. The quality 单数of earlier pieces of blown glass excavated in Italy and Western Europe by farsurpass those of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, when regarded修饰主语 not only in
terms of the variety of shapes represented, but also in terms of decorative techniques
and functionality. 每道题句子练到极限看懂
(A) by far surpassX thoseX of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, when regarded not only
in terms of
(B) surpasses比较平行并列 by far(修饰surpass的 远远的超过 those (质量超过那些,应该质量单数把,前面复数名词碎片,质量超过碎片)X from the eastern Mediterranean, with(最近修饰地中海的,东部地中海是不仅仅关于形状的多样性)regard not only to(而, but also加的是介词词组X)东部地中海也关于装修的技术和功能性,不对。2 超过3C:结构意思
4:代词 修饰 主谓 平行并列多个S,V修饰
修饰  à  结构:清楚直接修饰对象
        à  意思: 代入重复修饰对象,然后用常识判断,合理
  • 三个要停的地方,停下来找修饰对象对不对;动作发出者主语对不对 *不用语法常识解题,四停的d四个考点去解题才是考点的关键点* 多做作业啊作业 12prep,17OG (prep好老)


认识最正确考点: 12在没有原则错误情况下//3 选择结构意思相对正确的选项。结构清晰直接的,意思比较合理清楚的选项 结构和意思围绕着四大块进行~~~~~~~~~~~ 四大块 谓语V前的主语的结构和意思是否正确,代词前的结构和意思是否正确;最多:修饰 动词:1 动词发出者 2 时态(越简洁越好∵复杂时态就看不清到底什么时候发生了这事)eg: would have done X, G 很少用它做答案的. 时态复杂 将要已经完成?到底完成还是没完成啊
停!画出!画解题点的地方 画出就是找考点在什么地方

最快排除点;  结构错比如谓语动词没有,意思不用看了
1. Were/ it not for修 the fusion-powered heat and radiation that rush/ from修 its代词 core, instead平/ its代词/
own weight would cause谓语动词,有时态的动词/ a star(不是考点不是代词,谓语动词,修饰to collapse.
(A) instead its own weight would cause a star to collapse(AB主语不一样,导致a一开始的指代没法解决了)
(B) instead a star would have collapsed under its own weight
(C) a star would have to be collapsing V时态复杂 将要已经完成?到底完成还是没完成啊,要简洁才好∵复杂时态就看不清到底什么时候发生了这事 /under its own weight
(D) a star would collapse(从句过去时,主句would do) /under its own weight
(E) its own weight X指代对象不清/ would have caused a star’s collapse

A:1. were 结构上1:找主语,看结构是不是单数;were 倒装在结构上动作发出者是it,这里时态是虚拟啦,主语是 *虚拟:假设它不是因为=for 虚拟从句过去时作为虚拟,那么主句用would do sth; 如果从句是过去完成时用had done sth, 主句用would have done
2 it 结构上 its own weight; 意思上:it结构不清楚 不知道是谁的重量。A指代有问题 its own weight没法说清楚it指代谁和it的意思的是啥。因为it的意思在结构没有指代所以导致were在结构上的动作发出者it能不能做它也不能判断了 12意思不行的
B: 重写:1 were 结构 意思   it在B中指代 a star 2 it结构 a star ;意思:一个燃烧的星星要不是因为燃烧的发热的热量和辐射。意思OK了 星星能做这个事 在这个代词的位置也合理的。OK  *Were/ it not for for这个因为是修饰星星的:因为fp的热和辐射 3 for 结构是从for开始 到its core 结束,修饰主语it的,因为修饰it不是修饰were,were是系表结构 你是漂亮的,漂亮的修饰是还是你?当然修饰主语你~~~~~4. that 是修饰结构:结构:修饰 radiation,意思:辐射是冲出它的核。意思对的 5 rush是谓语动词 6 from 来自于 结构上是修饰rush的 意思上说冲出是什么样的冲出呢?冲出的形式是来自于它的核的一种冲出,OK  7 its 结构星星 冲出星星的核OK 8 instead 两句话间意思相反的 不对9 under介词词组是修饰,结构修饰 would have collapsed 意思上是
坍塌是什么样的坍塌呢?是在它重量之下的坍塌。would have collapsed under its own weight 10 its 结构意思修饰

2. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that/ it/ might start/ reducing
service, announced/ that/ it was eliminating/ jet service to nine cities, closing some
unneeded operations, and/ it /grounded(谓语看主语能不能做这个事情 twenty-two planes./详细分析à 去适应英文的表达方式和英语的句子构造
(A) closing some unneeded operations, and it grounded
(B) closing some unneeded operations, and grounding
(C) was closing some unneeded operations, while it grounded
(D) it closed some unneeded operations and grounded
(E) it was closing some unneeded operations, and grounding
初期要一个一个重复!!不要一股脑往下读 这个就是我全新的解题方式,出题规则:怎么出题怎么想
A 1 following在结构上修饰的是 The airline company 意思航空公司去遵循贯彻,OK
2 on 关于 结构上修饰following这个动词的   意思贯彻执行是关于最近的警告,OK
3 that 同位语从句解释说明名词什么样的警告(*定语从句that当主宾修饰),航空公司可能会开始降低服务。
4 it 结构航空公司 意思上面 对 公司可能会开始降低服务完全能做这个动作的 OK
5 might start谓语动词 主语it航空公司,意思航空公司开始降低服务...OK
6. announced 谓语动词 结构:主语是The airline company 结构上找到了唯一的主语唯一的动作发出者~~;意思是航空公司会去宣布,完全能做宣布这件事。意思是对的 that 可以不写因为它是宾语从句诶在句子中当名词 不是修饰了。
7.  it was eliminating 结构:航空公司 意思:航空公司会去降低 OK
8. to  nine cities 介词词组 adj:什么服务修饰到九个城市的喷气式服务意思不对了;换成adv 结构上修饰 eliminating 意思:什么减少?减少到了九个城市 OK。
9. doing( svo,doing是完整句子svo的结尾特殊用法了!句子是完整的svo不是一个句号看题目是两个句子平行,)修饰最近名词九个城市   九个城市去关闭不合理运营X or 第二种情况考虑表示前面一整句话对后面产生的影响 这个doing是表示前面一整句话的结果。结构上找到前面整句话。可是!发现结构上没有解决这个问题,∵结构上前面有三句话(一套sv就一句话)! it was eliminating;announced that;closing可以成为TM的结尾 announced导致closing的结果 or it was eliminating减少了飞机服务,不要考虑意思 因为closing...在结构上就没有唯一的能够修饰的句子。 3rd 考虑句子主语:有两句话都可以做doing这个事,说明至少有两个主语可以做doing这个事把 结构不唯一,it 和The airline company。这里虽然意思同,但 结构 不同,谢谢// 1种
B 四停 看结构意思也锻炼阅读能力读懂句子们 托福80=看不懂,练结构练意思看懂句子意思go! 而G :上790就是考思维。
eg: understanding of the age of修饰 the planet and the universe理解,理解是属于这个年纪,是属于行星和宇宙的。=理解行星的年纪和理解宇宙的年纪   读平行并列一定要选择分配率原则。and 前后要做分配率的, the planet前面有个 the age of,要把年纪分到行星前和 宇宙前面
and 前面有逗号,两重并列and没有逗号,三重(B) closing some unneeded operations, and grounding 这个时候不是去找它修饰对象了, closing在结构上是属于谓语动词和 eliminating, grounding做平行并列的。它的主语是公司,公司减少喷气式服务减少到了九个城市,公司关闭一些不需要的运营和公司去关闭了22架飞机。三个谓语全部读完,意思上完全正确 B就没有考点了啊,没有指代修饰和平行了 正确。
C(C) was closing some unneeded operations, while it grounded 两个谓语动词前么有and
D(D) it closed some unneeded operations and grounded 前面有主谓了,逗号sv一定错误。
E 也是it was closing 排除
NS: 结构意思结构意思 带着逻辑和阅读go~~

