例题1-3:三个饼图延伸题 | Favorable | Unfavorable | Not Sure | Candidate M | 40 | 20 | 40 | Candidate N | 30 | 35 | 35 |
The table above shows the results of a survey of 100 voters who each responded "Favorable" or "Unfavorable" or "Not Sure" when asked about their impressions of Candidate M and of Candidate N. What was the number of voters who responded "Favorable" for both candidates? (1)The number of voters who did not respond "Favorable" for either candidate was 40. (2)The number of voters who responded "Unfavorable" for both candidates was 10. 破题点:划线 解释:之前的韦恩图都只涉及到两个元素的比较,这里涉及到三个元素的比较。条件1提到,都没有给两个人投favorable的投票人有40个=给MN两人都投了Unfavorable票或者是Not Sure票的人有40个。 Step1:在favorable和后面两者直接划线,将投票人分成F和NF两类,NF=20(M-Unfavorable)+40(M-Not Sure)+35(N-Not Sure)+35(N-Unfavorable)-40(两边都没有投favorable票的人)=90 Step2:这90人中包括了两类人:给M投了支持票但是没给N投,给N投了支持票但是没给M投。此次在M和N之间划线,90-Fm-Fn=Fb,得出给两个人都投了支持票的有20人。 答案:A
我假设投同时给M和N投Favorable的人有X个,既没投M也没投N的人(其实就是给的条件1)y个 就能简化成2圈1框的问题 set1=40 set2=30 all=100 both=x neither=40 set1+set2-both+neither=all 40+30-X+40=100 x=10 所以条件1 sufficient