ii. Kingauther---CR摘录
a. 基础好的:lawyer方法
b. 基础差的(题干在规定时间内读不懂/<650):1.tricky: CR机经(不是nature)
2.Nature是读懂:how => 读完BIBLE
tips: 对于基础差的,不要轻易说自己读懂了,即使现在读懂了,在模考中、实考中能读懂?so 最好还是练习,内功提升后,武功秘籍都是相同的,甚至可以自己写
“时限内读懂” 的方法:
A. 材料OG
B. 使用步骤:
1. 只读题干,写逻辑链条(用时...秒) :除此以外,其他不做 (形成题干内部逻辑层次感)
2. 重复1:是对1的加深&验证。
3.只去phrase选项,(可以参照BIBLE CR的正确选项特征,也可以自己去pharse,关键是训练phrase正确选项的思维),不去读选项:
a. 练weaken phrase: 所有的WEAKEN, STRENGTHEN, ASSUMPTION的题都拿出来,将他们的逻辑链条,统统weaken一遍。
b. 练strength phrase:所有的WEAKEN, STRENGTHEN, ASSUMPTION的题都拿出来,将他们的逻辑链条,统统strengthen一遍。
c. assumption phrase: 只做相应的assumption题就够了。
示例: OG12-30.
Robot satellites relay important communications and identify weather patterns. Because the satellites can be repaired only in orbit, astronauts are needed to repair them. Without repairs, the satellites would eventually malfunction. Therefore, space flights carrying astronauts must continue. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument above?
1.Conclusion: the aircraft with astonuauts must continue; Premsie: because the satellites could be repaired only in the orbit, and if not to be repaired, the satellites will be malfunction. 就这样,将OG12的124道CR题逻辑链条书写一遍。只写逻辑链条,不phrase,忍住啊。
2.Conclusion: the aircraft with the astronauts should be continued. Premise: the satellites need to be repaired and if the satellites is not repaired, the satellites will be malfunction 就这样,将OG12的124道CR题逻辑链条书再写一遍。同样,只写逻辑链条,不phrase,继续忍住啊。
首先,练习weaken phrase: 自己Phrase 一个会Weak逻辑链条的答案:The new aircraft with the robot engineers who could repair the satellites in the orbit is more effective at repairing satellites error 就这样,将OG12中的WEAKEN, STRGTHEN,ASSUMPTION,和EVALUATION所有题从EXCEL表中filter出来。读自己第二遍整理出来的这些题的逻辑链条后,只去phrase 如何weak这个逻辑链条。
然后,练习strengthen phrase 自己Phrase 一个会strengthen逻辑链条的答案:The astronauts work more effectively than the robots to repair the malfunction of satellites. 就这样,将OG12中的WEAKEN, STRGTHEN,ASSUMPTION,和EVALUATION所有题从EXCEL表中filter出来。读自己第二遍整理出来的这些题的逻辑链条后,只去phrase 如何strengthen这个逻辑链条。
其次,练习assumption phrase---只去做相应的assumption题就够了。 OG12-50. Although computers can enhance people's ability to communicate, computer games are a cause of
underdeveloped communication skills in children. After-school hours spent playing computer games are
hours not spent talking with people. Therefore, children who spend all their spare time playing these games have less experience in interpersonal communication than other children have. 自己Phrase 一个assumption题型的答案: Except the after-school hours, the children who spend more time on the computer will not be more likely to communicate with others 就这样,将OG12中的ASSUMPTION题从EXCEL表中filter出来。读自己第二遍整理出来的这些题的逻辑链条后,只去phrase 如何assumption。
4. OG12-120. The earliest Mayan pottery found at Colha, in Belize, is about 3,000 years old. Recently, however, 4,500-year-old stone agricultural implements were unearthed at Colha. These implements resemble Mayan stone implements of a much later period, also found at Colha. Moreover, the implements' designs are strikingly different from the designs of stone implements produced by other cultures known to have inhabited the area in prehistoric times. Therefore, there were surely Mayan settlements in Colha 4,500 years ago. 仅仅书写逻辑链条(记录所用时间): Conclusion: The M lived there 4500 years ago. Premise: because the stone implement dated to be 4500 years ago is likely to be M. Furthermore, the stone implement is not likely to be other civilizations. 就这样,将不停重复直到所有124道OG12题的书写逻辑链条的时间小于30s。
5. 错误选项分类五花八门,无论大家曾经用过哪些方法,都可以的(个人认为,BIBLE CR会清晰些)。重要的是通过专项训练形成对某一类选项的强烈反射。
练习了第一遍,和第二遍之后,会对CR题干形成一个框架,再怎么变CR就是这么个框架, 而且实战中,我一直在找可以囊括这四句话的题,记得只有一道题,其他题俩三句话就是个题干了(这4句话可能顺序会打乱): 1st sentence: Context(lots of professional words,Names or Places,出题人用来吓唬人的,下面有写具体解决方法。); 2nd sentence: Some.. /Phenomenon / Problem; 3rd sentence : However;moreover;other… /Phenomenon / Plan to solve the problem/; 4th sentence: Thus/therefore,…
TIPS:练习时候的可能用到的: context中的那些吓人单词: 简单化-- 长的公司名字,组织名字或则生物名词,简单化后,就是公司,机构,器官或细胞; 第二句到第四句中绕来绕去的逻辑关系: 形象化-- 尽量想象成自己熟悉的流程或则对象,比如OG12-34,feed cattles and chickens题, 就想象自己在农场里喂这些动物; OG12-112,俩个国家的电视进出口比较, 就想象american and china;
当不注意身体锻炼,长期久坐——颈椎不好,体能下降。 这一点毕业工作几年的很多人都遇到过。(agree) 1. 每2天1小时中医穴位颈椎按摩,持续2个月。(but正规的、手法好的,非保健按摩) 2. 网上买了个可以折叠的电脑架,这个非常棒,在公司大家也都用,它可以调整高度。二战3个半月里,我没办法,都是站着做题 3. 一次最多最多看书2小时,然后去运动,或做饭,打扫房间。
上700必须答完题? 我VERBAL 8道题没答完,从第四篇RC开始。但是还是上700了。
我的战略是:1.诚实原则,会的就努力做对,不会的坚决放弃。 模考时候,为了抢时间答完,经常读不懂题,瞎选,然后会造成连错,连错扣分比没答完还多。 2.不快不慢。太快了读不懂题,太慢了太多题答不完也不行。 就像柳岩:老娘的确是走性感路线的,但是老娘也是有底线的。8道题没答完,也真到了底线了。。。