3. The list of animals 修饰/that exhibits a preference of either平行并列/ using the right or the left hand (i.e.,claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded/ to include the lower vertebrates.
A 1 of animals 修饰的是清楚的唯一的名词list
2 that exhibits 结构上:是谓语动词决定了修饰对象,list表单名单,结构唯一清晰;意思上:名单展示出了一个偏好 不对 做不了这个事情。练最快排除点,要找对,不要把错当对。
B exhibitsX
(A) exhibits a preference of either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has

been expanded to include
(B) exhibits the preference to use either the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has
been expanded and includes
(C) exhibit(指复数的名词animals) a preference in(固定习语,不是决定点) either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include
  • in 在结构上修饰 preference偏好的 不管固定的话;  either后面跟doing using  而or 后面跟名词the left hand,两个结构不一样 不行。
(D) exhibit a preference for(for在结构上修饰偏好√意思上:动物有个偏好去为了让动物去使用,要么左手要么右手)/ using (谁使用,动物呗)eitherthe right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has(主语是list,名单扩展去帮助)been expanded to include(和E哪个时态更好)(先去扩展,to 扩展之后后的目的是为了去包括better :要先扩大了表格才能去包括动物啊~~~先后关系更合理
(E) exhibit the preference as to(以至于,结构修饰 preference,展示出偏好,偏好以至于à介词意思不对啊,偏好是以至于,判断不出从后面判断either,后面结构不一样。主语还是要看句子意思看懂 either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded and includes(and有同时,表格被扩展和表格包括同时赶脚
  • 代词 过了 动词(动作发出者和时态:过去现在状态:先后关系

4. Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in Indiadate from the time of the
Kushan empire, fashioned不是谓语动词done修饰 either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist.
(A) empire, fashioned(结构上修饰 empire,王朝被形成了 来自于有污点的砂岩属于M,但意思不对) either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or
(B) empire, fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from(王朝来自砂岩X)
(C) empire, either平行+done fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or_+N 平行词性不一致
(D) empire and either+V fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or+介词词组 from 不平行
(E) empire and /were fashioned 被形成原因来自于GS/ either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from ( and:fashioned和date作平行并列,就是动词了,结构是谓语动词主语是many images;意思:图片形成(主动形式create)主动形成?东西 没有东西啊
全划线好做~~~~ 谓语:are likely to do sth
7. Authoritative parents are more likely谓语 than(平行并列) permissive parents to have children who定从 as adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.权威父母更可能比P父母去有(to do结构AP动作发出者),权威性父母去有一些孩子,who are是修饰children的~ children是自信的,children是高的 高的是在自尊方面,且children是责任上...的。adj前面重复children。
(A) Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who as

adolescents are self-confident, high(修饰children的) in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.
(B) Authoritative parents who are more likely than permissive parents to have adolescent
children意思不合理请:青少年的儿童,意思冲突矛盾中年的老年人X that are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent. +谓语没有  细节~

(C) Children of authoritative parents, rather than平行修饰X/ permissive parents, are theû 最快排除more likely to be self-confident, haveX a high self-esteemX意思, and to be平行 responsibly independent as 作为as的修饰对象不对啊 adolescents X. 独立像青少年的独立可以,但不能说独立像青少年X/// 平行里N做名词要单复一致,复词:修饰代词指代越近越好倒着找: 作为青少年复数前面有PP,AP,children 结构不唯一了
as 做副词修饰independent意思不合理;adj修饰名词在结构上没有找到唯一的修饰对象 错误
(D) Children whose结构修饰孩子:孩子的父母是有权威性的而不是 parents are authoritative rather than平行加修饰?平行去解释 being permissive, are(孩子是...) more likely tohave (修孩子)self-confidence, a high self-esteemX平行, and beX responsibly independent when两句话呼应 theyX主语呼应(主句children和从句的parents) arean adolescent. 当孩子们是一个青少年的时候,意思不对啊
注意看选项不要去挑结构看,挑个副词挑个and,不好习惯。一定要顺着去读。要从头到尾巴去理解这个句子结构意思结构意思~~~ 一群人变成一`个青少年= =
(E) Rather than修饰孩子去了- -X permissive parents, the children of authoritative parents are the more likely
to have self-confidence, a high self-esteem, andX to be responsibly independent as anX adolescent.(结构对的 a high self-esteem 作为青少年,意思不合理)

8. In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade
deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.
(A) In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade
deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of介词词组修饰 修饰500or declined作为结果√读文章 介词词组要找到正确的修饰对象 record exports to that country. 一句话一句养成习惯。一点一点说清楚结构和意思 托福高分来了(修饰最近啊代词指代啊写作很好)
(B) In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico, reducing its trade deficit by $500 million.
(C) Compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico , reducing their trade deficit by $500 million.
(D) Compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold
record exports to Mexico, reducing the trade deficit by $500 million.
(E) Compared to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States record
exports to Mexico caused a 500 million decline in the trade deficit with that country

