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Attention versus Distraction: The Interactive Effect of Program Involvement and Attentional Devices on Commercial Processing
Kenneth R. Lord and Robert E. Burnkrant
Journal of Advertising
Vol. 22, No. 1 (Mar., 1993), pp. 47-60
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Page Count: 14
Viewer processing of television commercials is influenced by an affective triad of viewer involvement; that is, involvement in a particular program interacts with both the viewer's involvement in the advertising message and with the ad's inherent attention-engaging capacity. Two experiments were conducted to test hypotheses relevant to this theory; the results support the assertion that both program involvement and dramatic attentional devices used in television advertisements, based on their interaction with one another and with viewers' processing motivation, have the capacity to enhance or hinder the generation of viewer thoughts relevant to ad messages. Building on prior studies, this research reveals some of the cognitive processes underlying program involvement as well as demonstrating the interactive nature of that construct in terms of message and audience characteristics.
Program Involvement Literature
TV commercial的播出时间和方式和人们对其态度的关系。开始有个K教授说了,tv commercial的播出对人们的影响程度,和它在哪里播出有关,比如一个很famous的show中间插播广告,人们就对广告不是很上心,反之亦然。 然后第二段又有人说了,这个tv commercial和它播出的方式有关,比如一个talk show 的中间比较natural的break中间播了广告,大家都觉得很自然很好,如果是个tv series,中间很生硬地插广告,大家都会对这个commercial sponsor很反感。 第一个好像叫Bryant(名字挺牛),认为节目的精彩程度和观众对于广告内容的recall程度成反比,节目越无聊,recall越好; 第二个叫Krugman(名字更牛啊),认为观众对待赞助商的态度(attitude toward sponsorship,这个研究角度其实和前面的哥们有区别。有个题就问到了这两个人观点的差别,题眼就在角度的差异上。) Krugman:认为他的研究刚好相反。节目越精彩,观众对广告商的态度越积极(altitude positive),自然反应越好,提到类似脱口秀这类low involvement的节目,观众的态度就不positive。(此处Krugman的观点,有版本说是广告出现在自然中断的和不自然中断的,态度不同。大家考试时注意区分)Lord:提出一种新解释,节目特别精彩的话,观众就没有足够的efficiency去处理广告中的信息了。这实际上是对第一个哥们的发现提供了很好的解释。
Empirical findings regarding the effect of viewer involvement in television programming are varied. It has been argued by some that a high level of program involvement should inhibit viewer processing of commercial messages (Kennedy 1971; Bryant and Comisky 1978; Soldow and Principe 1981; Thorson et al. 1985). This conclusion is based primarily on a finding, generally consistent among the cited studies, that viewers demonstrated better recall for and learning of commercial message content when program involvement was low than when it was high. For example, Bryant and Comisky (1978) found recall highest for a Hamm's beer commercial when it interrupted a minimally involving non-program control stimulus (a moving wave pattern), with recall decreasing somewhat for moderately involving positions in "Banacek," an action-adventure show, and falling substantially at the point of climax for the same program. An alternative view (Krugman 1983) is that commercials increase in their persuasive impact as the level of interest in the program goes up. Krugman's conclusion stems from a finding of less positive viewer attitudes toward a commercial sponsor when advertisements appeared in a "natural break" in a program (operationalized as Barbara Walters and variety segments, assumed to be low in involvement) than when they were aired in an "interrupted context" ("G.E. Theater' and documentaries, assumed to be high in involvement).
On the basis of response times observed prior to and during commercial breaks, Lord and Burnkrant (1988a) concluded that certain program content has the capacity to induce viewers to commit a large proportion of available attentional resources to its processing, thereby minimizing the efficiency with which they can encode and store information conveyed by a commercial. This result is consistent with, and appears to account for, the recall results obtained in earlier studies. In developing a conceptual model to explain "program elaboration" effects, Lord and Burnkrant (1988b) postulated that the presence of an attention-engaging device would moderate the expected impact of high program involvement.
More recently, Murry, Lastovicka and Singh (1992) demonstrated that program involvement had an effect on attitude toward the ad that was independent of program-elicited feelings and liking for the program. While they did not identify the direction of this effect or discuss its implications, its presence highlights the importance of obtaining an enhanced understanding of program involvement effects to complement the growing body of literature which addresses the impact of program-induced affect on commercial processing (Burnkant, Unnava and Lord 1992; Gardner 1985; Goldberg and Gorn 1987; Pavelchak, Antil and Munch 1988; Schumann 1986).
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