大家好,我是上两个库的数学整理君。因为之前在整理稿下面看到了大家很多讨论,而且论坛里面数学的总结帖子都有点年岁了,所以在考试复习之余,写几篇小帖子给大家总结几个考点,希望对大家的考试有所帮助。今天呢我想分享一下这个库出现了的考点——韦恩图,为大家揭开韦恩图里面的小秘密。 Warning!!!阅读注意:全篇帖子含做题,阅读时间不超过10分钟,如果大家看的时候手头没有纸和笔,我建议你可以先看粗体字了解一下文章的脉络,然后收藏下来再做一遍题目。当然啦如果喜欢我的文章,可以在楼下给我评论一朵小花花,感谢你们阅读!手动比心!
韦恩图的小秘密1:固定模型套路深 韦恩图里面需要记忆的公式只有两个,我们看下面两个图: 公式1:两个大饼图:Set1+Set2-Both+Neither=All 公式2:三个大饼图:A+B+C-AB-BC-AC-2ABC=All
例题1-1:两个饼图基础题 A certain one-day seminar consisted of a morning session and an afternoon session; If each of the 128 people attending the seminar attended at least one of the two sessions, how many of the people attended the morning session only? (1) 34 of the people attended both sessions. (2) 78 of the people attended the afternoon session. 破题点:ALL=Morning Session + Evening Session + Both + Neither 答案:B
例题1-2:三个饼图基础题 Last year 26 members of certain club traveled to England, 26 members traveled to France, and 32 members traveled to Italy. Last year no members of the club traveled to both England and France, 6 members traveled to both England and Italy, and 11 members traveled to both France and Italy. How many members of the clue traveled to at least one of these three countries last year? 破题点:A+B+C-AB-AC-BC-2ABC=ALL 答案:67
例题1-3:三个饼图延伸题 | Favorable | Unfavorable | Not Sure | Candidate M | 40 | 20 | 40 | Candidate N | 30 | 35 | 35 |
The table above shows the results of a survey of 100 voters who each responded "Favorable" or "Unfavorable" or "Not Sure" when asked about their impressions of Candidate M and of Candidate N. What was the number of voters who responded "Favorable" for both candidates? (1)The number of voters who did not respond "Favorable" for either candidate was 40. (2)The number of voters who responded "Unfavorable" for both candidates was 10. 破题点:划线 解释:之前的韦恩图都只涉及到两个元素的比较,这里涉及到三个元素的比较。条件1提到,都没有给两个人投favorable的投票人有40个=给MN两人都投了Unfavorable票或者是Not Sure票的人有40个。 Step1:在favorable和后面两者直接划线,将投票人分成F和NF两类,NF=20(M-Unfavorable)+40(M-Not Sure)+35(N-Not Sure)+35(N-Unfavorable)-40(两边都没有投favorable票的人)=90 Step2:这90人中包括了两类人:给M投了支持票但是没给N投,给N投了支持票但是没给M投。此次在M和N之间划线,90-Fm-Fn=Fb,得出给两个人都投了支持票的有20人。 答案:A
例题1-4:三个饼图延伸题 本月机经:有53个人参加一个聚会,每个人至少选三个食物中的一个:piizza, cheese, 还有一个食物忘了假设是hamberger吧。问吃了三种食物的人有多少? 条件1:没有人只吃了pizza,并且只吃了cheese的人有9个 条件2:没有人吃了两种食物,并且只吃了hamberger的人有7个
韦恩图的小秘密2:树形图巧解韦恩图 有一些题目,不是问你几拨人之间是什么关系,而是把这一拨人分成了好几类,然后告诉你这几类之间的相互关系。对人群进行分类的题目,我们运用树形图的方式来进行解答,下面两道例题与大家分享:
例题2-1:树形图转换基础 Of the 1,400 college teachers surveyed, 42 percent said that they considered engaging in research an essential goal. How many of the college teachers surveyed were women? (1) In the survey, 36 percent of the men and 50 percent of the women said that they considered engaging in research an essential goal. (2) In the survey, 288 men said that they considered engaging in research an essential goal. 破题点:将题目转换为树形图解答