9. The quality 单数of earlier pieces of blown glass excavated in Italy and Western Europe by farsurpass those of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, when regarded修饰主语 not only in
terms of the variety of shapes represented, but also in terms of decorative techniques
and functionality. 每道题句子练到极限看懂
(A) by far surpassX thoseX of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, when regarded not only
in terms of
(B) surpasses平行并列的比较AB有比较的, by far修饰surpass的 远远的超过 those (质量超过那些,应该质量单数把。from要解决those合理,those指代复数名词碎片,质量超过碎片X)X from the eastern Mediterranean, with regard not only to(but also+介词词组不平行X)  with最近修饰地中海 1东部地中海是不仅关于形状的多样性,东部地中海也关于装修的技术和功能性,不对。2 意思:质量超过啥东西 超过是不仅关于形状的多样性,超过也关于装修的技术和功能性,对、
(C) far surpassX that of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, not only regarding
(D) far surpasses that of the eastern Mediterranean, with regard to not only 考指代 质量是属于中部地中海= =
(E) far surpasses that of pieces 完美~from the eastern Mediterranean, not only with regard to修饰对象:最近名词地中海不行,修饰 surpasses 超过在哪些方面,要看懂句子。
电脑公司去报告 (结构上公司,意思报告,没问题。)强烈的第二季度收入,收入超过了华尔街的预测(结构意思可以),电脑公司去宣布(结构意思可以)公司宣布了第一步的措施 第一步是被介词修饰,是在一系列的价格削减方面, 削价是被设计的去增加进一步销量的增长。OK
10. The computer company reported strong second-quarter earnings that surpassed Wall
Street's estimates and announced the first in修饰 a series of(结构意思可以) price cuts intended修饰削价 done的结构 /to increase  sales further.
(A) The computer company reported strong second-quarter earnings that surpassed Wall
Street's estimates and announced the first in a series of price cuts intended to increase
sales further.
(B) The report of(结构意思可以) the computer company showed 报告展示(结构意思对)strong second-quarter earnings,       (surpassing修饰对象收入了,收入超过华尔街预计 对)
surpassing Wall Street's estimates, and they(earnings? estimates?宣布?不对结构不清楚 announced the first in a series of price cuts  他们去设计price cut 目的是去提高销量进一步。
that (that当宾语容易看成同位语!当intend的宾语)they (不对,公司)intend to increase sales further.
(C) SurpassingX (修饰report错误了)Wall Street's estimates, the report of the computer company showed strong
second-quarter earnings, and, forX the purpose(修饰最近名词they,they指代谁?) of increasing sales further, they  announced the first in a series of price cuts.(修饰动词也不对宣布是为了增加销量吗?修饰对象也不对啊)
(D) The computer company reported strong second-quarter earnings, while announcing(先考虑earnings宣布不对,然后考虑 company宣布 the    *while when if although  在句子结尾 doing/done是修饰最近名词O和S的 while不怎么好不直接哈 *表示目的todo 和 for the purpose 没啥区别的    修饰每个都想清楚看清楚锻炼读句子本领
first in a series of price cuts for the purpose of increasing sales further that surpass Wall(销量超过华尔街的预测了X,不是earnings了)Street's estimates.  宣布了一系列的措施在价格缩减, 削减是对于一个目的,目的是为了去属于上升销量进一步的,这句话时态也不对
(E) The computer company, surpassing(AB不是一类)X Wall Street's estimates, reported strong
second-quarter earnings, while announcing(e不行找了公司) that to increase sales(为了增长销量没有修饰公司没有修饰intend动词!) further,(为了增长销量修饰thereX) there would be(为了增长销量修饰有X the first in a series of price cuts.
修饰靠近修饰对象,指代人口属于印度,人口已经集聚上升了,上升是持续了好几十年,前面OK。人口会有一些东西,这些东西是现在被估算作为1.6b人口 * for修饰主语it的,因为修饰it不是修饰were,were是系表结构 你是漂亮的,漂亮的修饰是还是你?当然修饰主语你
as修饰what 代词指代,what就是sth是作为1.6people  翻译成估算是作为1.6people。as平行并列错误 只能是东西作为1.6b人结构上错了。名词A as是名词 B 两者单复数一致把。复数孩子作为复数青少年。一个孩子作为一个青少年。as 修饰what 看what能不能作为billion people。
11. The population单数 of India has been steadily increasing for decades, and it will probably
have what(what读成两个单词sth that/ sth: 会有一些东西that:这些东西是)现在被?估算作为?1.6b人口 is estimated as(修饰what 东西作为1.6B人) 1.6 billion people by 2050X(修饰比较好但没有啊,修饰人和估算很奇怪,被估算作为截止到2050的1.6Bpeople的人?意思怪and surpass(will surpass平行单复数是OK的但是人口X意思上不能做surpass的事情排除) (NS:人口超过中国的人口)China as the world's most populous nation.  
(A) it will probably have what is estimated as
(B) they没有指代前面是单数 are likely to have
(C) the country(找到唯一的国家印度) will probably have  印度可能有1.6B的人很好啊,截止2015有..很好,印度超过中国,ok
(D) there will probably be  X DEthere在那里怎么能超过中国呢X
(E) there will be an estimated

