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发表于 2019-7-29 13:39:10 | 只看该作者
相叶忍 发表于 2019-7-28 17:48
昨天都没人放 所以我无法更新。巧妇难为无米之炊。谢谢理解。

发表于 2019-7-29 14:08:47 | 只看该作者

The Next Ice Age

But first things first. Isn't the earth actually warming?

Indeed it is, says Joyce. In his cluttered office, full of soft light from the foggy Cape Cod morning, he explains how such warming could actually be the surprising culprit of the next mini-ice age. The paradox is a result of the appearance over the past 30 years in the North Atlantic of huge rivers of freshwater—the equivalent of a 10-foot-thick layer—mixed into the salty sea. No one is certain where the fresh torrents are coming from, but a prime suspect is melting Arctic ice, caused by a buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that traps solar energy.

The freshwater trend is major news in ocean-science circles. Bob Dickson, a British oceanographer who sounded an alarm at a February conference in Honolulu, has termed the drop in salinity and temperature in the Labrador Sea—a body of water between northeastern Canada and Greenland that adjoins the Atlantic—"arguably the largest full-depth changes observed in the modern instrumental oceanographic record."

第一段:说有一个mini-ice age要imminent,原因竟然是全球变暖,然后就解释了一下为什么,就是说南极的冷水流入大西洋,和一个什么洋流碰上了,那个洋流的作用是吧来自tropic(这词不明白)的热量散发到大气里,会让大西洋两边都变暖,剩下的忘了。

The trend could cause a little ice age by subverting the northern penetration of Gulf Stream waters. Normally, the Gulf Stream, laden with heat soaked up in the tropics, meanders up the east coasts of the United States and Canada. As it flows northward, the stream surrenders heat to the air. Because the prevailing North Atlantic winds blow eastward, a lot of the heat wafts to Europe. That's why many scientists believe winter temperatures on the Continent are as much as 36 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than those in North America at the same latitude. Frigid Boston, for example, lies at almost precisely the same latitude as balmy Rome. And some scientists say the heat also warms Americans and Canadians. "It's a real mistake to think of this solely as a European phenomenon," says Joyce.


Having given up its heat to the air, the now-cooler water becomes denser and sinks into the North Atlantic by a mile or more in a process oceanographers call thermohaline circulation. This massive column of cascading cold is the main engine powering a deepwater current called the Great Ocean Conveyor that snakes through all the world's oceans. But as the North Atlantic fills with freshwater, it grows less dense, making the waters carried northward by the Gulf Stream less able to sink. The new mass of relatively fresh water sits on top of the ocean like a big thermal blanket, threatening the thermohaline circulation. That in turn could make the Gulf Stream slow or veer southward. At some point, the whole system could simply shut down, and do so quickly. "There is increasing evidence that we are getting closer to a transition point, from which we can jump to a new state. Small changes, such as a couple of years of heavy precipitation or melting ice at high latitudes, could yield a big response," says Joyce.

发表于 2019-7-29 14:32:00 | 只看该作者

It's a Gas: Trees emit unknown volatile substances
9:22AM, APRIL 29, 2004

The chemical reactions taking place just above a northern Michigan forest hint that trees there and elsewhere may be emitting highly reactive gases that scientists haven't yet identified or directly detected.

By haoz0001一种理论说树木可以exhale一种气体H,在某种情况下或者一定温度下这种气体可以跟两种污染气体结合产生一种雾(haze). 好像还列举了一对其他因素。这种结合好像跟风也有关(忘记了是有影响还是没影响)。一个research对这种雾进行研究,发现haze的量要大于预期。所以得出结论,某些具有H相似功能的气体还未被发现。

Many plants release large quantities of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Some of those substances destroy ground-level ozone, says William H. Brune of Pennsylvania State University in State College. In another type of reaction, VOCs combine with hydroxyl radicals and other atmospheric constituents to produce the aerosol particles in haze (SN: 12/7/02, p. 360).

