echo_1993 发表于 2019-8-30 23:10
Hi Tripleg, I just enrolled my program, but for many reasons I really want to apply some other sch ...
I am not sure how reapplying could put your "personal reputation" at stake. However, in order to ensure successful transfer to another, presumably higher-ranking program, you need to do exceedingly well in your current one.
特来分享一点刚刚看到的信息。Wisconsin University 商学院是名校大家都知道了,刚听说有一个 AP 是 HKUST 毕业的。HKUST 确实是名校,Place 到全球 Research School 的不计其数,觉得水平毫不逊于美国前30名,即 Tier 1 末或 Tier 2 靠前的样子。