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-26 06:55:47 | 只看该作者
1 名词SO (代词)2 V动词 3 修饰

第二 名词
1 主语,宾语
that tom will come to the classroom,放在主语 就是名词啦
doing/ to do (放在修饰的位置是修饰成分,放在主语位置是名词)
J主语:doing/ to do做主语看成名词,N不用找动作发出者了
16. Obtaining an investment-grade rating will keep the county's future borrowing costs low,
protect its already-tattered image, and increase its ability to buy bond insurance.
(A) Obtaining an investment-grade rating Obtaining一整件事情做了主语)will keep the county's future borrowing costs low, protect
(B) To obtain an investment-grade rating(主语) will keep the county's future borrowing costs low,
and protect
(C) Having obtained an investment-grade rating will, in keeping the county's future borrowing
costs low, protect
(D) To obtain an investment-grade rating would keep the county's future borrowing costs low,
(E) Obtaining an investment-grade rating, keeping the county's borrowing costs low, would
be protecting

doing/ to do做动词宾语(有人会识别不出来当成宾语了当修饰了,没事没事性质不同目的是同的修饰的目的是找动作发出者,而动词的宾语也是有动词发出者的,作名词可以不去找动作发出者不影响句子理解)
2. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing(可能会开始的降低服务)service, announced that it was eliminating jet service to nine cities, closing some
unneeded operations, and it grounded twenty-two planes.

doing of sb/sth, sb's /sth's doing
doing 作了名词 意思翻译过来是名词“的”所属关系表达/eg: coming of mac / mac's coming/ 直接说mac's occurence. 表达名词的时候:选名词直接啊!看句子需要什么
N* 动词直接还是名词直接?语感,直接性
28. Joplin’s faith in his opera “Tremonisha” was unshakable; in 1911 he published the
score at his own expense and decided on staging 表演it himself. (介词后面加宾语,词性上需要名词的,但舞台stage是表演的意思把,,搬上舞台,本身是动词表达动作用动词比较好的,动词better)
(A) on staging it himself
(B) that he himself would do the staging  莫名其妙的名词- -别人想要动词的
(C) to do the staging of the work by himself  同上
(D) that he himself would stage it
(E) to stage the work himself

6. Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the
Earth’s climate, may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level.
A. may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level
B. may include the melting 名词of polar ice caps and the rising sea level(the后面一定跟名词/doing of..doing也是名词)搞清词性
*the +noun: the old(adjold就是名词了)
5. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private
conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite名词后面还有同位语, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.


考点:代词/修饰  à  结构上:找到清楚直接的指代/修饰对象(轻松找到且唯一)
                         à  意思上: 代入指代/修饰对象直译(直译读的意思看能否被修饰)然后用常识判断是否合理

指代一。 it they 系列(there,its,it,themselves等)
a. 主从句之间主语呼应
状语从句:if the books are sold out to customers, they must be interesting.
宾语从句:The company informs the newspaper that it will lay off staff.