In the Michigan experiments, which took place within equipment mounted on a tower about 10 meters above 20-m-high treetops, Brune and his colleagues found that the concentration of hydroxyl radicals added to air samples during the experiments dropped much faster than the team could account for by the measured concentrations of 42 known VOCs and other atmospheric gases.


Several lines of evidence suggest that the hydroxyl radicals disappeared when they reacted with unknown VOCs, the researchers suggest in the April 30 Science. For example, concentrations of hydroxyl added to air samples during tests dropped at the same rate, regardless of whether prevailing winds were bringing clean air from Canada or polluted air from urban areas. Therefore, the phantom VOCs probably hadn't been produced by human activity, says Brune.


Also, the air samples' effect on hydroxyl during the tests varied according to the prevailing temperature. Other scientists have found that atmospheric concentrations of known tree-emitted VOCs, such as isoprene and terpenes, vary similarly. Because the anomalous effects occurred both day and night, the phantom VOCs probably aren't related to isoprene, which is emitted by vegetation only during daylight hours.


So far, chemical analyses of air samples haven't turned up any candidates for the unidentified gases. "We're not sure what these compounds are, but they're definitely there," says Brune.

The new research is "beautiful confirmation" of the notion that trees emit more types of highly reactive VOCs than are generally acknowledged, says Allen H. Goldstein, an atmospheric chemist at the University of California, Berkeley. His previous studies of the amounts of ozone absorbed by trees in a California pine forest also suggest the presence of unidentified VOCs. He proposes that they're related to terpenes.

Brune and his colleagues' arguments are "reasonably compelling," agrees Roger Atkinson of the University of California, Riverside. The work gives scientists a new group of atmospheric chemicals to look for, he says. The new data suggest that atmospheric concentrations of the purported VOCs above forests are about 1 part in 2 billion.


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发表于 2019-7-29 15:04:49 | 只看该作者
Market Price Variation, Perceived Price Variation, and Consumers' Price Search Decisions for Durable Goods
Dhruv Grewal and Howard Marmorstein
Journal of Consumer Research
Vol. 21, No. 3 (Dec., 1994), pp. 453-460
Published by: Oxford University Press
Page Count: 8

Previous studies have consistently found that most consumers undertake relatively little prepurchase search for durable goods and do even less price-comparison shopping despite the reported importance of price to consumers' purchase decisions. This article proposes and tests two possible explanations for why consumers' willingness to engage in price search does not increase concomitantly with the price variation of durable goods. The first potential explanation, that consumers simply underestimate the market price variation, was not supported. The second possible explanation, which builds upon Weber's law of psychophysics and Thaler's transaction utility theory, was supported. The data indicate that the psychological utility that a consumer derives from saving a fixed amount of money is inversely related to the price of the item. In this case, even if consumers believe that the price variation of more expensive items tends to be greater, their motivation to spend time in price-comparison shopping for these items may not increase as much as expected.

con‧com‧i‧tant (adjective formal) = existing or happening together, especially as a result of something

A second possible explanation for the relatively low level of price search by consumers builds upon Weber‘s law of psychophysics and Thaler’s transaction utility theory (1985). Weber’s law suggests that an individual‘s response to a change in a stimulus will he inversely related to the absolute magnitude of the original stimulus. Likewise, Thaler‘s transaction utility theory suggests that the psychological utility that a consumer derives from saving a fixed amount of money, say $20, is inversely related to the price of the item. In this case, even if consumers believe that the price variation of more expensive items tends to be greater, their motivation to spend time in price-comparison shopping for these items may NOT increase as much as predicted by transaction utility theory. Throughout the remainder of the article, we define consumers' tendency to assess the utility of price savings as a proportion of the item‘s price as the “psychophysics-of-price heuristic." Thus, the consumer implicitly translates the expected savings from price search into relative terms rather than absolute dollars.

2.只 记得举了个例子:微波炉 100元电视机 200 元,同样省 20 元的话消费者貌似在挑微波炉 上会花更多时间(因为价格高的产品使用的更久,所以平均每日分摊更小?)

