The China Broadcasting Organization (CBO) is at the forefront of producing original Chinese-themed television shows, mini-series, and movies. These are then licensed exclusively to major television networks across China and are distributed internationally via DVDs and online streaming platforms. With the rise of online streaming, CBO faces challenges in protecting their content against unauthorized distribution. The organization uses licensing fees from television networks to finance its productions and future projects. It also recognizes the need to adapt to the changing landscape where online streaming becomes a significant player in content distribution.
In which year did CBO experience the highest combined revenue from contracts and DVD sales?
A) 2010
B) 2015
C) 2020
D) Cannot be determined from the data provided
How did the change in average licensing fees from 2010 to 2020 compare to the change in DVD sales revenue during the same period?
A) Licensing fees increased more than DVD sales decreased.
B) Licensing fees increased less than DVD sales decreased.
C) Licensing fees and DVD sales both decreased.
D) Cannot be determined from the data provided
Based on the trend shown in the table, what can be inferred about CBO's strategy in response to unauthorized online distribution?
A) CBO is increasing licensing fees to compensate for lost DVD sales.
B) CBO is decreasing the number of contracts to focus on quality over quantity.
C) CBO is shifting its focus entirely to online streaming.
D) Cannot be determined from the data provided
If CBO's DVD sales revenue continues to decline by the same rate from 2015 to 2020, what would be the projected DVD sales revenue for 2025?
A) ¥70 million
B) ¥80 million
C) ¥90 million
D) Cannot be determined from the data provided
garnered: n. 获得;储存
counterproductive. 事与愿违的,起反作用的
1. Introducing the MAR hypothesis is different from the traditional perspective. Our findings also offer limited support
2. hospital competition is counterproductive. MAR hypothesis posits providing high-tech medical services leads to costly duplication of services and reduces care quality.
3. Our study reevaluates evidence supporting MAR