查分过程:打过去先有一大串提示,不用管,按0转人工,然后有态度非常好的姐姐接听.你就说:"This is XXspeaking. I just got a GMAT test in XX.XX.XXXX,I want to confirm my score. "接着会问你准考证号。报清楚。然后确认address,然后你说:"I want to confirm my score. My total score is xxx(根据unofficial的成绩)"她会说:"That is correct."然后你再问:"My AWA score is XX(这里用猜的,我猜的5.5,一击即中!)"她会说:'That is correct.'(没猜对再打过去猜,反正不会同一人接。)然后问:"When can I recieve my official report."她会说:"your score report had been printed onxx.xx.xxxx, we have already sent it on xx.xx.xxxx"然后就可以bye-bye啦:)
(记住哦,她们不会告诉你成绩,因为认为这样不安全。你要说:'I just want to confirm my GMAT score.'别紧张,她们声音很好很温柔的)