A: All the observed forms of coping behavior can be found among rhesus monkeys living in uncrowded conditions.
"uncrowded" or "crowed " lead to the same consequense. weaken
B: In the studies of rats, nondominant individuals were found to increasingly avoid dominant individuals when the animals were in crowded conditions.
has no business with monkey
C: Rhesus monkeys respond with aggression to a wider range of stimuli than any other monkeys do.
opposite to the conclusion"Therefore it is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats."
D: Some individual monkeys in the experiment were involved in significantly more attacks than the other monkeys were.
opposite to the conclusion
E: Some of the coping behavior displayed by rhesus monkeys is similar to behavior rhesus monkeys use to bring to an end an attack that has begun
strengthen. so i choose e. |