Consider, for example, a consumer who believes that she/he can obtain a $2.0 savings on a $100 microwave oven and obtain a $20 price reduction on a $400 television by shopping further. The consumer may be inclined to pursue further price search for the $20 savings on the microwave oven because it appears that the relative savings are dramatically higher. Normatively, the two cases are identical in that the consumer's economic cost and expected benefit of price search are the same and should result in the same intention to undertake price-comparison shopping.

It is interesting that the use of the psychophysics-of-price heuristic would reduce consumers' search for more expensive items and thus would have important economic consequences (i.e., greater market price variation) at the aggregate, market level. Specifically, this heuristic could help explain Pratt et al.‘s (1979) observation that the actual market price variation of standardized items (i.e., with brand, model, and features held constant) is directly related to their mean market price. Therefore, a supplementary goal of this article is to provide an empirical examination of the relationship between the market price variation of standardized products and their mean market price and to explain this relationship in terms of the psychophysics-of-price heuristic.


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发表于 2019-7-29 15:14:43 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-7-29 15:23:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-7-29 15:42:14 | 只看该作者
The Psychic Distance Paradox
Shawna O'Grady and Henry W. Lane
Journal of International Business Studies
Vol. 27, No. 2 (2nd Qtr., 1996), pp. 309-333
Published by: Palgrave Macmillan Journals
Page Count: 25

Companies tend to begin their internationalization process in countries that are 'psychically' close. Researchers describe the sequence of entry that firms follow and the mode of entry they choose. They suggest that psychically close countries are more easily understood than distant ones; and offer more familiar operating environments. Although not prescriptive, an unstated conclusion can be drawn linking sequence of entry to performance. Evidence from thirty-two Canadian retail companies shows that only seven (22%) were functioning successfully in the United States. The psychic distance paradox is that operations in psychically close countries are not necessarily easy to manage, because assumptions of similarity can prevent executives from learning about critical differences. Moreover, empirical evidence from 271 CEOs confirms greater cultural differences between Canada and the U.S. than assumed previously. Modifications are suggested to improve the psychic distance concept.


It has been argued in the international business literature that companies begin the internationalization process in countries that are psychically close before venturing to more distant countries [Johanson and Vahlne 1992]. If this description is accurate, then Canadian companies would be expected to begin in the United States which is not only the closest but also, in many ways, the most similar country to Canada. Indeed, evidence from the retail industry indicates that firms have followed this pattern.

The literature on the internationalization process describes the sequence of market entry that firms follow when internationalizing. This sequence reflects a gradual, learning through experience process. What is not explicit in the literature is why firms follow this pattern. Researchers have suggested that entering countries that are psychically close reduces the level of uncertainty firms face in the new market [Johanson and Vahlne 1992]; and that psychically close countries are easier for companies to learn about [Kogut and Singh 1988]. Such explanations seem logical and implicitly support the conclusion that beginning in psychically close countries should improve a company’s chances of success in these markets. Although the literature is not prescriptive, an unstated conclusion can be drawn from it linking sequence of entry to performance. There is an implicit assumption that psychically close countries are more similar, and that similarity is easier for firms to manage than dissimilarity, thereby making it more likely that they will succeed in similar markets.

Although sequence of entry is an important consideration, we believe that one limitation of this literature is that it does not address how the perceived psychic distance between countries affects the decisionmakers’ choice of entry or the organization’s ultimate performance in the new market. This research presents evidence demonstrating that starting the internationalization process by entering a country psychically close to home may result in poor performance and, possibly, failure. We refer to this as the psychic distance paradox. Instead of psychically close countries being easy to enter and to do business in, we argue that perceived similarity can cause decisionmakers to fail because they do not prepare for the differences. The failure lies in the managerial decision making aspect of the internationalization process, to which international business researchers have not paid enough attention [Johanson and Vahlne 1992]. In addition, even in psychically close countries such as Canada and the United States, there may be significant differences that can affect the ability of managers to conduct business. What appears on the surface to be psychically close may, in reality, be more distant than expected.