例题2-2:树形图转换进阶 Are at least 10 percent of the people inCountry X who are 65 years old or older employed? (1) In Country X, 11.3 percent of thepopulation is 65 years old or older. (2) In Country X, of the population 65years old or older, 20 percent of the men and 10 percent of the women areemployed. 破题点:65岁的人=65岁的男人+65岁的女人 解释: 条件1:(以下简写均为上图单词首字母缩写)整理条件可画出树形图,得到大于等于65那一栏是11.3%P,但是大于等于65=E+UE,不知道UE在这11.3%P中占多少,所以无法求65以上的人的工作比例。条件一单独不充分。 条件2:整理条件可画出树形图,得到大于等于65的人里面,有20%的男性和10%的女性在工作。因为大于等于65的人=男性+女性,题目是想知道大于等于65的人里面还在工作的比例是多少,列式为10%*O≤E=10%*(M+W),条件所给工作的比例是E=20%M+10%W,因为 O=M+W,所以说E=10%M+10%M+10%W=10%*(M+W)+10%M=10%O+10%M≥10%O。可以证明X国中65岁以上的人中至少有10%被雇佣。条件二单独充分。 答案:B
韦恩图的小秘密3:表格图巧解韦恩图 当题目中涉及到两个集合各有两个方面交叉影响的时候,使用表格图进行解题最为简单,下面我们来看这一道例题:
例题3-1:表格图应用技巧 Of the 75 houses in a certain community, 48have a patio. How many of the houses in the community have a swimming pool? (1) 38 of the houses in the community havea patio but do not have a swimming pool. (2) The number of houses in the communitythat have a patio and a swimming pool is equal to the number of houses in thecommunity that have neither a swimming pool nor a patio.
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| 设为所求值X(有Swimming Pool总户数) |
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解释: 条件1:根据条件将数字填入表格内,表格变为下面的样子,无法解得X值。 条件2:根据条件将数字填入表格内,设没有P有S的户数为T,表格变为下面的样子: 根据表格可以得到,纵向看第二列X与T有关系,横向看第二行T与27也有关系,可得到方程X-T=27-T,所以可以知道X=27,即有游泳池的有27户。条件二单独充分。
答案:B 由此我们可以发现,其实韦恩图的套路考点就上面这么多啦。如果大家对韦恩图这个点还有兴趣,或者还有什么不明白的题目,请随时发来评论。如果有什么想了解的小贴士,也请在评论下面留言,我会不定时查看的。感谢大家的支持!
补充阅读:韦恩图的前世今生 英国的数学家John Venn在1880年写了一本叫做《命题和推理的图表化和机械化的表现》,他首次提出了韦恩图这个概念,希望通过图形来展示所有有可能的集合。而在集合这部分知识里面,不仅有韦恩提出用图形展示集合之间的关系,还有欧拉、Johnston等人分别提出欧拉图等概念用于展示集合之间的联系,有兴趣的同学可以取搜索著名的“哥尼斯堡七桥问题”来了解一下。
OG原文:Therelationship between sets is often illustrated with a Venn diagram in whichsets are represented by regions in a plane. For two sets S and T that are notdisjoint and neither is a subset of the other, the intersection S T isrepresented by the shaded region of the diagram below. This diagramillustrates a fact about any two finite sets S and T: the number of elements intheir union equals the sum of their individual numbers of elements minus thenumber of elements in their intersection (because the latter are counted twicein the sum); more concisely, This countingmethod is called the general addition rule for two sets. As a special case, ifS and T are disjoint, then since 解读:OG想表达的关于韦恩图的观点,总结下来有如下3点:1)当集合用平面的图形表现的时候,用韦恩图。注意两个集合不互斥。2)两个集合的并集可以表示为两个单独的集合相加并减去他们的并集。3)如果两个集合互斥,也就意味着他们没有交集,他们的交集就是0.