with widespread swelling and stiffness immobilizing the injured area until it heals, 放在中间诶 这么一个有歧义的位置难道没关系吗 前后都可以修饰 尽管从意思上说是修饰前面 这是我排除A的主要原因 我很无奈地认为这是考点...
另外is more localized and resulting我觉得还是有问题 这里2个is是不一样的 如果改成results要好些 而且没有表明他是正在result的含义
D中的more localized response其实更好的对称了
我同样认为which指代response Unlike the body’s inflammatory response (to cuts and sprains)
看來我要叫救護車then =D ======================= 如果In that body's inflammatory response widespread swelling and stiffness immobilize the injured area=在那个inflammatory反应中肿胀和僵硬使得受伤的地方变的固定 這樣的話, In that body's inflammatory response(在那个inflammatory反应中)變成了時間狀語...可是response是一個反應, 應該不能做時間狀語 ============================= Unlike the body's inflammatory response to cuts and sprains,...., the body's response to Z is more localized.... Unlike the body's inflammatory response to cuts and sprains,...., the body's more localized response to Z results..... 我是覺得inflammatory跟more localized沒什平衡的需要, **可是**body's response to cuts and sprains跟body's response to sunburn的範圍大小要比一下(widespread vs. more localized), 這就是句子想說的unlike之處...