第二段说了个反例。说加拿大的很多公司向外国扩张的时候,扩张到美国的只有22%,很少。因为什么我忘了。。。 by funingfs
然后还举了例子:加拿大vs美国,说有三十几个加拿大公司发展到了美国,但其实只有几个公司真正在美国成功了。之后就开始分析原因为什么这种方法不好,因为各个国家的characteristics是用standard measures来衡量的,ignore了很多方面(有题),然而现实中公司在别的类似国家发展的时候会遇到更多两个国家不同的地方。

This research was exploratory in nature and focused on the performance of Canadian retail companies that entered the United States. With the American retail market worth more than $1.5 trillion, there is a very powerful incentive for Canadian retailers to understand how to compete in this market. Consistent with internationalization theory, domestically successful companies entered a country that is not only the closest physically, but probably the most similar country to Canada. However, of the thirty-two Canadian retail companies that entered the United States market, almost 80% failed and only seven (22%) were continuing to function successfully [Evans, Lane and O’Grady 1992]. The high failure rate suggests that there may be a paradox, or inherent contradiction, within internationalization theory and the psychic distance concept, and that executives cannot always rely upon measures of psychic distance when making their internationalization decisions.

The purpose of this paper is to use the experience of Canadian retailers entering the United States to analyze the psychic distance concept in greater detail and to suggest some possible qualifications that could improve its use in research and practice. First, a summary of the psychic distance concept is presented, as well as the evidence in the literature positioning Canada and the United States as being culturally close. Next, the results from both clinical and questionnaire data show areas in which cultural and business differences manifested themselves, as well as empirical evidence of these cultural differences. Then, the paradox inherent in the psychic distance concept is explored, which explains how the perception of a country as having a small psychic distance from one’s own can lead decisionmakers to a number of faulty assumptions, creating an inability to learn about that country. Some recommendations are provided to help companies learn in these situations. Finally, we explore the psychic distance concept in greater depth, and propose some qualifications to it. The results of this study suggest that the psychic distance concept is more complex than is generally recognized in the literature and should be explored more fully.

It is no surprise that Canada and the United States are so close to each other in both rankings given their  proximity and apparent cultural similarities. From their review of eight  comparative studies of attitudes and values conducted through the 1960s and 1970s, Ronen and Shenkar [1985] found that Canada and the United States were consistently in the same Anglo cluster. In addition, they were very close to each other in Hofstede's [1980] original research. It is reasonable to assume a substantial degree of cultural similarity between the two countries.

physical distance,有一个题目"the difficultpart of physical distance according to the standard distance"是什么,
选的是有national regional对比的个选项,别的感觉都不靠谱。
还有一篇是讲那个perceived distance(好像)就是本来两个距离比较近文化背景相似的国家,一个国家的公司在另一个国家应该发展比较好,但用加拿大domestic firms在美国的发展距离返例,给了一个数据,然后说对加拿大公司管理层还是ceo进行采访调查,就说其实perceived distance due to regional(有这词,因为除了个题选了含regional的选项)factors要比用national perception算出来的perceived distance要大。

However, a limitation of the current indices used is that they measure cultural or psychic distance at a very high level of aggregation that may hide important variations. Measuring distance at the national level may overlook regional differences that exist within countries; cultural and structural differences that  may exist by industry; and individual differences and experiences. For  example, a firm that hires managers with significant experience in a target market that is distant from the culture of the firm's home country would have  a much smaller psychic distance from that market than measurements at national levels of aggregation would indicate. One contribution of this research is that it investigates the concept of psychic distance at industry and firm level.