1. Were it not for the fusion-powered heat and radiation that rush from its core, instead its结构主语呼应但是没有说清楚是谁,错 own weight would cause a star to collapse.【找到了唯一清楚的指代,但意思不清楚
2. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing  service, announced that it was eliminating jet service to nine cities, closing some  unneeded operations, and it grounded twenty-two planes.找到了唯一且意思合理 从句主语和主句主语呼应了。【找到了指代对象,意思上也是合理的】

b. 两个完整句子之间
5. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it(结构唯一,把马可泥概念代入是精确相反的工具 意思不对哦)is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.【找到了唯一清楚的指代,但代入意思不对】【;两个完整句子间的主语呼应】

12. Plants are more efficient at acquiring平行carbon than are fungi, in the form of carbon dioxide,
and converting平行 it to energy-rich sugars.
not but


1. Were it not for the fusion-powered heat and radiation that rush from its core, instead its
own weight would cause a star to collapse.
(A) instead its own weight would cause a star to collapse 找不出it是谁
(B) instead a star would have collapsed under its own weight

  • with its development in economics, Shanghai enjoys higher reputation than ever before.
原则3: 由近往远反着句子方向(多个检查),看单复数和代词一致的名词不优了

17. Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, are
known to be important in courtship, and apparently this assists flies that taste the
hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from that of others

(2)it 特殊指代
情况1: 形式主语
it is interesting that we hold a party/  that we hold a party is interesting.
it is  interesting to hold a party/  to hold a party is  interesting
一指代后面的that从句整个或者to do 整个结构
情况2: 形式宾语
make it possible to hold a party
make it possible that we hold a party
consider it interesting that we hold a party.
先看有没有特殊指代 that, to do 。没有就其他的指代啦

that it 句子主语呼应?不对前面是形式主语指代。that一整句指代it 一定不是主语呼应;这个时候要往前找单数名词,这里也不涉及平行并列结构,找到 单数The Washington Post ; 华盛顿邮报移到了第一名结构意思对
20. It was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963(这个是两个单词哦)that it moved into the first rank of American newspapers, and it was under her command
that the paper won high praise for its unrelenting reporting of the Watergate scandal.
(A) It (和之前出现过的句子主语呼应?代词指代出现在代词之前把,没有内容so形式主语指代that)was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963(N不对,修饰become
that it(见上) moved into the first rank of American newspapers, and it was under her command
that the paper won high praise  (奖励是因为 its unrelenting reporting。这个its没有平行并列对象的只有从后往前找,且its在从句里面只能在that从句里面找,报纸抨击了..意思结构完全对24it本句话都有唯一的名词指代
(B) It was only after Katharine Graham's becoming publisher of The Washington Post in
1963 that it moved into the first rank of American newspapers, and under her command it
had won high praise
(C) Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963, and only after that这件事情一句话没戏Xdid it move into the first rank of American newspapers, having won high praise under her command
(D) Moving into the first rank of American newspapers only after Katharine Graham became
its publisher in 1963, The Washington Post, winning high praise under her command
(E) Moving into(修饰对) the first rank of American newspapers only after(1修饰美国报纸不对2 修饰动词moving,doing是after sb's doing;sb's doing太不直接啊!,直接写N吧你,after修饰结构上太不直接了) Katharine Graham's becoming its(找单数名词kg是人不行,单数rank 指代主语不直接而A很直接的) publisher in 1963(没有合理修饰,变成修饰副词也不能修饰moving啊), The Washington Post won high praise under(修饰高的奖励?奖励在操控之下?修饰won?可以吧 A是that the paper won high praise整件事情是在操控之下; her command(但for 不行了,因为华盛顿邮报的猛烈抨击水门丑闻,但这里的因为是修饰了它的命令把,命令是因为猛击丑闻/A 是奖励是因为抨击丑闻for修饰won???不,如果这样,under也修饰won,就应该加一个平行并列的and。两个介词词组修饰won要加平行并列!

A 的after是 事情在事情之后 两件事情的先后关系。
107. While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of power plants, it is the
fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes it more expensive for them to
generate electricity.
(A) While it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as other types of power plants, it is the
fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes it more expensive for them to
generate electricity.
(B) While the cost of running nuclear plants is about the same as for other types of power plants,
the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants make the electricity they generate more
(C) Even though it costs about the same to run nuclear plants as for other types of power plants,
it is the fixed costs that stem from building nuclear plants that makes the electricity they
generate more expensive.
(D) It costs about the same to run nuclear plants as for other types of power plants, whereas the
electricity they generate is more expensive, stemming from the fixed costs of building nuclear
(E) The cost of running nuclear plants is about the same as other types of power plants, but the
electricity they generate is made more expensive because of the fixed costs stemming from
building nuclear plants.

