141. Unlike transplants between identical twins, whose genetic endowment is the same, all patients receiving hearts or other organs must take antirejection drugs for the rest of their lives. Unlike transplants between identical twins, whose genetic endowment is the same Besides transplants involving identical twins with the same genetic endowment Unless the transplant involves identical twins who have the same genetic endowment Aside from a transplant between identical twins with the same genetic endowment Other than transplants between identical twins, whose genetic endowment is the same In A and B, the phrases beginning Unlike... and Besides... modify patients, the subject of the main clause; thus A absurdly states that Unlike transplants ..., patients... must take ... drugs, and B that all patients except for transplants... must take ... drugs. In B and D the expression identical twins with the same genetic endowment wrongly suggests that only some identical twin pairs are genetically identical. In E, the construction Other than transplants..., all patients ... must take... drugs illogically suggests, as in B, that some patients are transplants. Choice C, the best answer, solves these problems by using a clause introduced by Unless to describe the exception to the rule and a nonrestrictive clause beginning with who to describe the characteristic attributed to all identical twins.
OG的解释:In B and D the expression identical twins with the same genetic endowment wrongly suggests that only some identical twin pairs are genetically identical. 是说WITH是特指,可用WHOSE从句,是用泛指,是吗?
在这里的中文意思是“除了”的意思, 似乎不需要与所修饰对象必须要比较对等: Apart from also aside from American English 1 except for We didn't see anyone all day, apart from a couple of kids on the beach. Apart from the ending, it's a really good film. see usage note except 1 2 as well as Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops. Quite apart from the cost, we need to think about how much time the job will take.