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发表于 2019-7-29 17:43:24 | 只看该作者
相叶忍 发表于 2019-7-28 17:48
昨天都没人放 所以我无法更新。巧妇难为无米之炊。谢谢理解。

发表于 2019-7-29 19:37:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-7-30 09:29:55 | 只看该作者
The Latino Reader: An American Literary Tradition from 1542 to the Present Paperback – March 26, 1997
by Harold Augenbraum  (Editor), Margarite Fern\Xe1ndez Olmos (Editor)

Latino literature is generally regarded as a twentieth-century phenomenon; beginning in the 1960s, Chicano and Puerto Rican authors, then Cuban Americans and more recent Latino arrivals, have produced a substantial and impressive body of writing. While writers in Latin America were establishing what has been called the “boom” of Latin American narrative, their U.S. counterparts were forging a distinct tradition in poetry, drama, and friction in their own voices. What this anthology hopes to demonstrate, however, is that the spectacular flowering of U.S. Latino letters from the  1960s onward grew from seeds carefully and painstakingly sown by earlier writers. Their lonely efforts often went unrecognized by mainstream critics as well as by younger Latino authors, who were frequently unaware of their existence.
similiary(高亮,有考题,问你这个smiliary的作用,有迷惑选项说 说明2个拉美文学作者都是因为是拉美裔的才被人埋没的,其实不是的,没有关于第一个女人的出身信息。我选了,2个人的contribution都被低估了)
第二段讲那两个作家了女作家morgan先用spanish根据自己亲身经历写的书(一本叫THE CONFICT还是什么,是关于墨西哥革命,然后她在里面做战地护士。)没受重视,翻成英文还是不受重视,后来到了1994(当时看到这里忍不住笑了),出于为了重视拉丁文学,她的作品终于发表了。同样地,有一个诗人Williams用拉丁文写诗,不被学者认为是什么美国文学史的一部分,也都没有被归到什么里面(类似荣誉称号之类的),有人在1994年出了个不知道是research还是study的名字叫“…Williams…”使得他的诗引起了重视,才广获好评。

A case in point is the novel The Rebelby Leonor Villegas de Magnón. The work is based on the author’s fascinating experience as the founder of a nursing corps that attended to the revolutionary forces in the Texas/Mexico border region during the Mexican Revolution. Frustrated in her attempts to have the novel published in Spanish in the 1920s, Villegas de Magnón later wrote a version in English in the 1940s, but it met a similar fate. Thanks to the efforts of contemporary scholars and the foresight of editors dedicated to promoting Latino literature, the novel was finally published in 1994. It stands as another challenge to the stereotypical misconceptions regarding Mexican Americans, particularly women, of that era. Similarly, for decades the poet William Carlos Williams was not included in the sphere of U.S. Latino culture due to the lack of appreciation of his profound Puerto Rican and Spanish-American roots. Recent scholarly research, however, has demonstrated that this important precursor of modern American poetry is truly worthy of the distinction; his poetic sensibilities have been shown to reflect a more hemispheric/New World application of the term “American.”
关于第二个例子补充一下,那个西语作家的名字应该是William Carlos Williams。然后后面有提到另一个作家叫Julio Marzan写了一本书关于研究William Carlos Williams的Spanish root对他文学的影响。这本书书名叫"The Spanish American Roots of William Carlos Williams".  亚马逊上有卖这本书,呵呵。

What was not explored in any depth until Julio Marzán’s ground-breaking study The Spanish American Roots of William Carlos Williams (1994) is the profoundly Latin American origin of Williams’s poetry, which was influenced in great measure by his parents, particularly his mother. His American vision cannot be totally appreciated without an understanding of the wide variety of cultural sources that informed his work. His upbringing as a bilingual, bicultural child and his lifelong ambivalence toward his cultural origins reflect the feelings of many children of immigrants in the United States. Commenting on Williams’s need to “possess” America due to his “mixed ancestry,” Marzán observes the following: “Here Williams was discussing In the American Grain and, as in that book, the ‘America” in question is not narrowly the United States, but the hemispheric America that Columbus stumbled onto. Elena’s being from Puerto Rica, one of the sites where Columbus is believed to have actually set foot, and from a Spanish-speaking line that mingled its blood with the continent, made that ‘America’ Williams’ legacy. He was an American and a ‘pure product of America’ because of his mother was Puerto Rican.”

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