(3) that those 指代情况1: that those +名词 (出现在两个句子中)Gyf出现的较少往往出现在阅读文章中的上下句。
情况2: that those单独做名词性的代词使用
和it,they差不多但不同点:1 仅仅使用在平行并列结构中(平行并列前后呼应的观点,包括比较,surpass),而it they 无论是否平行并列均可使用。
2 that those 泛指,同一类但不是同一个事物
it they特指,同一个事物。
eg: The children of 1980s were much more brilliant than they are now. 比同一波人在现在
The children of 1980s were much more brilliant than those are now. 相比现在的小孩,两波小孩。
9. The quality of earlier pieces of blown glass excavated in Italy and Western Europe by far
surpass those of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, when regarded not only in
terms of the variety of shapes represented, but also in terms of decorative techniques
and functionality.

(A) by far surpass those of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, when regarded not only
in terms of
(B) surpasses by far those from the eastern Mediterranean, with regard not only to
(C) far surpass that of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, not only regarding

(D) far surpasses that 不同类事物of the eastern Mediterranean, with regard to not only
(E) far surpasses that of pieces from the eastern Mediterranean, not only with regard to

18. Today’s technology allows manufacturers to make small cars more fuel-efficient now than
at any time in their production history.
A. small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in their(Xcars or manufacturers说不清了!their 是they特定指代现在技术下的了;)
B. small cars that are more fuel-efficient than theyX特指同一波 were at any time in their
C. small cars that are more fuel-efficient than those泛指 at any other time in 现在比任何其他时候好
D. more fuel-efficient small cars than those at any other time in theirX特指
E. more(四大考点之一从修饰做。做adv省油,adj修饰小汽车 歧义了! fuel-efficient small cars now than at any time in   现在比任何时候(任何包括了现在,选C)

such+名词 (前文有这个名词,
this/ these +名词(阅读里有,前面有)
that, those +名词(同上)
单独的that/ this 出现肯定错(指代整个句子X不清楚不能指代句子! 口语可以)
so: do so.   I think tom is right. he thinks so指代整个句子.

(C) Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963, and only after that这件事情一句话没戏Xdid it move into the first rank of American newspapers, having won high praise under her command
(5)other, another,要有呼应的内容作为指代对象,直译时需要把呼应的内容不出完整。
some people think that ..., and others (要说其他)hold that...

NS 代词,时态,单复数
there is a man in the room.  找“在in那里的”there= in the room  去掉代词  in the room is a man.
in the room are two men   倒装
amongXX  谓语动词  +主语

14. 考的介词特别长,(还有种平行并列呼应)Among介词词组修饰 the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last three decades修饰//were谓语 the high cost of land, the pressure of housing and commercial development, and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California.
27. On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that
trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.
(A) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles介词词组修饰// are believed to be/ the rate主语that trees grow( 主谓单复数不一致,over了)(常考的倒装的句型)

17. Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, are
known to be important in courtship, and apparently this assists flies that taste the
hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from that of others.
(A) and apparently this assists flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to
distinguish their own species from that of
(B) and apparently this assists flies when they taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates
in distinguishing their own species from those of
(C) which apparently assists flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in being
able to distinguish their own species from
(D) apparently assisting flies to taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish
their own species from those of
(E) apparently assisting flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates in
distinguishing their own species from


 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-26 15:47:55 | 只看该作者
  • 关于难区分的宾语从句:announced(谓语出现) that(本来用一个名词做宾结果用了一个句子:宾从(V后面的词))从句主语 it was eliminating jet service
  • 找主谓:看到修饰就括起来,到标点符号反括号结束,主谓就惊现了
  • 从今天开始模考啦 要考稍高一点的分数,五篇阅读也只能错一两道最好不错
  • 首先托福文章不存在什么精度与泛读之分,考场上的文章都是泛读,只是为了获取信息而读的精度只是一种训练手段,是为了扫清阅读障碍。考场上的文章只有读得快与读得慢之分,而读得慢是因为能力问题,不是需求问题。托福文章哪些需要读,哪些不需要读?托福段落具有唯一性的特点,也就是一个段落只讲述一个事情,只要我们把这个段落所要表达的意思get到了,后面就知道它是讲啥了,通常后面都是举例,这个例子我们第一遍读其实都是不需要读的,后面如果考到这个问题立即再回来看就行了。可以简单记点
  • 因为(解释前面这个传统不清晰 直译要清楚两句话关系  

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