234 国际贸易
International economic environment will be shaped by interactions between gov and global corporations.
-factor:trend toward regional reading
-tow examples: FTA&EC1992
EC1992:no concern about protectionism
FTA: (bilateral initiative双边倡议)FTA is because of the fear of US protectionism
Foster integration, and provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system
Main Point:
regional trading potentially have large effec ton the evolution of the world trading system
1. 现状变了:说影响国际经济的因素已经变了interation between governmnet and global corportations will shaped world economy
2. 重要特征:区域经济生态圈影响国际贸易系统
3. 举例说明:保护主义有差异:举了两个例子,美国和加拿大的自由贸易和欧盟的内部自由贸易。欧盟地区的保护主义:不担心,但是美国相反,但是过度担心美国参与FTA会导致美国保护主义
4. 未来作用: 除此以外,两者虽然不同,但都会促进整体两个最富有的市场发展。而且会引起未来国际贸易系统的很多问题。