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[阅读小分队] 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第102天 悲痛阶段模型

发表于 2021-7-10 07:34:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

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Freud is considered an early expert on the subject of grief. In his writings, one of the primary tasks faced by the bereaved individual was reclaiming the energy that had been invested in the loved one. Later theorists added to our understanding of grief by reflecting on the role of socialization and the relationship with the deceased in the experience of grief. Bowlby identified four phases through which the grieving person passes: numbing, yearning and searching, disorganization and despair, and reorganization. Still others have suggested that responses to grief are predictable, regardless of the individual’s personality characteristics and personal coping skills. A recent theory also suggests that grief is not only psychological but also biological, and represents the individual’s movement toward reintegration and balance.

One concern frequently expressed by critics of the stage models of grief is general misunderstanding about how the stages are experienced. The average person and even many mental health practitioners tend to see the stages of grief as linear and as descriptions of how grief should be experienced. This can make grieving individuals feel as if they must ‘progress’ through the stages in a timely manner and that something is wrong if they do not do so. The authors of the various stage models did not make this assumption, however. Instead, they acknowledged that the way grief is expressed, the timing and sequence of stages, the duration for which grief lasts, and the coping responses used were varied. Another criticism is that these models assume that the outcome of the grief process will be a return to a more ‘normal’ psychological state. Some experts, on the contrary, suggest that a person does not ever return to the state of mind prior to the loss, and long-term grief may be normal for some people. This aspect needs further examination of theories before the merit of this criticism can be objectively judged.

Source: Hidden Victims: The Effects of the Death Penalty on Families of the Accused – Susan F. Sharp

1. What is the author’s attitude on the theories suggesting stage models of grief?
A. The author considers these theories plausible.
B. The author finds the stages to be predictable.
C. The author questions the chronological nature of the theories.
D. The author is convinced that a final state of normalcy exists.
E. The author finds similarity among the various stage models.

2. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?
A. The latest theories of grief find their base in the work of Freud.
B. The critics of stage models have incorrectly made certain assumptions about the stage model theories.
C. The ‘coming to normalcy’ idea of stage model theories is incorrectly interpreted by the critics of these theories.
D. The stages of grief are linear and time-bound.
E. Socialization can help in refocusing energy invested in the relationship with the deceased.


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发表于 2023-10-3 16:30:40 | 只看该作者


发表于 2023-10-3 10:23:17 | 只看该作者
1. F研究悲伤,丧亲人的任务是重新投入亲人身上的力量。B 确定了四个阶段;一些人认为悲伤可以预测;悲伤不只是心理的还是生理的,是人重新整合平衡。
2. 两个批评:阶段经历的误解,悲伤的各个阶段是线性的-令悲伤的人认为应该有进展。反-阶段的作者,悲伤应对时间阶段时间都是不同的; 悲伤恢复到更正常的心理状态。反-永远回不到之前的状态,长期悲伤是正常的。需要进一步研究得出客观结论。
发表于 2023-9-28 19:58:27 | 只看该作者
1.引子-Freud:grief -primary tasks- reclaiming the energy that had been invested in the loved one
2.Latter:+role of socialization and the relationship with the deceased
3.Bowlby-grief stage model
4.Others-responses to grief are predictable
5.Recent-grief is not only psychological but also biological

P2:grief stage model的缺点——他人观点
1.misunderstanding about how the stages are experienced: linear (f)-人们assume;但是学者并不这么认为(varied)
2.the outcome of the grief process will be a return to a more ‘normal’ psychological state-some experts thought not return & long-term grief——needs further examination

AB 4'50"
发表于 2023-9-2 16:12:51 | 只看该作者
P1: Freud is considered an early expert on the subject of grief. He thinks the main task of bereaved individual is to reclaim the energy invested in the loved one. Later, Bowlby identified four phases of grief. Stiil, others suggested that the response to grief is predictable regardless of the person's personality. A recent study shows that grief if not only psychological but also biological.

P2: One frequent concerns of the stage models is general misunderstanding about how the stages are experienced. The authors of various stage models acknowledge that there are stages, but the timing and sequence of stages, the duration for which grief lasts, and the coping response used were varied. Another criticism is that these models assume that the outcome of grief process will come back to a normal state. Some experts think that some people might never come back to the previous state. This opinion also needs further explanation.

Author's opinion: introduced a few models about grief and suggested further research to be done.
发表于 2021-7-30 09:22:13 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2021-7-16 23:17:42 | 只看该作者
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